Here comes Kemper. Bye Felicias

Re: UK Idioms/colloquialisms

The only reference I know for “shandy“ is that of lemonade and ale mixed together.

What kind of cockney BS is going on here?
Well I think you have the 1st four letters from cockney relatively correct! :grin Throwing some ale into the mix never hurts either . . . :beer
TGP had a thread about liquid profiling and it got deleted. Lol nothing suspicious at all.

Because, during the evolution of the thread, a few posters made comments that were critical to a certain engineer/personality who is the owner/founder of a digital modeling company. Specifically, the criticism is related to this individual's childish public behavior and his chronic trash-talk of his competitor(s), in order to puff up his company and his achievements -- always at the expense of, and belittlement of a competitor's creation, innovation and solutions. The latest example is his public claim of patent infringement with implicit threat of lawsuit.

The other forum (TGP) has an owner, as well as moderators, that are very protective of said individual (and his company). Hence the complete deletion, purge and memory-holing of the thread.
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Because, during the evolution of the thread, a few posters made comments that were critical to a certain engineer/personality who is the owner/founder of a digital modeling company. Specifically, the criticism is related to this individual's childish public behavior and his chronic trash-talk of his competitor(s), in order to puff up his company and his achievements -- always at the expense of, and belittlement of a competitor's creation, innovation and solutions. The latest example is public claim of patent infringement and implicit threat of lawsuit.
Speaking of belittlement 😆
Because, during the evolution of the thread, a few posters made comments that were critical to a certain engineer/personality who is the owner/founder of a digital modeling company. Specifically, the criticism is related to this individual's childish public behavior and his chronic trash-talk of his competitor(s), in order to puff up his company and his achievements -- always at the expense of, and belittlement of a competitor's creation, innovation and solutions. The latest example is public claim of patent infringement and implicit threat of lawsuit.
You’re a little light on the facts. A moderator could have easily deleted a handful of posts if that was actually the case, and left the rest of the thread intact.

They both have patents, and no one has proven he doesn’t have an infringement claim.
You’re a little light on the facts. A moderator could have easily deleted a handful of posts if that was actually the case, and left the rest of the thread intact.

They both have patents, and no one has proven he doesn’t have an infringement claim.

Sure, it is conceivable I could be wrong. Do you have another theory?

Why didn't TGP simply lock the thread, with a closing explanation by a moderator? Instead, the entire thread has simply vanished.
Nothing makes sense, when it comes to the censorial behavior of that other forum.

Which gives it’s members all the power to pull assumptions out of their ass in regards to what actually happened.

Still find it interesting that TGP still gets cited as a protector of Cliff when they banned him for pointing out how sh*tty their moderation was and there’s what, 4 FAS product owners over there at this point that just get called fanboys whenever they write anything remotely positive about Fractal. :rofl
Which gives it’s members all the power to pull assumptions out of their ass in regards to what actually happened.

Still find it interesting that TGP still gets cited as a protector of Cliff when they banned him for pointing out how sh*tty their moderation was and there’s what, 4 FAS product owners over there at this point that just get called fanboys whenever they write anything remotely positive about Fractal. :rofl

..."Pull assumption out of their ass"

A bit hyperbolic, IMHO. I would say it is a reasonable, educated guess...which more than likely originated from my left armpit.
Sure, it is conceivable I could be wrong. Do you have another theory?

Why didn't TGP simply lock the thread, with a closing explanation by a moderator? Instead, the entire thread has simply vanished.
It would only be speculation. So I’ll skip it.

Though I don’t think it’s likely out favor to Cliff.
Because, during the evolution of the thread, a few posters made comments that were critical to a certain engineer/personality who is the owner/founder of a digital modeling company. Specifically, the criticism is related to this individual's childish public behavior and his chronic trash-talk of his competitor(s), in order to puff up his company and his achievements -- always at the expense of, and belittlement of a competitor's creation, innovation and solutions. The latest example is his public claim of patent infringement with implicit threat of lawsuit.

The other forum (TGP) has an owner, as well as moderators, that are very protective of said individual (and his company). Hence the complete deletion, purge and memory-holing of the thread.
How do you square this with TGP's protectionism over the Quad Cortex and subsequent banning of Cliff after bringing lack of disclosures to the admin's attention?

The official record is he was banned for posting a Dunning Krueger graph with an arrow that said "you are here" at the peak of stupidity, which I found hilarious tbh, but the sensitive souls over at TGP obviously did not.

IMHO, he was banned for other reasons than that.
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How do you square this with TGP's protectionism over the Quad Cortex and subsequent banning of Cliff after bringing lack of disclosures to the admin's attention?

The official record is he was banned for posting a Dunning Krueger graph with an arrow that said "you are here" at the peak of stupidity, which I found hilarious tbh, but the sensitive souls over at TGP obviously did not.

IMHO, he was banned for other reasons than that.

I think the technical reason he was banned, as per TGP, was for questioning the mods when he made a point about Donnie being on his 15th alt. It just happened in the same day as that perfectly placed Dunning Krueger post when tubthumper was trying to tell him the AxeFX should be more like the Marshall Code. :rofl
It would only be speculation. So I’ll skip it.

Though I don’t think it’s likely out favor to Cliff.

Well, since TGP never deigns to explain the reasons for completely memory-holing an entire thread, when it occurs), I might offer a completely different speculation.

Instead of cronyism and favoritism, how about the motivation behind this latest censorship event being hyper-defensive and ass-covering (to use a technical term). Maybe they were threatened with legal measures by the party in question?
Well, since TGP never deigns to explain the reasons for completely memory-holing an entire thread, when it occurs), I might offer a completely different speculation.

Instead of cronyism and favoritism, how about the motivation behind this latest censorship event being hyper-defensive and ass-covering (to use a technical term). Maybe they were threatened with legal measures by the party in question?

Maybe they just don’t want the rest of the world to see how f*cking stupid some of their members are.
Well, since TGP never deigns to explain the reasons for completely memory-holing an entire thread, when it occurs), I might offer a completely different speculation.

Instead of cronyism and favoritism, how about the motivation behind this latest censorship event being hyper-defensive and ass-covering (to use a technical term). Maybe they were threatened with legal measures by the party in question?

I remember a thread, 1000 pages long… Epic thread… Banished to the bit-bucket forever…

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