Here comes Kemper. Bye Felicias

spraying go away GIF
Maybe they just don’t want the rest of the world to see how f*cking stupid some of their members are.

Always a possibility...but ranking perhaps slightly lower in probability of being the fact in the matter. Nevertheless, I sense a cautionary warning against speculation, in your kind reply. I will desist in making any further remarks on the topic.
Always a possibility...but ranking perhaps slightly lower in probability of being the fact in the matter. Nevertheless, I sense a cautionary warning against speculation, in your kind reply. I will desist in making any further remarks on the topic.

You’re allowed to say whatever you like here, you just found yourself on a forum where nearly everyone in this thread has been banned at TGP and a good number of us were banned during a period they were very seemingly protecting a company. We at least had proof that TGP were aware there were bad actors working on a company’s behalf and did nothing about it until someone went public with it in a thread. I don’t think anyone here would disagree that TGP picks and chooses who and how they moderate at will.

But the reality is, it’s been over a year since Cliff has posted there, there’s rarely any new threads on Fractal products unless it’s someone promoting a video. There’s absolutely nothing to indicate TGP is protecting Fractal, they simply don’t need to due to the lack of Fractal-related discussion outside of the 3-5 guys there that stick around TGP and own a Fractal unit. TGP easily has the biggest amount of Fractal Camp Survivors out of any gear forum on the internet, they far overshadow actual Fractal product owners at this point in time.

TGP does have rules about cross-forum posting though, I didn’t see the last few pages of that thread so I don’t know how it looked when it was removed but if the better part of conversation were about Cliff and sh*t being said on other forums that aren’t TGP, there’s your answer. To add, why would TGP feel the need to “protect” Cliff when Cliff is saying the same things on his own forum, or this one?
For what it's worth; whether the great minds of this space (Cliff, Christoph, DI and the L6 peeps) get along or despise each other; there is no denying they are all geniuses in their fields. And I give them all the credit in the world for that :beer

New sub-forum idea: The REAL Modeler Wars. Only participants allowed are the patent owners for Fractal, Helix, Kemper, QC, Nux, Prime. We can sell tickets and fund this place for the next 10 years!
You’re allowed to say whatever you like here, you just found yourself on a forum where nearly everyone in this thread has been banned at TGP and a good number of us were banned during a period they were very seemingly protecting a company. We at least had proof that TGP were aware there were bad actors working on a company’s behalf and did nothing about it until someone went public with it in a thread. I don’t think anyone here would disagree that TGP picks and chooses who and how they moderate at will.

But the reality is, it’s been over a year since Cliff has posted there, there’s rarely any new threads on Fractal products unless it’s someone promoting a video. There’s absolutely nothing to indicate TGP is protecting Fractal, they simply don’t need to due to the lack of Fractal-related discussion outside of the 3-5 guys there that stick around TGP and own a Fractal unit. TGP easily has the biggest amount of Fractal Camp Survivors out of any gear forum on the internet, they far overshadow actual Fractal product owners at this point in time.

TGP does have rules about cross-forum posting though, I didn’t see the last few pages of that thread so I don’t know how it looked when it was removed but if the better part of conversation were about Cliff and sh*t being said on other forums that aren’t TGP, there’s your answer. To add, why would TGP feel the need to “protect” Cliff when Cliff is saying the same things on his own forum, or this one?

I appreciate your thoughts and perspective on the matter. I also appreciate, very much, the encouraging words reinforcing freedom of speech and dialog, here on The Gear Forum.

Whatever the reason for the deletion of that thread, it is a shame, because there was some good info. and content related to the actual subject of the thread -- i.e., the new Kemper hybrid modeling/profiling technique. I absolutely accept the possibility that I could be completely wrong with either of the two speculative scenarios I posited for TGP scuttling the thread. I just can't happen to notice a pattern of strange (and obnoxious) removal of entire conversations/threads, after pages and pages of interesting and often useful information has been presented. Poof. Gone.

For goodness sake, if a specific post or groups of posts is illicit to their terms of service, by all means, delete them (with an explanation)...but why trash an entire thread that has built up valuable content. It is also frustrating and dismissive to the contributors to that thread, who spent time to share and write up their thoughts, experience, expertise, etc.., only to have their contributions and work extinguished at the push of a button. Since there is never a formal explanation -- it is the apparent cavalier and capricious nature of the censorship that is so galling.
I appreciate your thoughts and perspective on the matter. I also appreciate, very much, the encouraging words reinforcing freedom of speech and dialog, here on The Gear Forum.

Whatever the reason for the deletion of that thread, it is a shame, because there was some good info. and content related to the actual subject of the thread -- i.e., the new Kemper hybrid modeling/profiling technique. I absolutely accept the possibility that I could be completely wrong with either of the two speculative scenarios I posited for TGP scuttling the thread. I just can't happen to notice a pattern of strange (and obnoxious) removal of entire conversations/threads, after pages and pages of interesting and often useful information has been presented. Poof. Gone.

For goodness sake, if a specific post or groups of posts is illicit to their terms of service, by all means, delete them (with an explanation)...but why trash an entire thread that has built up valuable content. It is also frustrating and dismissive to the contributors to that thread, who spent time to share and write up their thoughts, experience, expertise, etc.., only to have their contributions and work extinguished at the push of a button. Since there is never a formal explanation -- it is the apparent cavalier and capricious nature of the censorship that is so galling.

Really, I think those mods (I believe there are 5) are so inundated with reports on a regular basis it’s just easier for them to trash a whole thread than start digging for context. I’ve certainly given them sh*t for not caring about context before and the Cliff situation is a perfect example of that-

User gets banned numerous times for trolling and being a giant turd, user has a particular fascination with Cliff, multiple people tell TGP “Hey, this guy is back on another alt” and nothing happens, troll keeps picking at Cliff in every post, nothing happens, Cliff points out to the mods “Hey, I thought coming back with an alt was breaking forum rules?” Cliff gets banned.

That forum makes $6,000,000 a f*ckin’ year and they still have mods volunteering. Those dudes must be into some serious BDSM sh*t because I wouldn’t be dealing with that sh*t for free, that’s for sure, but the only people who really get screwed in the end are the forum users themselves.

As for that specific thread, I’m not sure what was useful and what wasn’t as no one outside of 1 guy who said he beta tested it knows anymore info than the Tone Junkies vid gave in the first post, after that it was speculation and insults. From a moderator of a much smaller forum perspective, I could certainly imagine a TGP mod saying “Well, there’s two threads on the same subject, no new info and this one is full of cross-forum drama, so bye bye it goes”

(And FWIW, we just don’t allow politics/religion/racism/bigotry outside of that you can call me a sh*thead all you want and won’t get banned for it :rofl)
I appreciate your thoughts and perspective on the matter. I also appreciate, very much, the encouraging words reinforcing freedom of speech and dialog, here on The Gear Forum.

Whatever the reason for the deletion of that thread, it is a shame, because there was some good info. and content related to the actual subject of the thread -- i.e., the new Kemper hybrid modeling/profiling technique. I absolutely accept the possibility that I could be completely wrong with either of the two speculative scenarios I posited for TGP scuttling the thread. I just can't happen to notice a pattern of strange (and obnoxious) removal of entire conversations/threads, after pages and pages of interesting and often useful information has been presented. Poof. Gone.

For goodness sake, if a specific post or groups of posts is illicit to their terms of service, by all means, delete them (with an explanation)...but why trash an entire thread that has built up valuable content. It is also frustrating and dismissive to the contributors to that thread, who spent time to share and write up their thoughts, experience, expertise, etc.., only to have their contributions and work extinguished at the push of a button. Since there is never a formal explanation -- it is the apparent cavalier and capricious nature of the censorship that is so galling.
The value on that thread was gone probably 20 pages before its deletion. We'll have another one when the feature releases that will hopefully be more useful.

Mods may hide threads to clean them up and then restore them or they just don't want to deal with that and end up simply closing or downright deleting them.
I just remembered ...... over there, the OP / creator of any thread can delete their own thread ..... I don't know who that was, but maybe they (?) thought it had become a totally pointless sh$tshow ?? and that's why its gone ??
