Here comes Kemper. Bye Felicias

Liquid profiling (optional tone stack that will evidently help the Kemper EQ react as the amp it profiles would)

USB Audio

Those are the two main takeaways

Cool thanks. The lack of ability to change normal tonestack stuff later is what has always kept me in modeling land and out of profiling. I know it had some gain and eq stuff but I just want normal amp controls. I still don’t see myself moving to Kemper as the L6 and fractal basic approach (block and routing flexibility) is more my speed. But if this tonestack approach works as intended maybe a Kemper could find its way into my world, really need it in something like a tonex hardware package though. I’m not hauling a toaster plus a helix floor to a gig.

We’ll see… Cool update though, curious to see what happens with this patent issue.

I don't. The inability to turn down the gain without the profile sounding poor is a major knock against the Kemper.
Ideally you just get a profile of a lower gain but yeah certainly a drawback. Most retailers have a return policy for the Kemper. Fractal has 14 day?
Planning to buy an Axe FX III and figured I'd see what the Kemper offers before I buy the Axe FX III just in case. The Kemper doesn't seem to sound as good in my opinion. Hope those that have one enjoy it, though.
I remember back in 2011/2012, they had some aliasing issue that they "fixed" - well... I'm skeptical that they fixed it fully.
You can turn the gain down in all sorts of gained up profiles and get good tones. Turning up the gain from where it was captured can be a crap shoot.
And, when i used morphing with a pedal, i always had the best gain profile set, and would morph down to great cleans. It was so easy and natural sounding to my ears. Nothing came close to it. And just engaging the pedal had all this goodness in between back all the way back up to my higher gain profile. and it was so simple to set up on the device.

So when Christoph says he is doing something, i am for sure paying attention. The man is brilliant and a non hype dude.

I haven’t even owned a Kemper in years. I loved it. I just wanted more control, the fun factor wasn’t there for me, but tone for days as they say.
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Eliminate the competition hard at work.

Aye, and there's evidence to suggest that they are falling further behind.

NDSP continues to have open positions for "Embedded DSP Developer" with experience in SHARC Assembly optimization, and also "Applied ML Scientist/ML Engineer".

They could definitely do with some help in optimizing that Global EQ!
Aye, and there's evidence to suggest that they are falling further behind.

NDSP continues to have open positions for "Embedded DSP Developer" with experience in SHARC Assembly optimization, and also "Applied ML Scientist/ML Engineer".

They could definitely do with some help in optimizing that Global EQ!
They have had those positions open for years. It's such a niche area that it might be hard to find the talent in the first place, especially since the musical instrument industry is unlikely to be as lucrative or prestigious as some other places looking for DSP programmers and ML researchers.
I'm willing to work for NDSP, just sayin'. I would require total flex-time, training at my house on whatever's req'd (DSP, SHARC Assy, etc.) and a 600K annual salary with stock options and unlimited vacay. Oh, and a huge annual 401K contribution from the company. Oh, and ginormous bonuses and stuff.
I'm willing to work for NDSP, just sayin'. I would require total flex-time, training at my house on whatever's req'd (DSP, SHARC Assy, etc.) and a 600K annual salary with stock options and unlimited vacay. Oh, and a huge annual 401K contribution from the company. Oh, and ginormous bonuses and stuff.
Planning to buy an Axe FX III and figured I'd see what the Kemper offers before I buy the Axe FX III just in case. The Kemper doesn't seem to sound as good in my opinion. Hope those that have one enjoy it, though.
Just to kind of update this, I had watched Ben Eller's video where he was going back to the Kemper while his Axe FX (III probably) went back to Fractal for servicing. When he turned the gain down, the profile didn't react too well.