Here comes Kemper. Bye Felicias

…. Since there is never a formal explanation -- it is the apparent cavalier and capricious nature of the censorship that is so galling.
TGP absolutely sucks, it is remarkable how bad they are. I got banned. Found out by logging in and seeing a message that said something like ‘oops something went wrong…’ and another banner or window appeared briefly saying I had broken some rule and to log in to find out why. ?!?

I couldn’t get the message to reappear, or log in or check the messages etc etc! Being banned had me blocked from any access!
I finally resorted to sending an email to some guy listed in tgp info page of the site named Scott that I think is in charge. He never replied. Then a week later I get a notice my paid membership had automatically renewed!! I *never* , in all my many years of being a sponsoring member set it up to auto renew!
id burn it to the ground if it existed in the real world!
TGP absolutely sucks, it is remarkable how bad they are. I got banned. Found out by logging in and seeing a message that said something like ‘oops something went wrong…’ and another banner or window appeared briefly saying I had broken some rule and to log in to find out why. ?!?

I couldn’t get the message to reappear, or log in or check the messages etc etc! Being banned had me blocked from any access!
I finally resorted to sending an email to some guy listed in tgp info page of the site named Scott that I think is in charge. He never replied. Then a week later I get a notice my paid membership had automatically renewed!! I *never* , in all my many years of being a sponsoring member set it up to auto renew!
id burn it to the ground if it existed in the real world!

Ol Dirty Bastard Money GIF by Creative Courage
I haven't been banned on TGP, and am still an active member in good standing. I think, in all my years on TGP, I have gotten two warnings (both completely unreasonable and unjustified, IMHO. Incidentally, both of those involved interactions, a few years back, were with an irascible and uber-patronizing individual who can push more hot air then any of his speaker designs can. But, I digress.

I joined up here, the minute I first read about this forum on TGP. I would definitely like to see this forum grow and succeed. The draconian moderation I have witnessed on TGP is really getting off-putting. I guess what I am saying, I sympathize with, what I am learning. are many members, here on The Gear Forum (TGF) who have been permanently banned or ostracized from the other community. I am so appreciative that there exists, here in TGF, an alternative venue to discuss guitar-oriented equipment and music production.
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I was suspecting that already. I mean, what they give you for those silver, gold and whatever memberships is laughable - and yet quite expensive.
But anyway, I never thought it was *that* much. Makes it even worse that quite some of the mods are rather cluless tw**s.
I guess most people get them for emporium access so they can sell stuff while not engaging with e.g Reverb, eBay, Craigslist etc and all the tirekickers that live on those. Since it's very US centric I haven't bothered with it and haven't looked at the membership stuff.
I guess most people get them for emporium access so they can sell stuff while not engaging with e.g Reverb, eBay, Craigslist etc and all the tirekickers that live on those. Since it's very US centric I haven't bothered with it and haven't looked at the membership stuff.

That was really my only gripe about being banned from TGP; losing access to the Emporium.
Which gives it’s members all the power to pull assumptions out of their ass in regards to what actually happened.

Still find it interesting that TGP still gets cited as a protector of Cliff when they banned him for pointing out how sh*tty their moderation was and there’s what, 4 FAS product owners over there at this point that just get called fanboys whenever they write anything remotely positive about Fractal. :rofl
TGP D&M is 99% the Helix forum.
That was really my only gripe about being banned from TGP; losing access to the Emporium.
The Emporium itself is a draw, but it has kind of went the way of buying everywhere else. Everything is priced super high and people wanting prices that they were getting during the component shortage era a few years back. As much of a buyer seller I certainly am; I actually don't miss it. Which is odd to say aloud :rofl
TGP D&M is 99% the Helix forum.
It was. Which was fine because Helix people are generally great folks. Then it became beholden to a different turd altogether and that was that :poop::ROFLMAO:
It was. Which was fine because Helix people are generally great folks. Then it became beholden to a different turd altogether and that was that :poop::ROFLMAO:
The Quad Cortex? I don't really get the point in the unit. It looks kind of bland, and I've not been all that interested in Neural DSP's plugins, so I doubt I'd like their hardware all that much. Plus all of the misleading hype leading up to the release (like being able to use their plugins on the device) are also a big "FUCK NO!" That on top of the "whoopsy, here's your unencrypted wifi passwords" gaffe, yeah, no thanks.
The Quad Cortex? I don't really get the point in the unit. It looks kind of bland, and I've not been all that interested in Neural DSP's plugins, so I doubt I'd like their hardware all that much. Plus all of the misleading hype leading up to the release (like being able to use their plugins on the device) are also a big "f**k NO!" That on top of the "whoopsy, here's your unencrypted wifi passwords" gaffe, yeah, no thanks.

oops! wrong forum. thought I was at theOtherPlace. :rofl
At this point it seems the QC defending is no longer on the table over there, there’s been plenty of posts/threads speaking of it’s negative aspects that haven’t been deleted. Hahaha might have helped that we made enough noise about it that it’d be like trying to bury a body in the middle of Times Square. :rofl

I also noticed the Kemper forum put the smack down in regards to any patent talk as well.