Helix Talk

Nice. I do love a bit of DIY. Was it difficult to fit?
It was a bit tricky yes. Gotta be careful. The I/O board has quite a few connections you need to disconnect - power, a ribbon cable, a few other connections. But pretty much if you're capable of building a PC, then you can take this apart. Just remember where the screws go!!
It was a bit tricky yes. Gotta be careful. The I/O board has quite a few connections you need to disconnect - power, a ribbon cable, a few other connections. But pretty much if you're capable of building a PC, then you can take this apart. Just remember where the screws go!!

I've been caught out by slightly different sized screws fixing phones before. Sucks when you have to work out which ones went into the wrong holes.

Looks like it was a pretty cheap fix though (minus your time) so well worth doing.
Kick off your high-heel sneakers…

Fwiw, outside of a brief test directly after I bought it, so far I have always been running my Stomp from non-original multiout power supplies. Now I have a gig coming up where I really only need to use the Stomp on its own, so I thought it might be a decent idea to use its original power supply. Just that I won't. FFS, how can they come up with that most miserable form factor and still not deliver a half decent PSU? That thing is noisy AF! And yes, I instantly compared to an incredibly cheap Harley Benton PSU (which is like €11 including a daisy chain cable) - and the noise was gone.
Seriously, if there ever is a new line of HX sucessor products, they need to massively up the hardware game.
Fwiw, outside of a brief test directly after I bought it, so far I have always been running my Stomp from non-original multiout power supplies. Now I have a gig coming up where I really only need to use the Stomp on its own, so I thought it might be a decent idea to use its original power supply. Just that I won't. FFS, how can they come up with that most miserable form factor and still not deliver a half decent PSU? That thing is noisy AF! And yes, I instantly compared to an incredibly cheap Harley Benton PSU (which is like €11 including a daisy chain cable) - and the noise was gone.
Seriously, if there ever is a new line of HX sucessor products, they need to massively up the hardware game.
L6 consistently has the absolute worst power supply form factors of any hardware I’ve owned. I’m not sure why.
Fwiw, outside of a brief test directly after I bought it, so far I have always been running my Stomp from non-original multiout power supplies. Now I have a gig coming up where I really only need to use the Stomp on its own, so I thought it might be a decent idea to use its original power supply. Just that I won't. FFS, how can they come up with that most miserable form factor and still not deliver a half decent PSU? That thing is noisy AF! And yes, I instantly compared to an incredibly cheap Harley Benton PSU (which is like €11 including a daisy chain cable) - and the noise was gone.
Seriously, if there ever is a new line of HX sucessor products, they need to massively up the hardware game.
I have two Stomps and none of them came with a noisy power supply.
FFS, how can they come up with that most miserable form factor and still not deliver a half decent PSU?
L6 consistently has the absolute worst power supply form factors of any hardware I’ve owned. I’m not sure why.
The DC-3G that originally came with the Stomp did have a truly awful form factor, but later units came with the DC-3H, which was considerable better IMO.

As an aside, I've never had any noise issues with any of them.
As an aside, I've never had any noise issues with any of them.

It actually seems to matter where I plug it in. No idea why that is because none of the others I tried with show that issue.
And well, I got the old DC-3G. Truly horrible form factor, pretty much made to be stepped onto the part sticking out of any common multi socket thing.
I'd prefer an IEC but then we'd be no longer in Stomp land

For the Stomp, an external one is fine with me. But then, the HB thing seems to be working nicely, so I will just stick with it, clip off the plug from the original and solder an adapter with it instead (seriously, that's another one completely beyond me, that stupid 2.5mm barrel plug - why-oh-why?!?).
For the Stomp, an external one is fine with me. But then, the HB thing seems to be working nicely, so I will just stick with it, clip off the plug from the original and solder an adapter with it instead (seriously, that's another one completely beyond me, that stupid 2.5mm barrel plug - why-oh-why?!?).
Yeah the 3 cable daisy chain or whatever it ended up being last time I had the Stomp was a bit cumbersome to use with my CS power supply.
The DC-3G that originally came with the Stomp did have a truly awful form factor, but later units came with the DC-3H, which was considerable better IMO.

As an aside, I've never had any noise issues with any of them.

HX power bricks have a terrible form factor, all of them, but are actually good quality electronics otherwise. I hooked a DC-3 to a digital oscilloscope back in the day and noise was well below 1%.

I use brick power supply on my HX devices thou, mostly for convenience. These are readily available from Amazon and the likes.
HX power bricks have a terrible form factor, all of them, but are actually good quality electronics otherwise.

Not sure about the quality. Try to connect a daisy chain to them (I have splitted my cable and soldered on a cable socket so I'm able to also connect standard barrel sockets). Instant noise, regardles of what other devices I use. No such issues with the cheap HB one.
Not sure about the quality. Try to connect a daisy chain to them (I have splitted my cable and soldered on a cable socket so I'm able to also connect standard barrel sockets). Instant noise, regardles of what other devices I use. No such issues with the cheap HB one.

That's likely just ground loops somewhere else. The stock HX power supplies have no ground connection 😔