Helix Talk

As I've been using dual amps a little more, and also appreciating the screens of the larger Helix units, I've been looking at possibly upgrading my Stomp to a Helix LT (especially after knocking the FM3 out of the running)... but now, after hearing that so many products are in development, I'm thinking it would be best to wait until next year to see if there's a new lineup?

I know the official response is that there is nothing new soon, and that the current Helix units will continue to be supported, but the cost of the purchase is a big deal to me! So the idea of upgrading to an LT next month, but then a new, improved lineup at similar price points comes out next year is ahhhh haha.
I know the official response is that there is nothing new soon, and that the current Helix units will continue to be supported, but the cost of the purchase is a big deal to me! So the idea of upgrading to an LT next month, but then a new, improved lineup at similar price points comes out next year is ahhhh haha.

Buy a good condition used LT, you won't lose much when you come to sell if you're patient and find one at the right price.

The Helix stuff has held it's value remarkably well and due to the price rises the last few years stomps in the UK are now selling for more than I paid for mine new!
Buy a good condition used LT, you won't lose much when you come to sell if you're patient and find one at the right price.

The Helix stuff has held it's value remarkably well and due to the price rises the last few years stomps in the UK are now selling for more than I paid for mine new!
Agreed. To add onto that, I’ve been wondering if the modeler market is going to start to resemble the analog pedal and amp market more where some products just stick around for decades.
Buy a good condition used LT, you won't lose much when you come to sell if you're patient and find one at the right price.

The Helix stuff has held it's value remarkably well and due to the price rises the last few years stomps in the UK are now selling for more than I paid for mine new!

Yeah, I'm thinking a used LT might be the best bet. The average used prices have dropped like 100USD the last few months, and several in good to excellent condition are selling for 100 less than that.

Though that's also my worry re: holding value haha, especially since the LT's new price went back down to the launch price of 1000USD. With LT used prices floating around 650 to 750USD, it's easy to imagine them dropping a lot further if a new line is announced. I'm not the sort of person who buys gear and expects to get back what I paid if I sell it later (I hate that), but it would be a bummer if I end up wanting to quickly upgrade because of a new model and the demand has dropped out.

That said, this assumes there would even be an LT equivalent at launch. The LT didn't come out until 2 years after the Floor, and I don't think any of Line 6's competitors have a middle ground unit like that to target, so it's probably more likely a new line would start with a new Stomp and a 1600 to 1800ish USD Floor model.
Agreed. To add onto that, I’ve been wondering if the modeler market is going to start to resemble the analog pedal and amp market more where some products just stick around for decades.
Yeah, that's true.

I think my main worry is some big leap in modelling in the Helix family exclusive to a new line, or increasingly power-hungry amp models that might be added to the older units, but not work alongside much else (especially not in dual amp setups, which is one of the reasons I want to upgrade to the LT in the first place).

Decisions decisions! haha
Yeah, that's true.

I think my main worry is some big leap in modelling in the Helix family exclusive to a new line, or increasingly power-hungry amp models that might be added to the older units, but not work alongside much else (especially not in dual amp setups, which is one of the reasons I want to upgrade to the LT in the first place).

Decisions decisions! haha
Out of DSP?
Just Add Stomptm
You joke, but I actually considered getting a second HX Stomp and treating it as a second "amp", but I figured the routing and preset management (especially with post FX), and possible latency concerns, would get annoying haha.
In 2024, all digital gear should have Toslink connections and have the ability to connect to each other without any additional A/D or D/A conversion.
You joke, but I actually considered getting a second HX Stomp and treating it as a second "amp", but I figured the routing and preset management (especially with post FX), and possible latency concerns, would get annoying haha.
Latency isn’t an issue. Routing and preset management can be really effortful, and more of a legitimate concern depending on your workflow.

Not sure but I remember complaints that you cannot use editor with usb out at same time maybe? Something about only using one or the other?
As much as I poke fun at Boss and Roland for their dongles, extension boards, and dongles that look like tubes, I probably would angrily shell out for a Bluetooth dongle to edit and input sound into my Stomp and PG.
As much as I poke fun at Boss and Roland for their dongles, extension boards, and dongles that look like tubes, I probably would angrily shell out for a Bluetooth dongle to edit and input sound into my Stomp and PG.
And when I say “angrily” I’m imagining the conversation:
“You spent $110 on a new pedal?”
“Nope. I spent $110 on a dongle”
“Can’t you play with that for free?”
I just realized the tuner "Mute" option mutes the whole output (I'd swear it let delay and reverb trails finish). That's one more very big reason to wanting to be able to show the tuner on a single footswitch press.

Or at least being able to assing the tuner to an external footswitch.
This may be get lost in this thread and possibly rightfully so. Call me batshit insane :unsure:. Been on a bass amp for guitar trip with the Dripman. Welp for shits n giggles I tried the Pearce BC-1 ch 1 with the Billy Sheehan mods and the 4x12 Greenback 25 cab. This is an interesting solid state amp. I find it really good for guitar because the mods have the bass removed BUT the tone controls are post distortion and active EQ so you can boost/cut. You also have 2 additional gain stages for high distortion and sustain. So with that setup, you can crank the distortion and then add the bass back as needed. This thing kills. Wtf.
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