Helix Talk

Probably a question you can’t answer but what the hell are any of these items in the Helix
The one coming out later this year is tangentially related to Helix. And if one maintains a very loose definition of "Helix Multiverse," several others potentially could as well. One particular product's design doc was first published in September of 2017, a full year before HX Stomp was announced.
one of the new amps
Hmm Igor is a metal guy right? :unsure:
Igor is an everything guy, including classical, pop, and video game scores. My metal tastes are probably a bit more extreme than his, but he's way better at getting those sounds (sheesh, dude also runs FOH for Animals as Leaders). He might have the most comprehensive set of seriously world class skills across more disciplines than anyone I've ever known. Plus, he's a seriously stand up guy and a great dad.

Love that dude.
Igor is an everything guy, including classical, pop, and video game scores. My metal tastes are probably a bit more extreme than his, but he's way better at getting those sounds (sheesh, dude also runs FOH for Animals as Leaders). He might have the most comprehensive set of seriously world class skills across more disciplines than anyone I've ever known. Plus, he's a seriously stand up guy and a great dad.

Love that dude.
Well get him over here!

People “jumping ship” with gear rarely has anything to do with quality and more to do with because they can. Most of the players I know that change up gear a lot aren’t actually making music or really playing out. That being said, there are a few features Fractal has (and Boss, even) that might be table stakes for me in the near future in regards to modulated controller options that Line 6 doesn’t seem interested in implementing on the flagship or the LT, so as much as I’ve been a fanboy since the HD500, I might be looking elsewhere sooner than later.
Absolutely. Our guitarist in the band now plays Fractal (before HX LT). Why? Bc he has the funds. He sounds the same as before.
Hmm Igor is a metal guy right? :unsure:
Had/has some cool vids on YT
I think he said prior at least 2 of the new amps have been highly requested
If it was a Silver Jubilee
Bog XTC and 5153 pants would be shat
Yes, please
Igor is an everything guy, including classical, pop, and video game scores. My metal tastes are probably a bit more extreme than his, but he's way better at getting those sounds (sheesh, dude also runs FOH for Animals as Leaders). He might have the most comprehensive set of seriously world class skills across more disciplines than anyone I've ever known. Plus, he's a seriously stand up guy and a great dad.

Love that dude.
I really like his videos. He had a "no bullshit" attitude to his vid stuff. No fluff, just facts.
The one coming out later this year is tangentially related to Helix. And if one maintains a very loose definition of "Helix Multiverse," several others potentially could as well. One particular product's design doc was first published in September of 2017, a full year before HX Stomp was announced.
i would like to see a spider 6 based on helix amps..stereo head again but without that whole dongle either or thing
The one coming out later this year is tangentially related to Helix. And if one maintains a very loose definition of "Helix Multiverse," several others potentially could as well. One particular product's design doc was first published in September of 2017, a full year before HX Stomp was announced.
Finally, Helix Vocals confirmed🤘
@Digital Igloo I'm repeating myself, but I'm just going to say again that a huge quick win for HX, which would be very little effort, is to balance the Delay feedback between left and right channels in all delays when the scale is adjusted. It happens on some models, but not all.

Simply put, if the scale is 50%, the right channel ends up with a 50% shorter trail, so the right channel should internally be calculated as 100/50 (2) times longer than the left to compensate.

This is the case in the Simple Delay, for example, but not on other models like the Transistor Tape. It's such a simple mathematical correction that I'd be surprised if it increases DSP.
As I've been using dual amps a little more, and also appreciating the screens of the larger Helix units, I've been looking at possibly upgrading my Stomp to a Helix LT (especially after knocking the FM3 out of the running)... but now, after hearing that so many products are in development, I'm thinking it would be best to wait until next year to see if there's a new lineup?

I know the official response is that there is nothing new soon, and that the current Helix units will continue to be supported, but the cost of the purchase is a big deal to me! So the idea of upgrading to an LT next month, but then a new, improved lineup at similar price points comes out next year is ahhhh haha.