Helix Talk

We'll see what the new update brings. Beyond that, I know a lot of people who are switching to other pedalboards like the QC KMP FRCT, but I don't know anyone who is coming back. I hope that line6 in some update or in some new generation of pedalboard manages to reverse this trend.
Interesting...Last week I spent a lot of time with the FM9 on my desk. I edit all of my modelers on the unit as much as possible & rarely open the editor unless absolutely necessary. I put away the FM9 & set the HELIX FLOOR on my desk. It was like the sea parted & the silver lining ruled the modeling world. A color & larger screen, simple smoother button navigation, simple menu navigation, the joystick navigation, etc. Side by side & sound wise the differences are negligible & insignificant, but UI/UX the HELIX is so much better. That's why NDSP stole from Line6 & not FAS. I wouldn't know about Kemper compared to HELIX. I suspect it's all in our heads anyway.

Have a good one,

We'll see what the new update brings. Beyond that, I know a lot of people who are switching to other pedalboards like the QC KMP FRCT, but I don't know anyone who is coming back. I hope that line6 in some update or in some new generation of pedalboard manages to reverse this trend.
It would be interesting knowing what triggers the switch in those cases.

I wouldn't move from Helix because I have almost everything I need, and Native VST is a huge KSP for me that I wouldn't have with other brand. Also, there's the price tag.

Not saying I'm not interested in profiling, but I'm already happy with the amps in Helix. Currently, I would only move to another device if I had so much more money and I saw that either Fractal, Kemper or QC could give me something I need that I don't already have.
We'll see what the new update brings. Beyond that, I know a lot of people who are switching to other pedalboards like the QC KMP FRCT, but I don't know anyone who is coming back. I hope that line6 in some update or in some new generation of pedalboard manages to reverse this trend.
It’s a hard market , especially when you have Fractal launching updates bi weekly
Fender just released a fairly impressive update
And NDSP released their editor in November and will release another one soon and likely again in the fall
Line 6 has an amazing GUI and a lot of great features but it’s almost 10 years old and is far from the most powerful or most compact unit
Wow, I didn't know fractal updates on a bi-weekly basis. Respect. Can't even figure out how to manage that, software-engineering-wise.
People “jumping ship” with gear rarely has anything to do with quality and more to do with because they can. Most of the players I know that change up gear a lot aren’t actually making music or really playing out. That being said, there are a few features Fractal has (and Boss, even) that might be table stakes for me in the near future in regards to modulated controller options that Line 6 doesn’t seem interested in implementing on the flagship or the LT, so as much as I’ve been a fanboy since the HD500, I might be looking elsewhere sooner than later.
It’s a hard market , especially when you have Fractal launching updates bi weekly
Fender just released a fairly impressive update
And NDSP released their editor in November and will release another one soon and likely again in the fall
Line 6 has an amazing GUI and a lot of great features but it’s almost 10 years old and is far from the most powerful or most compact unit

Line 6 should continue to lean into the bass market. Fractal seems relatively uninterested and I don't think Fender has even released a bass amp model for the TMP yet.
Yep, something seems to be on development.
Many things are in development. Just had two new hardware products pass Concept Alignment (our first approval gate) yesterday. That's on top of the eight nine (!) existing hardware projects already started and another... five?... that should hit Concept Alignment over the next year. And that's just the products where I'm designated as Product Designer—we have lots of other things happening from other Product Managers/Designers as well. And that's not counting software either.

We've never been busier, except for maybe back in late 2010, early 2011 when POD HD500, POD HD400, POD HD300, DT50, multiple James Tyler Variaxes, M5, MIDI Mobilizer, and the L6 LINK protocol all dropped within a span of months, and this was while a separate full design/engineering team was developing the Stagescape M20d mixer and multiple Stagesource speakers.

EDIT: Forgot about the other thing coming out this fall. So it's nine.
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Many things are in development. Just had two new hardware products pass Concept Alignment (our first approval gate) yesterday. That's on top of the eight (!) existing hardware projects already started and another... five?... that should hit Concept Alignment over the next year. And that's just the products where I'm designated as Product Designer—we have lots of other things happening from other Product Managers/Designers as well. And that's not counting software either.

We've never been busier, except for maybe back in late 2010, early 2011 when POD HD500, POD HD400, POD HD300, DT50, multiple James Tyler Variaxes, M5, MIDI Mobilizer, and the L6 LINK protocol all dropped within a span of months, and this was while a separate full design/engineering team was developing the Stagescape M20d mixer and multiple Stagesource speakers.
So we should see many of these products go to market in 2025 -26
I am guessing no more new product releases this year except maybe yachtpantsurgy
Many things are in development. Just had two new hardware products pass Concept Alignment (our first approval gate) yesterday. That's on top of the eight (!) existing hardware projects already started and another... five?... that should hit Concept Alignment over the next year. And that's just the products where I'm designated as Product Designer—we have lots of other things happening from other Product Managers/Designers as well. And that's not counting software either.

We've never been busier, except for maybe back in late 2010, early 2011 when POD HD500, POD HD400, POD HD300, DT50, multiple James Tyler Variaxes, M5, MIDI Mobilizer, and the L6 LINK protocol all dropped within a span of months, and this was while a separate full design/engineering team was developing the Stagescape M20d mixer and multiple Stagesource speakers.
Can we get firmware breadcrumbs to hold us til fall?

Hungry Dinner GIF
3.80 definitely drops this year. Fall most likely. Igor just sent in his factory presets for one of the new amps and they slap.

First music-related iOS peripheral and the first product to utilize TRS MIDI.
Probably a question you can’t answer but what the hell are any of these items in the Helix
First music-related iOS peripheral and the first product to utilize TRS MIDI.

I used it to get keyboard sounds from an iPod Touch with a MIDI controller and backup my M9. It's probably still kicking around somewhere.

3.80 definitely drops this year. Fall most likely. Igor just sent in his factory presets for one of the new amps and they slap.

Is it a 5150-III? You can tell me.