Helix 3.7: The Freeman Update

Does L6 always do a “looking back” recap for their FW release videos? When Paul H was recapping the additions to Helix over the years, it gave me “you assholes better be grateful for what we’ve given you over the past 8 years and not complain when the successor comes out” vibes.
Bends will warble especially if you are not accurate bending to pitch every time

For me it's really less about warbling or other inaccuracies. I could deal with that fine as it's somewhat slightly mixed in only anyway. The main culprit is the release, which will overlap even if you're not playing the feedbacked note anymore.
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I had a similar experience, master on 5 gets it very close. What I found in the end was I slightly preferred the way the Voltage breaks up and comes back together. One of the more interesting facets was keeping the EQ around 5 added more body than pushing everything up. The presence is very sensitive too, so I kept that at 4. I also set the gain at 10 and just roll the volume knob up and down for gain.

That said... after A/Bing for a while, I ended up trying the Dripman. And wow, that does everything just as well, just with a slightly different in flavor.

I’ll check out the eq on voltage I didn’t do much with it other than pull the mids back to around 5 to get closer to the 2203. Seems like a lot of the rest of it was around 7. Tweaking the high and presence to get the top end to match the 2203 was touchy. Pulling everything back some is probably a good idea, didn’t occur to me at the time to try that.

Never made it to dripman. I’ll get there tonight I hope.

Does L6 always do a “looking back” recap for their FW release videos? When Paul H was recapping the additions to Helix over the years, it gave me “you assholes better be grateful for what we’ve given you over the past 8 years and not complain when the successor comes out” vibes.

I think he was clearly trying to make the point of "kids, Helix is not going anywhere anytime soon". See f.ex. remarks of how all current L6 developments go straight into the HX line.
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Busy day today so Helix time gonna be limited, but hoping to get some time with the other amps much later. Not sure I even want to try any other cabs with the JCM800 as the T75 cab is perfect for the new 2203. The Dripman is even better than the Bassman that I loved so much in the Fender Mustang MKII amps I had and that says a lot. Want to try the Oblivion, Voltage, and Kinetic next. Oh I fell in love with the Clarity right off the bat too. It's my new clean amp for sure. I was using the Placater Clean and the Jazz Rivet for that but the Clarity is much easier to get crystalline cleans and be able to match volumes with the high gain stuff because the gain knob stays clean further up the dial.

I would like to figure out a cab I could mix in with the T75 that's close to the Legend 128's I have mixed in my IRL T75 cab. That would be perfect. Guess I'm gonna be looking at the frequency chart for the 128's later on to find a close match. Though I love the direct sound of the 2203, it's beyond perfect going into the return of the SV40 on it's own non cab emulated path. The 2 mixed together is like floating around in heaven in my jam room when I'm at around 100db or so.
Oh I fell in love with the Clarity right off the bat too. It's my new clean amp for sure. I was using the Placater Clean and the Jazz Rivet for that but the Clarity is much easier to get crystalline cleans and be able to match volumes with the high gain stuff because the gain knob stays clean further up the dial.

Don't sleep on the Kinetic - so deliciously glassy and touch-sensitive. Apparently it's based on the Cartographer, which explains a lot.
Someone on another forum related the Oblivion to the Badonk. The idea that these newly added (to Helix) L6 originals are based on other pre-existing L6 originals is very meta.
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