"Orion" feels like we'd be copping Fractal's astronomical names for modeling engines thing.
Notice we haven't talked about "HX" as a modeling engine in a while. Mainly because we've improved it considerably over the years and don't ever want someone saying "Oh, it's the same ol' HX engine from 2015."
Ares, Cygnus, etc. are just names to milestone updates of ALL the models, there are no untouched launch models in the AxeFx III.
A lot of the most important/classic amps in the Helix ARE using the 2015 or even earlier engine.
On one hand the engine is evolving all the time and new models with all the latest bells, whistles, switches, bright caps etc, and on the other hand we have 10 year old dinosaurs which are basically POD HD+,
in the same modeler, not talking about the Legacy models.
Even if it is not the engine itself that is evolving but the huge amount of experience and understanding the sound design team acquired in 10 years, that directly affects the quality of the models.
If you model a Fender Twin Reverb normal channel today, would you skip the bright switch like on the launch model?
Why was the Fat switch on the Mark IV skipped but not the three Thick switches on the Lone Star? They do the same thing.
What prevents Line 6 from updating the very outdated models or add missing switches?
Has the Helix team been talking about this internally and is there a plan to do something about it, if at all?
Is the Helix 'too old' to invest in refreshing all model, if so does that mean you are working on the next modeler?
As a Helix owner in 2023 I can't help but ask the hard question, especially when looking to Fractal who perpetually update their models.