Helix 3.2 when?

I’m gonna put a buck fiddy on this being the new IRs behind the Metallurgy stuff being truncated to a shorter length for Helix.

In my personal opinion;
If it is a matter of shorter update time with lower quality vs longer update time and higher quality, I choose higher quality every time.
Quality should not suffer especially if storage space is not an issue, 12min, 30min, whatever, JUST DO SOMETHING ELSE while it updates.

With that said, the difference between 2048 and 1024 (23Hz vs 47Hz lowest reproduces frequency) for guitar and even Bass is insignificant, it's all cut the moment it's handed to the sound guy, engineer, etc.

I'll add that a lot of quality hardware IR loaders use 1024 (20ms) maximum.
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The difference between 2048 and 1024 doesn't mean more bass in 2048, it means more accurate bass, which sometimes means less bass.
The same IR in 1024 has slightly less accurate reproduction below 50Hz as expected, and of course no frequency response difference above 50Hz.
Also, the additional 20ms of "reverb tail" or "lasting resonance" is utterly insignificant and inaudible with that minuscule additional length.

Helix IR Length.png

I missed being me without goddamn psychopaths on my back.
Anyone thinks a 'Folder' block will be useful?
Something that will allow several model/effects in a single block, ie. I sometimes I use 2 Parametric EQs before the Amp and 2 after, they only take 3% DSP each but the routing chain starts to get a little tight.

hx folder.png

It's similar but not the same as the current split path option.
Maybe it's redundant, maybe it's useful.
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Make the screen more graphical,
to fit more chain items have a left/right scroll of the chain where the sides fade out smaller into the distance,
like a curved signal chain, and each chain item looks larger in the middle.
Anyone thinks a 'Folder' block will be useful?
Something that will allow several model/effects in a single block, ie. I sometimes I use 2 Parametric EQs before the Amp and 2 after, they only take 3% DSP each but the routing chain starts to get a little tight.

View attachment 571

It's similar but not the same as the current split path option.
Maybe it's redundant, maybe it's useful.
You mean like fractals 4 channels in a single block?
Anyone thinks a 'Folder' block will be useful?
Something that will allow several model/effects in a single block, ie. I sometimes I use 2 Parametric EQs before the Amp and 2 after, they only take 3% DSP each but the routing chain starts to get a little tight.

View attachment 571

It's similar but not the same as the current split path option.
Maybe it's redundant, maybe it's useful.
This would be amazing! Combined with Favorites/User Presets functionality, creating reusable combinations like this would be so powerful.

It would be even more exciting if each of these "Folders" could contain splits of their own (I frequently find myself wanting two or three independent splits per path) but I'm guessing there are hardware limitations that would make this impossible to implement.
And since we're playing the "things I've been wishing for forever but maybe the hardware won't support it we may never know" game, I'll just reiterate: I'd (still) love to see the USB audio ins and outs available in the Loop/ Send/ Return blocks.

(This is one of those limitations that also "mysteriously" features on Quad Cortex, suggesting that maybe the two architectures have "a few things in common". :unsure:)