Helix 3.2 when?

A block limit is a block limit though. Correct? Reducing DSP is great but you are still at 8 blocks. So if you are replacing an amp and separate IR block with one amp+cab block; that will yield extra room in a preset. Unless I am missing some math somewhere :rofl
friends fail GIF
A block limit is a block limit though. Correct? Reducing DSP is great but you are still at 8 blocks. So if you are replacing an amp and separate IR block with one amp+cab block; that will yield extra room in a preset. Unless I am missing some math somewhere :rofl
Personally I’m okay on blocks, but want to break out from the Litigator and Bass amps for my fancy reverb and pitch patches.
A block limit is a block limit though. Correct? Reducing DSP is great but you are still at 8 blocks. So if you are replacing an amp and separate IR block with one amp+cab block; that will yield extra room in a preset. Unless I am missing some math somewhere :rofl

Certain blocks/models eat up more DSP than others though, so saving DSP in one area could mean the difference between being able to add the block/model you want or not.

the mic positions on the cabs looks awesome too. new EQD models too, wow. sweet!!!!!
A block limit is a block limit though. Correct? Reducing DSP is great but you are still at 8 blocks. So if you are replacing an amp and separate IR block with one amp+cab block; that will yield extra room in a preset. Unless I am missing some math somewhere :rofl
The reducing of dsp in the cab block may help to use certain combinations of blocks that was not possible before. I need to test it, but I can say that I’m always riding on the dsp with my use of several reverbs and delay. This is mostly because I’m almost always using a A+C block. The new cab will help me squeeze more into a preset.