Helix 3.2 when?

I've said it at that other place, and I'll say it here. My guess is:

- new cab technology
- amps and effects from one of the Metallurgy packs (with the other two following soon)

Plus other stuff, of course.
I've said it at that other place, and I'll say it here. My guess is:

- new cab technology
- amps and effects from one of the Metallurgy packs (with the other two following soon)

Plus other stuff, of course.
A revamping of the cab technology is quite possible IMO, and some cross pollination from Metallurgy/Catalyst as well. Thought I saw somewhere there was some more core work done which may result in some unexpected things.
I don't think he meant some radical shift in development direction, it was "it'll be obvious what will come in 3.3".
So if 3.2 has 6 new cabs, it'll probably get another 6.
I took it as a big change is coming and 3.2 is just the start?
I know there are lists of roughly what amps things are being modeled from but do L6 give specifics, as in exactly which spec amps are?
I just dreamt that November 3rd will be "the day", but the firmware number was weirdly off (7.2 or something?) and the release notes were all blurry/jumpy.

And I have no recent history of accurately precognitive dreams, unfortunately. ;)
Imagine being a Helix dev and reading that someone dreamt about the update your working on xD

According to DI, we're still at least a week from the update. And I stress the "at least".
Imagine being a Helix dev and reading that someone dreamt about the update your working on xD

According to DI, we're still at least a week from the update. And I stress the "at least".
Actually I think he said that last week while he was on vacation
My guess is their target date was last week wed/thurs but those 2 big bugs came up
So this week or next week is still possible
Unless the bringer of rain decides
Soak the parade