Helix 3.2 when?

I might (?) be totally misreading D.I's note ........ but perhaps there goes my theory that 3.20 would give us the new Cab block sonic improvments and also sonically-audible-audio-engine improvements in and of themselves ie: changes that would be obvious when using IR's as opposed to the sonic impacts of the new Cabs ..... (?)

Then again ...... maybe though by reading "in between the lines" ....... no "feel" changes does not exclude sonically-audible-audio-engine improvements in and of themselves .... (?)

Guess we'll know more in a " few + weeks time " :)

All the best,
Ben. He said this regarding amp models, he didn’t say anything about the cab section. Because he can’t at the moment. So while one could say that is a letdown (not in my opinion), there is hope for a vastly improved sonic change if the update involves some kind of improvement in the cab sim.

What if we can finally (as an example) use the matchless G25/H30 as a single cab with two different mics? I’d think you would be very happy with that. I would… it would definitively put an end to my IR use at least. I don’t say that anything has indicated that this will happen. But it’s possible. It would vastly improve the overall sound and feel as a whole.
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Ben. He said this regarding amp models, he didn’t say anything about the cab section. Because he can’t at the moment. So while one could say that is a letdown (not in my opinion), there is hope for a vastly improved sonic change if the update involves some kind of improvement in the cab sim.

What if we can finally (as an example) use the matchless G25/H30 as a single cab with two different mics? I’d think you would be very happy with that. I would… it would definitively put an end to my IR use at least. I don’t say that anything has indicated that this will happen. But it’s possible. It would vastly improve the overall sound and feel as a whole.

Hey swede :)

Totally understand and get where you are coming from :)

I *think* its safe to assume a version of the Metallurgy Style Cab and Mic Block is coming in 3.2 ..... and if it does it will provide clear sonic changes and benefits for those that use the current stock Cabs .... and that's an awesome thing given the Cab Block is at least %50 of the tone and sound of any Amp.

As a side note of comparison ....... just look at the Neural Plugins .... those that rave about them - from reviewers to real-world users, almost-to-a-person, put the "great" tones almost exclusively down to the quality of the IR's and NDSP Cab and Mic Block controls / flexibility.

I have absolute faith and confidence that when the L6 guys and gals "build" the same environment for the Helix it will be at least as good as the NDSP Cab and Mic Block - so in this respect I think 3.2 will be a genuine "game-changer" for Helix ..... had to get "game changer in here somewhere :)

I guess where I'm coming from is those of us that have and use and love their specific IR's.

If - and I'm only spit-balling out loud here - all the changes are in the Cab block and there are no changes to the Amp / EFX modelling-algorithms in 3.2 ...... then my Amp and IR core-base-tones will be the same in 3.2 as they are in the current 3.15 ... some/many may think that's great / fine / excellent ..... others may see it as a missed-opportunity to continue improving the quality of the Amp and EFX core-base-tones.

This is all just pure supposition on my part ..... I could well be %100 wrong or just a little bit right !?!?!

I *hope* that given the Stock Cab users are [ almost certainly ? ] going to get a ground-up new and much improved Cab and Mic Block ......... that there is something in the way of sonic improvements for those of us that *don't* use the Stock Cabs but only use IR's ...... (?)

Time will tell :)

All the best,

PS: Apologies for the use of just a hint of color :)
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I *hope* that given the Stock Cab users are [ almost certainly ? ] going to get a ground-up new and much improved Cab and Mic Block
From what I've seen stock cab users are set in their fanboi ways that stock cabs are the best thing ever and no IR can come close to them, and you just have to LeArN tO uSe them, so they may not even use the new ones.
I found funny that people think you have to spend days to learn how to use two cabs and two mics, but then I remembered some never even make their own preset, others try to use factory ones (there are factory presets!?!), others "discover" snapshots and other in super detail explained features in the manual...
That OFFICIAL AND ORIGINAL ONE AND ONLY GROUP scarred me for life. People are the worst.
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What if we can finally (as an example) use the matchless G25/H30 as a single cab with two different mics?

It will be far easier and faster than browsing through folder trees, demoing IRs in DAW, loading into the modeler, etc.
The effectiveness and versatility of moving virtual mics on cabs is undoubtedly the way of future modelers.
Both are achieving the same thing being IR based, but the latter is a lot faster, being part of the modeler itself.

Most important to me is it has to sound good*.
The most advanced, powerful, and innovative audio technology means absolutely nothing if it sounds worse than older tech.

* When I say 'good' I mean realistic and balanced like a well mic'd cab in a professional studio by an experienced engineer, not necessarily polished or sits perfectly in a mix with EZDrummer or Addictive Drums.
We do now have a target release date (which we've never ever ever hit in the History of the World). Phil's a good friend of ours and he does get *some* inside info but "a few more weeks" is reaaally optimistic (depending on your definition of "a few more weeks" of course).

At the risk of squashing enthusiasm, 3.20 contains no notable changes to the Amp models that might affect feel.
But does it contain the much requested drink holder?
3.2 = "game-changer"

You are not ready !

Will it be weeks ?
Will it be sonic enhancement ?
Will it be ground-up new and much improved Cab and Mic Block ?
Will it be at least as good as the NDSP ?
Will it provide clear sonic changes ?

Only time and BenIfin will tell

All I know is that I should sell my QC and buy a Stomp XL :rofl
That's why I can't fully sell off my Helix *OR* my Fractal gear. When I sell off one, inevitably a few months go by and there's an updated everyone gets excited about, and I start GAS-ing. So I have the Stomp XL and the FM3 and don't see selling either for a while.

Also, can we merge this with the other 3.2 thread? Just a thought...
That's why I can't fully sell off my Helix *OR* my Fractal gear. When I sell off one, inevitably a few months go by and there's an updated everyone gets excited about, and I start GAS-ing. So I have the Stomp XL and the FM3 and don't see selling either for a while.

Also, can we merge this with the other 3.2 thread? Just a thought...
I wonder if Line 6 will replace all the Factory presets with new cabs, that should give a far better impression not only to new user but current and returning users alike.
I am actually excited to try all the Factory presets with updated cabs when 3.2 is released.

Current/old cabs can be hidden under Legacy to never be seen or used again, only to remind us of the dark ages prior to 3.2 which Helix miraculously survived and even thrived through while sounding utterly disgusting without the aid of IRs.
I haven't seen any notification to begin testing this build. The last 2 I tested took about a month of testing. I didn't take note of exactly how long but a month seems about right.
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Surely persistence and consistency count for something these days :)

Must... resist... creating... JCM800.... thread...

I wonder if Line 6 will replace all the Factory presets with new cabs, that should give a far better impression not only to new user but current and returning users alike.
I am actually excited to try all the Factory presets with updated cabs when 3.2 is released.

Current/old cabs can be hidden under Legacy to never be seen or used again, only to remind us of the dark ages prior to 3.2 which Helix miraculously survived and even thrived through while sounding utterly disgusting without the aid of IRs.
They still need to make sure all those out there (non forum people…) doesnt get their precious stock cab presets ruined. Its doable, but they’ll probably need to call support if the cabs gets placed in another folder.
I imagine these are the same people who discover Snapshots after 7 years of owning a Helix?
May be those to. I think the general “don’t break my presets” people are actually performing people that also doesn’t make presets or tweak things themselves. :bag