Helix 3.2 when?

We do now have a target release date (which we've never ever ever hit in the History of the World). Phil's a good friend of ours and he does get *some* inside info but "a few more weeks" is reaaally optimistic (depending on your definition of "a few more weeks" of course).

At the risk of squashing enthusiasm, 3.20 contains no notable changes to the Amp models that might affect feel.
We do now have a target release date (which we've never ever ever hit in the History of the World). Phil's a good friend of ours and he does get *some* inside info but "a few more weeks" is reaaally optimistic (depending on your definition of "a few more weeks" of course).

At the risk of squashing enthusiasm, 3.20 contains no notable changes to the Amp models that might affect feel.
THANK YOU for the clarification and bit of insight there. We all appreciate it.
While I suppose this probably isn't something we're gonna see in 3.2, I still can't stop daydreaming about how crazy it'd be if parameter values could be assigned to an input trigger/LFO in the same manner we can tie them to an EXP pedal/jack.

Feel free to upvote: https://line6.ideascale.com/c/idea/1047901

Variations on this have been requested a few times before:

June 2015: https://line6.ideascale.com/c/idea/727014

August 2015: https://line6.ideascale.com/c/idea/774179

October 2015: https://line6.ideascale.com/c/idea/788141

It doesn't seem that hard to implement seeing as expression pedals and JTV knobs are supported, but it hasn't got to the top of the pile in the last 7 years.

Who knows? We might get lucky in 3.2, or 3.3 :popcorn
But we know that every firmware release improves the sound and feel of Helix!

At least somebody says it does for every release...

... even when a null test proves that nothing has changed
We do now have a target release date (which we've never ever ever hit in the History of the World). Phil's a good friend of ours and he does get *some* inside info but "a few more weeks" is reaaally optimistic (depending on your definition of "a few more weeks" of course).

At the risk of squashing enthusiasm, 3.20 contains no notable changes to the Amp models that might affect feel.

While I suppose this probably isn't something we're gonna see in 3.2, I still can't stop daydreaming about how crazy it'd be if parameter values could be assigned to an input trigger/LFO in the same manner we can tie them to an EXP pedal/jack.

Feel free to upvote: https://line6.ideascale.com/c/idea/1047901
I'm not against this feature but I would like an example (audio or video from another device or plugin) of how it would be applied. I'm curious.
At the risk of squashing enthusiasm, 3.20 contains no notable changes to the Amp models that might affect feel.
At the risk of squashing your squashing of our enthusiasm i trump your evil vicious dark card with:

3.2 may contain changes to the other important part that makes up an amp as a whole, which contributes to a lot of the feel, the one that makes sound.
We do now have a target release date (which we've never ever ever hit in the History of the World). Phil's a good friend of ours and he does get *some* inside info but "a few more weeks" is reaaally optimistic (depending on your definition of "a few more weeks" of course).

At the risk of squashing enthusiasm, 3.20 contains no notable changes to the Amp models that might affect feel.

I might (?) be totally misreading D.I's note ........ but perhaps there goes my theory that 3.20 would give us the new Cab block sonic improvments and also sonically-audible-audio-engine improvements in and of themselves ie: changes that would be obvious when using IR's as opposed to the sonic impacts of the new Cabs ..... (?)

Then again ...... maybe though by reading "in between the lines" ....... no "feel" changes does not exclude sonically-audible-audio-engine improvements in and of themselves .... (?)

Guess we'll know more in a " few + weeks time " :)

All the best,
I might (?) be totally misreading D.I's note ........ but perhaps there goes my theory that 3.20 would give us the new Cab block sonic improvments and also sonically-audible-audio-engine improvements in and of themselves ie: changes that would be obvious when using IR's as opposed to the sonic impacts of the new Cabs ..... (?)

Then again ...... maybe though by reading "in between the lines" ....... no "feel" changes does not exclude sonically-audible-audio-engine improvements in and of themselves .... (?)

Ladies and Gentleman, I give you Mr. Ben "Sonically Audible Audio Engine Improvements" Ifin.

:standing ovation:

Audio Engine Improvements.png
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