What a disappointment. Friedman just went and copied Marshall again. With over-the-top price increases IMO.
I would like a SS-V2 20 watt EL-34 variant with all the bells and whistles for $1500. Screw Marshall and Mesa for leading this charge.
Think again, we're talking about guitarists here.people are not idiots
Hello BE-OD Deluxe pedal.![]()
I like to watch his interviews and I really wouldn’t say he complains about it 24/7 but yeah he’s vocal about how he doesn’t care for modelers.. and with what he’s comparing them to I totally agree. Yeah seems like double speak but everything someone designs and sells doesn’t have to be their preference. I design stuff for people all the time that wouldn’t be my choice in design but it’s what they want.I always was critical of Dave complaining about modelers 24x7 while trying to sell you the unflattest 97lb powered speaker ever created for $1500. But I have also heard nonstop great stories on the customer side of things as far as actual guitar amps. So eh? If I was spending that much $; I'd certainly trust him.
I like to watch his interviews and I really wouldn’t say he complains about it 24/7 but yeah he’s vocal about how he doesn’t care for modelers.. and with what he’s comparing them to I totally agree. Yeah seems like double speak but everything someone designs and sells doesn’t have to be their preference. I design stuff for people all the time that wouldn’t be my choice in design but it’s what they want.
I’ve heard him say he doesn’t like amps with a lot of gain but obviously he makes amps that have the amount gain that he wouldn’t personally use. I don’t see any contradiction… seems like a smart business man in tune with the demands of a market.
Personally I don’t like his amps. They aren’t horrible but not my thing. They are bit dull or flat sounding to me but he for sure knows how to be a successful business man with great customer service and a lot of people like his products.
As far as the rest of the thread and the price complaints… the number sales will tell him if he’s too high or not. I have a feeling he won’t be lowering them anytime soon.
I'm not sure who he licenses his designs to really is a telling factor in what he prefers or any type of "contradiction". Again he's a business man who has personal preferences that some agree with and some not.He did an about face a few years back with modeling. If I remember correctly, he had no problem with Fractal using the Friedman name/amp models when it happened and I seem to recall him saying nice things about them at one point. I think when he started working with UAD on his official amp sims is when things changed.
And really, after watching nearly every episode of Tone Talk, I think his gripe is much more in the feel department and the whole "a rock guitar is supposed to be loud and thumping you in the chest" is more of his thing than any kind of tonal issues.
Mark Huzansky lives close by, I keep nagging at him to let me bring my FM9 rig over so he can A/B it to his BE-100, going into the return. That was the only way I got my "tubes only" buddy to admit the tones are all there, it's just the monitoring/speaker system that takes the 'fun' part of playing away.
Hahahah my buddy when I plugged into the return of his JJ head...."Ok, yeah, it sounds great but there's no f*cking way am I pushing buttons to get my tone!"
I'm not sure who he license his designs to really is a telling factor in what he prefers. Again he's a business man who has personal preferences that some agree with and some not.
When it comes to modelers and plugging them into the return of an amp... at that point I'll just play a real amp and even then to me the amp sounds, feels and takes pedals better. YMMV.
That's not what I recall and I've watched his interviews from the very beginning when Mark left that Canadian dude's show and started the one with Dave. He's always stated he much prefers amps over modelers. That said he has said in some cases modelers could be a better tool for the job so why not try and reach that market too?I just know there was a point in time he had nothing bad to say about modeling and then he did a 180. Whatever was going on behind the scenes, I dunno, but he has no problem speaking highly of his UAD plug-ins.
Sweet Jeebus this thing sounds killer.
That's not what I recall and I've watched his interviews from the very beginning when Mark left that Canadian dude's show and started the one with Dave. He's always stated he much prefers amps over modelers. That said he has said in some cases modelers could be a better tool for the job so why not try and reach that market too?
"Ok, yeah, it sounds great but there's no f*cking way am I pushing buttons to get my tone!"
He did an about face a few years back with modeling. If I remember correctly, he had no problem with Fractal using the Friedman name/amp models when it happened and I seem to recall him saying nice things about them at one point. I think when he started working with UAD on his official amp sims is when things changed.
And really, after watching nearly every episode of Tone Talk, I think his gripe is much more in the feel department and the whole "a rock guitar is supposed to be loud and thumping you in the chest" is more of his thing than any kind of tonal issues.
Mark Huzansky lives close by, I keep nagging at him to let me bring my FM9 rig over so he can A/B it to his BE-100, going into the return. That was the only way I got my "tubes only" buddy to admit the tones are all there, it's just the monitoring/speaker system that takes the 'fun' part of playing away.
Hahahah my buddy when I plugged into the return of his JJ head...."Ok, yeah, it sounds great but there's no f*cking way am I pushing buttons to get my tone!"