Fractal Talk

Are you running anywhere close to the CPU limits?

That's a lot of bugs and while it's a beta firmware...I wish Fractal would have gotten rid of this sort of thing.

No, I’m running fairly small presets. I think the biggest is pushing somewhere around 65-67% CPU
I’m getting lots of weird glitchy behavior on my fm3 lately. I am on the 9.02 beta

  • When changing screens, changing presets, and saving, the screen sometimes flickers really fast for a second.
  • In footswitch assignments, some block names don’t appear. They can be selected, but it’s blank - no name is displayed
  • My scene MIDI block in one preset sometimes reverts to the settings in a different preset. Or maybe it’s keeping the settings from the block in the previous preset when I switch to a new preset.
  • Yesterday one of my control switches kept being turned on when I recalled the preset even though I saved the preset with it off. This was intermittent
  • I don’t know if I could even reproduce this, but I was trying to set up two 2-button footswitches and a MIDI out message via the scene MIDI block and sometimes setting one would cause one of the others to stop working. I struggled to get all three working at the same time.
Please post this on our forum so our engineers see it. They don't frequent forums outside our own.