so to emulate a current BEDLX what would you set it too . the NFB. higher than default like more in the 1"0clock - 2 o'clock range?
crossposting from the Fractal forum but:
New BE100 value=9.15 16 Ω
BE2010=7.4 (8 or 16 Ω? different resistor value?)
Smallbox=5.85 (8 Ω?)
1959SLP=5.3 (8 Ω? the official schematic shows it off the 8 Ω tap with a 47k resistor)
Plexi 100W=5.3 (similar arrangement to the above?)
Dirty Shirley=4.3 (guessing 8 Ω and that the values account for the difference in output vs 100W amps?)
Atomica=3.2 (different resistor value to the others?)
AFS=1.94 (4 Ω and 100k with different tolerance to below?)
2203=1.88 (4 Ω tap 100k)
Brit Silver=1.88 (4 Ω and 100k, the same as above)
Plexi 100W 1970=1.54 (4 Ω and component drift? 1970-71 was a transition from 8 Ω and 47k to 4 Ω and 100k)
Brit 2204=1.27 (4 Ω and 100k but 50W with the same values means less NFB than 100W)
New BE100 default settings have an absolute fuck ton of NFB, because Cliff has some kind of anomaly that doesn't have the correct circuit changes for a post 2016 BE100. Its cool as an anomaly but to hear something more like a typical BE100 or DLX set to least NFB it'll need a lower setting.
Per Cliffs advice on the fractal forum - to go from 16 Ω to 4 Ω , divide by 2. To go from 16 Ω to 8 Ω, divide by 1.414 (square root of 2)