If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.
View attachment 34908
I have the means, the issue is the logistics. A single, tiered pedalboard and case would work but that’s big and heavy and I don’t have one lying around that’s the right size. I don’t really want to build a big heavy rig if it’s digital, the thing I like about the fm9 is that it’s compact and lightweight but crazy powerful and sounds great.
I could break that out into the helix backpack and a second bag for the fc12, and I have all that stuff around, it’s just extra stuff to carry and I’m not sure I want to.
The fc6 and an expression pedal fits in the helix backpack, which is what I think I want to stay aligned to for now.
Most of my gigging the switching is automated on scenes. It’s ad hoc gigs, ad lib stuff live, and rehearsals where I jump out to the pedalboard style switching. That’s a small portion of what I’m doing, so I’m not sure I want a lot bigger, heavier rig just for those purposes. Rehearsals are where I usually wish I had it though, when I’m cycling through stuff trying to figure out the right parts and sounds with a larger band. I get myself tied in knots sometimes with the paging to different layouts and all the hold functions.
I have a constant cycle of growing and shrinking my rig. I just went through the shrinking phase. When I talk myself into growing it again, we’ll see where I land… I’ve been known to do wildly unreasonable things when I decide to grow my rig. An FC12 wouldn’t be hard to talk myself into even though I don’t like the idea right at this moment.