Fractal Talk

My goal is to have an FM9 with some pedals on one board, another board with an FC12 with expression pedals, a board with a BOSS SY-1000 and GM-800, and then a board with a looper on it. And a moat with drawbridge to get to where I stand.
Were it not for the weight, I'd be trying to make this work for my live rig, I think. Maybe with the FC12 on the bottom though. And the FM9 overhanging the FC12 because I wouldn't need it's display in this configuration.

My beef with fewer footswitches is that it's another set of layers to manage. That can be a chore on its own.

The FM9 or FC-12 feels like a good spot where you have plenty of footswitching to cover whatever you would need. Like you can "waste" a few footswitches for a convenient tuner or tap tempo or whatever instead of having to bury those in a hold function or another view.

Yeah, I think it depends on your needs and how you like to work.

Another thing I’ve been finding means less footswitches for me is per-preset switches and gapless preset switching.

I usually don’t need access to the same effects for all sounds. For example, when I’m playing a clean amp I might need quick access to a heavy reverb but I don’t need access to the SD-1 boost, then when I’m playing distortion I don’t need access to the heavy reverb but I do need that SD-1 boost.

So I break up my core amp tones into separate presets and each preset gives me access to my most used switches for that particular base tone through per-preset switches. With secondary options on View 2
Yeah, I think it depends on your needs and how you like to work.

Another thing I’ve been finding means less footswitches for me is per-preset switches and gapless preset switching.

I usually don’t need access to the same effects for all sounds. For example, when I’m playing a clean amp I might need quick access to a heavy reverb but I don’t need access to the SD-1 boost, then when I’m playing distortion I don’t need access to the heavy reverb but I do need that SD-1 boost.

So I break up my core amp tones into separate presets and each preset gives me access to my most used switches for that particular base tone through per-preset switches. With secondary options on View 2
Yeah per preset switches are a super useful feature, as long as you remember to configure it before-hand.

When I had the Axe-Fx 3 + FC-12 I did basically "4 scenes, 4 per preset switches" type thing because I was used to that sort of thing on the Helix Floor. The rest were for changing to a couple of different layouts, tuner and tap tempo.

My complaints about the FC-12 are really all about cost and weight.
This is what’s working for me on the fm3:

Two 2-button external switches for stateless actions.

Switch 1:
- Tuner
- Go to Instrument Selection

Switch 2:
- Toggle View 1/2
- Toggle amp presets 1/2

Each amp preset has my 3 most used effects on View 1, and 3 additional effects on View 2.

Instrument selection gives me one switch access to toggle between all my instruments/presets.

I’ve thought that for electric gigs that need more amps I’ll also create an Amp Selection that will give me quick access to 3 amp presets on view 1 and 3 more on View 2.
If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.

View attachment 34908

I have the means, the issue is the logistics. A single, tiered pedalboard and case would work but that’s big and heavy and I don’t have one lying around that’s the right size. I don’t really want to build a big heavy rig if it’s digital, the thing I like about the fm9 is that it’s compact and lightweight but crazy powerful and sounds great.

I could break that out into the helix backpack and a second bag for the fc12, and I have all that stuff around, it’s just extra stuff to carry and I’m not sure I want to.

The fc6 and an expression pedal fits in the helix backpack, which is what I think I want to stay aligned to for now.

Most of my gigging the switching is automated on scenes. It’s ad hoc gigs, ad lib stuff live, and rehearsals where I jump out to the pedalboard style switching. That’s a small portion of what I’m doing, so I’m not sure I want a lot bigger, heavier rig just for those purposes. Rehearsals are where I usually wish I had it though, when I’m cycling through stuff trying to figure out the right parts and sounds with a larger band. I get myself tied in knots sometimes with the paging to different layouts and all the hold functions.

I have a constant cycle of growing and shrinking my rig. I just went through the shrinking phase. When I talk myself into growing it again, we’ll see where I land… I’ve been known to do wildly unreasonable things when I decide to grow my rig. An FC12 wouldn’t be hard to talk myself into even though I don’t like the idea right at this moment.

Yeah per preset switches are a super useful feature, as long as you remember to configure it before-hand.

When I had the Axe-Fx 3 + FC-12 I did basically "4 scenes, 4 per preset switches" type thing because I was used to that sort of thing on the Helix Floor. The rest were for changing to a couple of different layouts, tuner and tap tempo.

My complaints about the FC-12 are really all about cost and weight.

Nearly all of my switching across three FC layouts is per preset switches. I think I’m using all 24 that are available in the preset or very close to that and then using the FC overrides to fit them on the layouts.

It’s a pain to program initially, but if you want it just a certain way and not to be locked into it for every other preset it’s the only way.


Pedalboard are you using with a second tier that can hold the FC?
It's a sweet sweet Creation Audio pedalboard setup I bought off @deadpool_25 -- has a hinged riser behind the FM9. Super plush.

What does Blow Up! do?
Blows shit up, of course.

It's a wild card pedal. Does a bunch of things. Depends on the scene.

On the Delay God scene it runs the master feedback so I can make two delays self-oscillate. esreveR scene it moves me, smoothly, between forward delay and 100% wet backwards delays. On another scene it controls a 0 to +12 whammy.
Ooo, I’m liking the new style updates to the tuner and menus :love

Here’s what’s awesome about finally having the Mostortion:

It stacks so well with the Nobles it creates a perfect clean -> crunch -> lead setup with pedals.

You can dial in a warm fat clean tone on the amp, then hit the Mostortion and it thins out the low end and pushes treble and mids for a good crunch tone. Then add the Nobles after it and it adds extra distortion and compression while also fattening up the tone for leads.

This works so well for me because I always want a full clean tone and lead tone, but I want my crunch tones to be thinner and very mid-forward