Which is why it sucks that it's genuinely hard to find examples of alternative ways to dial these things, when almost every clip online goes for that V curve metal tone. Which to be fair, the Mark series does very, very well.
But there's a lot of other flavors in there from really juicy clean channel, to thick blues leads on the MK1 mode of the Mark V, to sludgy overdrive, Plexi-ish crunch...
I've been thinking of buying a used Mesa Mark V 90W as a "just own a nice tube amp" thing. A few head/combo candidates available but I'm still not sure if I want to put down over 2000 euros for one.
I've been revisiting the ML Sound Lab Amped ML5 2.0 plugin since it's afaik the only Mark V model in existence apart from the Fractal, which I no longer own. Plus also trying out NAM captures, NDSP IIC Suite, the IV models on Helix Native and JP2C/IIC/IV models on Hotone...but obviously none of that is a substitute for the real thing.