Fractal Talk

Which is why it sucks that it's genuinely hard to find examples of alternative ways to dial these things, when almost every clip online goes for that V curve metal tone. Which to be fair, the Mark series does very, very well.

But there's a lot of other flavors in there from really juicy clean channel, to thick blues leads on the MK1 mode of the Mark V, to sludgy overdrive, Plexi-ish crunch...

I've been thinking of buying a used Mesa Mark V 90W as a "just own a nice tube amp" thing. A few head/combo candidates available but I'm still not sure if I want to put down over 2000 euros for one.

I've been revisiting the ML Sound Lab Amped ML5 2.0 plugin since it's afaik the only Mark V model in existence apart from the Fractal, which I no longer own. Plus also trying out NAM captures, NDSP IIC Suite, the IV models on Helix Native and JP2C/IIC/IV models on Hotone...but obviously none of that is a substitute for the real thing.

Mark amps are pretty strong in the midrange to begin with, so even with a fairly aggressive V on the five band you're still going have plenty of meat in your tone. I run mine with barely any cut on the middle slider, but I'm fairly old school for that sort of thing.
Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm...." :)

This post makes me go “Hmmmmmm” more than the new Drives!!!

Edit- Just noticed the Improved Tube Driver as well. Don’t we have some kind forum mod code I can invoke here to get a secret PM about secret goings on?
Internet forums and real world time commitments limit how well we can express ourselves online. This discussion isn't going anywhere. I've tried unwatching this thread but it still pings my inbox when someone quotes me.

Have a nice day.
I find most of this falls apart less because of lack of clarity of expression and more because people use forums and comments sections as places to merely spew out a preconceived thought they've held for a long time that a word or two in a headline trigger them to regurgitate, rather than as places to provide thoughtful comments on things they actually read in full...
Why not both?
Football Season GIF by CBS
Which is why it sucks that it's genuinely hard to find examples of alternative ways to dial these things, when almost every clip online goes for that V curve metal tone. Which to be fair, the Mark series does very, very well.

But there's a lot of other flavors in there from really juicy clean channel, to thick blues leads on the MK1 mode of the Mark V, to sludgy overdrive, Plexi-ish crunch...

Mesa made some, around the time of the release of the V, so they’re pretty old. But it’s a good variety of low/mid gain rock, blues, even funk tones, if I remember right.
Hm. @Shredder777 IME the Fractal models are very accurate so if you can get a sound out of them using the authentic controls, you can almost certainly get those sounds out of the real thing. I think the limitations are maybe more so based on practicality. Such as how loud will that Plexi be at max "gain"?

Downloaded the new beta a few minutes ago and since I had the Patriarch already plugged in, wanted to see how close I could get to it using the Russian Big Muff and the 4-Knob Tube Screamer as Gilmour did in '94 (and is what the Patriarch was made to recreate)

First time it plays through it's the Patriarch, 2nd time is the above-

That's the 5-minute match-up, I think that's pretty obvious it could be nailed spending a maybe 10 more minutes with it.
Thats why I was surprised if someone had all the amps in the fractal, why they would choose the plexi for high gain stuff.

No one would.

This is how this whole conversation started-

Screen Shot 2024-12-13 at 7.56.12 PM.png

Note- Elric doesn't say anything about Plexi's having tight bass anywhere in his post. You came up with that all on your own.

I'm guessing somewhere along the way you saw "aggressive" and assumed we were talking about modern metal tones or something. I'm really not sure how you drew your post's conclusions to what Elric was saying though.

Anywho, this is what a Fractal Plexi sounds like, it's a jumped Superlead with this signal chain and these amp settings-
Screen Shot 2024-12-13 at 7.59.06 PM.png

Strat w/Gilmour EMG's, just a single Ribbon mic on the 1960 cab.
This post makes me go “Hmmmmmm” more than the new Drives!!!

Edit- Just noticed the Improved Tube Driver as well. Don’t we have some kind forum mod code I can invoke here to get a secret PM about secret goings on?
You know as much as I do! Which is to say: nothing at all.

But it sure is an interesting division of updates all arriving on a this great day for freedom.
Yep, we covered that a couple pages back.

Aggressive is a relative term, a guitarist who has access to all the metal amps in the fractal and is using that term means something. An old man who has been gigging with a Fender Twin for the past 40 years means something else.

The example of the plexi above is not what anyone would call aggressive. There is a ton of sag. The bottom end notes have that flubby and overloaded sound like I expected. Palm mutes don't even work. Fewer gain stages sound like they are being overworked and compressing in a "non aggressive" way. I bet the eq doesn't have a suitable range of adjustment for any meaningful tone shaping. It sounds like ass.

So the question is, when you hit the Fractal plexi model with EMGs and an SD1, does it sound aggressive, or does it sound like ass. I bet it sounds aggressive. It should sound like ass.

Why are you so obsessed with the sound of the Fractal Plexi’s if you hate Plexi’s so much? :wat
As much as I love so many amp models in the Fractal, I could probably be happy forever with nothing but the 50w Plexi

I love the 800s, but I have moved to the 50W Plexi since my Di Meola Deep Dive. It
never sounds or feels bad to me. Outside of a few songs we played last night in
drop C where I switch to the Mark IV and use the Virtual Capo I stayed on the 50W
Plexi all night. No clean channels. No edge of break up mid-gainers. Not necessary.
I bet I could do an handful of genres in a night and nail them with that amp model. :chef

Oh, and my Tone stack is no Treble, Bass and Mids crancked. Looks dumb and sounds epic! :LOL:
