Something doesn't sound quite right with the Plexi models compared to my reference amps.
On a real Plexi (same with a 2203 with master on 10 for that matter) when I crank the treble and high-ish Presence settings and zero the bass and mids I hear a certain 'squish' when I play hard two or more notes on the higher strings like an open D chord or 7th fret on the G+B strings together.
This does not happen on the AxeFx no matter how I tweak the Power Supply and Pwr Tubs, Power Amp settings.
I have a PPIMV on my 1987x, I can hear this 'squish' with very low PPIMV settings like 1 or when cranked through a load box, so maybe it is something related to the blocking distortion of the phase inverter grids than the power tubes.
If someone with a Plexi/2203 and a Load Box can confirm that would be great.
@FractalAudio I hope your Plexis are not too far away.
settings and clip
View attachment 32599
View attachment 32600
It's close but still no cigar.
The real amp also feels more dynamic to play, the amp has '72+ metal panel spec (2.7k+0.68, no V2a cap, 100k from 4ohm tap) in case anyone wonders.