Fractal Talk

EDIT: I do have my reverb block in series with bypass set at "Mute FX In"
Run them in parallel.

If you really want to make this smooth we can get real complicated with a control switch that fades the output level of one block in while fading the other out. So that you're never muting the input to either block.

It depends on how smooth you want it.
Run them in parallel.

If you really want to make this smooth we can get real complicated with a control switch that fades the output level of one block in while fading the other out. So that you're never muting the input to either block.

It depends on how smooth you want it.

So I am trying to closely emulate my current pedalboard which has Bigsky in series into Tonex Ones, for that classic CCM / P&W tone.

I guess I can try running the reverb in parallel, just to see if it works. But I don't understand why it isn't working to begin with? I don't think the correct approach is to just throw out the current method without understanding why it isn't working.... I am trying to learn this new fun product after all.

I did post on the Fractal forums with my preset uploaded.

EDIT: I am also running my delays/reverbs BEFORE the amp/cab block, if that makes a difference.
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I don't think the correct approach is to just throw out the current method without understanding why it isn't working....
It seems the common sense answer here is. "How can one thing finish its duties if you keep feeding it? (when in series)"
In parallel you can shut down the input of one in the next scene (AFAIK) and even activate a block (or control?) that makes it die out faster if you want.
I bought John Cordy's presets and most of his stuff sound like it has a blanket over the sound, definitely not how it sounds in the videos.
I’ve come to realise that sometimes this can have a lot to do with how loud or quiet you are playing. Whenever I dial in tones at higher than solo practice volumes (so anywhere above 85-ish dB), I notice that the settings are a lot “darker” and mid-heavy in comparison to tones I dial in at lower volumes. It’s good ol’ Fletcher-Munson at play here. Try those presets at slightly louder volumes and you’ll probably enjoy them a lot more. The difference might also be down to the guitar you are using as well. JNC uses a lot of single coils so it may be that the presets you are using are ideally meant for single coils.
I'm gonna get one. I don't think the VP4 will be enough for me. FM9 for rehearsals and shows, and Axe3 for home. That's where I'm heading.
Just keep in mind, since I know you use a lot of effects...

The FM9 that only allows 1 instance of the Multi-Tap Delay (the Blocks Guide says 2 but that's incorrect).... I found it here.

But the VP4 can run 4.

May, or may not, matter to you.
I have a III and a FM9 with the studio/to go idea in mind but truth be told I tend to just use the FM9 these days.

I've considered getting a VP4 to use with my Rivera Jazz amp but is there anything the VP4 does better than the FM9?
Yeah. It can run more instances of certain effects. See my post above, and compare the Blocks Guide to the VP4 manual to see if it's enough that it would make a difference to you.
The latest FM9 beta allows 2 instances of the MTD block.
Which will allow you to run Leon's SPX90 good.
big grin.png
I’ve been messing with the Tremolux more lately. I’m liking it for when I want a bit more midrange. With negative feedback removed it does some nice breakup tones!
Im a new user but I have been using the 65 Bassman because that's what I had on my dual tonex one pedalboard and I am pretty blown away by it. Sounds good clean and with a bit of amp gain for that cool breakup tone.

I also have a dyna-compressor on for that squashy goodness, so good.
Something doesn't sound quite right with the Plexi models compared to my reference amps.

On a real Plexi (same with a 2203 with master on 10 for that matter) when I crank the treble and high-ish Presence settings and zero the bass and mids I hear a certain 'squish' when I play hard two or more notes on the higher strings like an open D chord or 7th fret on the G+B strings together.
This does not happen on the AxeFx no matter how I tweak the Power Supply and Pwr Tubs, Power Amp settings.
I have a PPIMV on my 1987x, I can hear this 'squish' with very low PPIMV settings like 1 or when cranked through a load box, so maybe it is something related to the blocking distortion of the phase inverter grids than the power tubes.

If someone with a Plexi/2203 and a Load Box can confirm that would be great.
@FractalAudio I hope your Plexis are not too far away. 😅

settings and clip



It's close but still no cigar.
The real amp also feels more dynamic to play, the amp has '72+ metal panel spec (2.7k+0.68, no V2a cap, 100k from 4ohm tap) in case anyone wonders.
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Something doesn't sound quite right with the Plexi models compared to my reference amps.

On a real Plexi (same with a 2203 with master on 10 for that matter) when I crank the treble and high-ish Presence settings and zero the bass and mids I hear a certain 'squish' when I play hard two or more notes on the higher strings like an open D chord or 7th fret on the G+B strings together.
This does not happen on the AxeFx no matter how I tweak the Power Supply and Pwr Tubs, Power Amp settings.
I have a PPIMV on my 1987x, I can hear this 'squish' with very low PPIMV settings like 1 or when cranked through a load box, so maybe it is something related to the blocking distortion of the phase inverter grids than the power tubes.

If someone with a Plexi/2203 and a Load Box can confirm that would be great.
@FractalAudio I hope your Plexis are not too far away. 😅

settings and clip
View attachment 32599

View attachment 32600


It's close but still no cigar.
The real amp also feels more dynamic to play, the amp has '72+ metal panel spec (2.7k+0.68, no V2a cap, 100k from 4ohm tap) in case anyone wonders.
