Fractal Talk

Playing around with the Axe FX 3 + Rocker 15 tube amp today. Was running into the front of the amp for a while, then was messing around with the return in.

For some reason I really like the sound of the Axe FX 3 with no amps or effects just directly into the power amp return. It's like a really good basic clean amp. Not sure what if any tone shaping is happening by doing that within the Orange. Kind of weird but fun!
Wouldn't that just be a DI?

Worlds most expensive DI 🤣
Wouldn't that just be a DI?

Worlds most expensive DI 🤣

Rocker 15 into a cab, so probably more like running my guitar into a volume pedal into the effects loop return?

I was using the Axe 3 for effects in front of the amp then was messing around with the amp models, then tried it in the effects return, then bypassed the amp model and was surprised at the bypass tone!
Is it me, or does the Fractal looper not quite ... loop ??? I swear down I'm not a shit guitarist with no rhythm, but I feel like when I record a basic loop with the FC12 and Axe3, that the loop timing is more often a bit off than not... and this isn't something I experience with my DD8, Timeline, LVX, and Flashback X4II ....

I don't have any hold modifiers assigned to the switch or anything. I'm just using the stock "LOOPER" layout on the FC12.
Is it me, or does the Fractal looper not quite ... loop ??? I swear down I'm not a shit guitarist with no rhythm, but I feel like when I record a basic loop with the FC12 and Axe3, that the loop timing is more often a bit off than not... and this isn't something I experience with my DD8, Timeline, LVX, and Flashback X4II ....

I don't have any hold modifiers assigned to the switch or anything. I'm just using the stock "LOOPER" layout on the FC12.

Make sure that you are engaging it on switch-down, not on switch-up.

There is some literature here:
Is it me, or does the Fractal looper not quite ... loop ??? I swear down I'm not a shit guitarist with no rhythm, but I feel like when I record a basic loop with the FC12 and Axe3, that the loop timing is more often a bit off than not... and this isn't something I experience with my DD8, Timeline, LVX, and Flashback X4II ....

Just tested it. Seems fine here. Have the 'shroom toppers so it's easy to hit the switch 🙂
I always struggle with the loopers in modelers/multi-effects.....also, why do the switches always default to "on release"? especially considering switches usually have long press functions....and holding for too long will cause secondary issues, of course.

This is why I always run a separate looper, that I already am comfortable with. Loopers on multis are annoying and convoluted.
Is it me, or does the Fractal looper not quite ... loop ??? I swear down I'm not a shit guitarist with no rhythm, but I feel like when I record a basic loop with the FC12 and Axe3, that the loop timing is more often a bit off than not... and this isn't something I experience with my DD8, Timeline, LVX, and Flashback X4II ....

I don't have any hold modifiers assigned to the switch or anything. I'm just using the stock "LOOPER" layout on the FC12.
In addition to making sure it's not on the bottom right switch or a switch with a secondary function assigned to it, are you using the quantization option on the looper? A small bit of quantization will help align the taps to the tempo better. You do, then, have to play to the tempo for it to work well.
Is it me, or does the Fractal looper not quite ... loop ??? I swear down I'm not a shit guitarist with no rhythm, but I feel like when I record a basic loop with the FC12 and Axe3, that the loop timing is more often a bit off than not... and this isn't something I experience with my DD8, Timeline, LVX, and Flashback X4II ....

I don't have any hold modifiers assigned to the switch or anything. I'm just using the stock "LOOPER" layout on the FC12.
Don’t have it on a switch with hold functionality
Crybaby 95q
Dunlop High Gain Volume pedal
Mission EP-1

Excuse the dusty ones, they don't get used these days.

Identical sized enclosures.

View attachment 27772View attachment 27773

I can only speak to my experience but I've owned at least 8 of the EP-1 or SP-1 pedals (all the same size), and own 2 of the 95q and volume pedals.

I owned a couple other Crybaby but there were Morley years in between so I can't directly compare those.

As far as I recall from conversation with the guys at Mission when I was at their HQ many years ago, I think they sourced the chassis originally from Dunlop. Both companies are relatively close to each other.

Is there a difference in the length of throw between them? For volume, whammy, modern wah, etc I like the extended throw pedals. But when I want to use it as a classic wah tone I like the classic shorter throw.

Switches with hold functions have bit me before. Hold functions are great, but sometimes the delay on the press action being on switch up sucks
Switches with hold functions have bit me before. Hold functions are great, but sometimes the delay on the press action being on switch up sucks
People often forget that the lower right switch _always_ has a hold function on it if you're using the two-switch to get to MLM feature. That's true for all the FCs, the FM3 and the FM9.
People often forget that the lower right switch _always_ has a hold function on it if you're using the two-switch to get to MLM feature. That's true for all the FCs, the FM3 and the FM9.

Yeah, the MLM access is great but I always had to remember not to assign anything to that switch that relied on critical timing
If you have dual identical amps in a patch (for stereo FX in front), how do you keep the amp settnigs in sync?

Constantly save to a block library file? Something else? Just live with the hassle?
Is there a difference in the length of throw between them? For volume, whammy, modern wah, etc I like the extended throw pedals. But when I want to use it as a classic wah tone I like the classic shorter throw.

Yes, as far as I can tell.

I use Mission for Wah and Whammy (I never used an actual Whammy pedal, but I want spring loaded). I use EV-2s for things that need a wider sweep and more fine grained control.

If I really wanted extra fine I'd probably get an EV-1, but they are pretty big and the 4 pedals I use already take a lot of space :)