Fractal Talk

It works for Line6. I haven’t seen any Helix or Helix Rack owners complaining about firmware being held up due to focus on say, the HX Stomp.
I'm sure a large part of the Helix owner's patience comes from being conditioned to only getting updates once in a while anyway.

Part of the fun of having an Axe-Fx is the pace at which Cliff updates it.
I’m going to take the next full public Fw release when it’s ready for FM9, make the changes I want to my patches, and then let it ride for months. There can be 5 new public fw releases in that time and I’ll probably ignore them.

Frequent updates is cool, but frequent update work to patches isn’t for me. I’m waiting for the next public fw because there are some changes I already wanted to make even if there was no new fw.

I loaded the new firmware this weekend. I spent a few hours playing my favorite live preset based on the 6CA7 50W Plexi. I played all nine of my guitars though it and liked the way it sounded with each of them. I've always liked how the Axe-FX lets the character of each guitar come through. My tele (Suhr Classic T to be more precise) sounded particularly nice with that amp model.

I didn't attempt to do any A/B of the old firmware, but it did sound like it had more low end clarity compared to what I recalled. Either way, I like how it sounded before and I like how it sounds now as well.
Holy Shit!

Release Notes:

Gapless Preset/Scene/Channel Switching​

A new parameter SETUP > Global Settings > Config > Gapless Changes has three settings: Off, Channel & Scene, and “All” (Preset, Scene, Channel). Note that channel switching speed has been improved in general even with this setting turned off. For preset changes to use the new gapless switching, two conditions must be met:

  • Setup > Global Settings > Config > Spillover must be set to “ALL”
  • Your presets must be saved under firmware 8.x or newer. You can do this manually in any of the usual ways or use the automatic utility in: SETUP > Utilities > Preset > Upgrade All Presets.
    IMPORTANT: Saving a preset under 8.x makes it incompatible with previous firmware versions!
    Use Fractal-Bot to make a backup first in case you ever revert to an older firmware. Make backups!


Cygnus X-3 is the latest amp modeling technology for Axe-Fx III, FM9, and FM3. It improves the sound, feel, and accuracy of the models, making them closer to their real world counterparts, with more rumble and bite and other nasty things that tube amps do.
  • Nearly all amps have been “remastered” using new measurement techniques and analytical methods.
  • Existing presets are NOT altered. A hard or soft reset will load the updated values.
  • Improved Preamp, Power Amp, and Output Transformer modeling.
  • Updated various default values for most amp models for Power Tube Grid Bias (or Cathode Resistance, as applicable), Supply Sag, and Cathode Follower.
  • Fixed wrong Miller capacitance value in Deluxe Verb Vibrato, Double Verb Vibrato, Super Verb Vibrato and all Vibrato Verb models.
  • Fixed wrong FX loop recovery gain in Suhr Badger models.
NOTE: This is an update to the core amp algorithms and may change the sound of your presets. Use Fractal-Bot to make a backup first in case you ever revert to an older firmware.
  • Additional Amp Block Updates
  • Updated all JS410 Lead models based on a current production JVM410HJS. The Crunch models were tested and did not require updating.
  • Added “NFB Compensation” switch. This defaults to “On”. Turning it off disables the negative feedback volume compensation at the output of the Amp block.
  • Added Global MV control to JS410 amp models. Master Volume has been renamed Channel MV. These two master volume controls can be used to balance the tone into the power amp (as in the real amp). The Channel MV decreases the high frequencies as it is turned down whereas the Global MV is transparent.
  • Improved triode algorithm.
  • Class-A 30W Brilliant
  • JS410 Lead Green
  • Brit Silver
  • Fryette D60 models
  • Citrus RV50
  • CA3+ Rhythm/Lead models
  • Friedman BE/HBE models
  • Recto1 and Recto2 models
  • Brit 800 2203
  • Brit 800 2204 Low
  • 5153 100W Stealth
  • USA MKV Green
  • USA MK V Red

New Drive Pedal Models​

  • "Nobelium OVD-1” Drive model based on a Nobels™ ODR-1. The BC (Bass Cut) switch is modeled via the Bass Response control. Set the Bass Response to 1.0 to duplicate the response of the pedal with the Bass Cut switch engaged. Set Bass Response to 5.0 to duplicate response with BC switch disengaged.
  • Sunrise Splendor model based on a JHS™ Morning Glory. Existing model renamed “Sunrise Splendor Hi-Cut” to denote that the Hi-Cut switch is engaged.
  • Gauss Drive model based on a Mesa™ Flux Drive.


  • The optical tremolo algorithm has been completely rewritten.
  • There are now three types of optical tremolo: Optical Trem 1: This type is based on optical pedal tremolos where depth controls the intensity of the LED. Optical Trem 2: This type is based on optical pedal tremolos where depth controls a “mixer” pot. This type has more “throb” than Optical Trem 1. Neon Trem: This type is based on the optical tremolo in classic “Blackface” amps which used a neon bulb to illuminate the LDR.
  • The Tremolo type has been renamed “VCA Trem” and is based on a voltage-controlled amplifier topology.
  • An LFO waveform monitor has been added for appropriate types.


  • Improved Stack/Hold in the Delay block:
  • Improved transition between Stack/Hold states.
  • In “Hold” mode, repeats are now infinite (or nearly, may degrade over many minutes/hours).
  • Note that if the Compander is enabled and/or Bit Reduction is in use the echoes will degrade. If you want infinite repeats, set “Compander” OFF and “Bit Reduction” to zero.
  • Note that the Mono Tape algorithm is inherently lossy (like a real tape) and echoes can still degrade over time.
  • Added “Stack Feedback” and “Hold Feedback” parameters. This allows adjusting the decay time independently for the stack and hold modes.
  • Updated Controller LFOs. The “Astable Beta” parameter for the LFOs has been renamed “Shape” and now controls the shape of the LFO for all types except Square and Random.
  • Improved Tape Chorus algorithm. The Number Voices parameter has also been removed from the GUI as it is not applicable to this type.
  • Improved Tape Delay algorithm. The LFO1 Target and LFO2 Target parameters have also been removed from the Modulation tab as they are not applicable.
  • Changed Tuner mute logic so that only selected source is muted when Mute is set to INPUT.
  • Improved Intelligent and Noise Reducer gate types in Input block. This eliminates the slight squeaking sound as the gate releases when using aggressive settings.
  • New Startup Preset global parameter sets the preset when the FM3 is powered on.
  • Added "2x12 USA C90 Open Back" speaker impedance curve.
  • Added Modifier capability to High Cut parameter in Delay block.


  • Fixed random freezing during the Upgrade Presets process.
  • Fixed occasional squeal during preset changes when metronome volume is maximum.
  • Fixed dropped audio could occur in Euro Uber model at certain combinations of Presence and Speaker Impedance.
  • Fixed right channel volume reduced in Cabinet block when Preamp is active.
  • Fixed attack behavior of Dynamicomp model to strong input signals. Default attack time also adjusted to match reference pedal.
  • Fixed Scene MIDI GUI not updating correctly when changing scenes via front panel.
  • Fixed Output 1 Configuration being overwritten by Output 2configuration.
  • Fixed excessive delay from Pitch block at first use if the Shift and Detune amounts are both 0.0.
  • Fixed crash in Synth effect under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Upgrade Presets not upgrading certain presets.
  • Fixed incorrect setting in Dimension 1 Chorus type.
  • Fixed preamp Vcc loss of precision.
  • Fixed delay lines not being cleared correctly in certain circumstances in Multitap Delay block
Skimming the FM3 release notes, I think the only thing missing is the Kill dry feature? Probably coming in next beta or final release.
Skimming the FM3 release notes, I think the only thing missing is the Kill dry feature? Probably coming in next beta or final release.
No reverb improvements, either. Oh, well. No shits given about the spring, but plates would be nice. Then again, I just use my Mercury X or H90 with the FM3, so why the hell do I care :rofl
No reverb improvements, either. Oh, well. No shits given about the spring, but plates would be nice. Then again, I just use my Mercury X or H90 with the FM3, so why the hell do I care :rofl
It's not like the existing ones are bad by any means...

But reverb has always been one of the most demanding blocks on the FM3 and pretty much has to be run at "Economy" or "Normal" in all but the simplest presets, so it's not a surprise that reverb improvements don't make it in.

I wonder if 8.00 will end up as the last major FM3 update. I imagine it is starting to be pretty much tapped out on what it can do beyond small modeling tweaks and new models. Which is still impressive for what Fractal says is only 25% of the Axe-Fx 3's horsepower.

Gapless switching is really major though because you no longer have to plan for kitchen sink presets.
It's not like the existing ones are bad by any means...

But reverb has always been one of the most demanding blocks on the FM3 and pretty much has to be run at "Economy" or "Normal" in all but the simplest presets, so it's not a surprise that reverb improvements don't make it in.

I wonder if 8.00 will end up as the last major FM3 update. I imagine it is starting to be pretty much tapped out on what it can do beyond small modeling tweaks and new models. Which is still impressive for what Fractal says is only 25% of the Axe-Fx 3's horsepower.

Gapless switching is really major though because you no longer have to plan for kitchen sink presets.
This is such a massive improvement where it truly matters, that I really wouldn't care if this is it for the FM3. Although I doubt that.