Fractal Talk

I bet another FM Dev cried a little this morning , understandably
I'm totally speculating here, but there have been times in the past when FM devs came up with stuff that made it to the Axe. Maybe this is something they came up with while working on the next updates. <shrug>

Changed Tuner mute logic so that only selected source is muted when Mute is set to INPUT.

Updated Fryette D60 models.

Updated Citrus RV50 model.

Updated CA3+ Rhythm and Lead models.

Updated Friedman BE/HBE models.

Updated Recto1 and Recto2 models.

Fixed Bit Reduction not working in Delay block.

Various other fixes and improvements.

Per Cliff:
"The D60 was updated to "Series II" specs.

The other models were updated based on new parameter fits related to cathode follower modeling."

Hell Yeah Reaction GIF

It had gone quiet on the update front for two weeks, I was wondering if Cliff was doing ok. :rofl
Oh well, I stand by what I said about being patient. Fractal is pretty open about what's happening and we know what they are working on. We also know that some of their staff has been on sick leave, which is more than any company needs to tell their customers.

We have no idea what Line 6 is working on, for example. All we know is that we can expect an update maybe by the end of the year.

Please stop being reasonable and making complete sense. This is a Gear Forum for God's Sake! :pitchforks


I bet another FM Dev cried a little this morning , understandably

I doubt it. If there's a FM9/FM3 private beta run through its paces, I would assume it's feature-locked and these new "amp updates" will simply have to catch the next elevator to make it onto the Fractal floorboards.

Like @Stone, I can't see a single feature - even before 24.04 - that an FM3/FM9 owner is dying without. Already the switching is pretty flexible and good with Scenes/Channels. If there's a short gap, your audience will live (not that the vast, vast, VAST majority of these whining for it are gigging regularly anyway) if they weren't used regularly for live professionals for years prior this update.

Otherwise, we're talking new variants of a JCM800, 5150 III and a JVM410 added - all of which are already in the box in fine fashion! Hell, swap some tonestacks and power tubes if you want to roll your own in the meantime.
I doubt it. If there's a FM9/FM3 private beta run through its paces, I would assume it's feature-locked and these new "amp updates" will simply have to catch the next elevator to make it onto the Fractal floorboards.

Like @Stone, I can't see a single feature - even before 24.04 - that an FM3/FM9 owner is dying without. Already the switching is pretty flexible and good with Scenes/Channels. If there's a short gap, your audience will live (not that the vast, vast, VAST majority of these whining for it are gigging regularly anyway) if they weren't used regularly for live professionals for years prior this update.

Otherwise, we're talking new variants of a JCM800, 5150 III and a JVM410 added - all of which are already in the box in fine fashion! Hell, swap some tonestacks and power tubes if you want to roll your own in the meantime.
Or they just add to the beta
Perhaps in some cases if Cliff is working on stuff and close to complete he tells then to keep working with it for a few more days
Amp models and updates don’t see to be the time consuming part to add it more the functionality I suspect
The competition is not doing anything that shifts the playing field based on current info.
  • Fender will battle getting their TMP modeling up to par.
  • NeuralDSP will release plugin support.
  • Line6 is not likely to release anything new in the digital modeler space but probably more nice things for Helix.
  • Kemper keeps circling the same drain.
  • Boss will probably make some GX-1000 with the awful "swipe around a long list of blocks and drag&drop them" UI the GX-100 uses.
  • BluGuitar will release the Amp X maybe by the summer (I am always the optimist...), but it will do only a fraction of what any of the above do. I'm probably the only one here who will likely buy one.
I agree with alll this. Line 6 DI said no new unit in 2024 guaranteed.. Ampx? who knows and at $2k wont be out of stock anyhow.
Or they just add to the beta
Perhaps in some cases if Cliff is working on stuff and close to complete he tells then to keep working with it for a few more days
Amp models and updates don’t see to be the time consuming part to add it more the functionality I suspect

I'd be amazed if he can "just add" new models at will to a pretty comprehensive beta firmware that's already being tested. There's got to be a feature lock at some point during the process. Otherwise, you're testing an everchanging set of variables since every new model has to interact without disruption with the rest of the vast Fractal model library.
I'd be amazed if he can "just add" new models at will to a pretty comprehensive beta firmware that's already being tested. There's got to be a feature lock at some point during the process. Otherwise, you're testing an everchanging set of variables since every new model has to interact without disruption with the rest of the vast Fractal model library.
I don’t know if they feature lock quite like line6 , line6 has like 5 or 6 SKU
Line6 also does not do public betas
If you see some of Fractals public betas they add more features to them all the time
I don’t know if they feature lock quite like line6 , line6 has like 5 or 6 SKU
Line6 also does not do public betas
If you see some of Fractals public betas they add more features to them all the time

But Firmware 6 for the FM9 is not a public beta and won't be AFAIK. That's the difference.
But Firmware 6 for the FM9 is not a public beta and won't be AFAIK. That's the difference.
no but if we are just talking updated amps , it depends on when the 6.00 for the Fm9 drops . if its next week , could he fire off an update to the Devs since 24.04 went straight to release and has no bugs? probably ,
they have had Beta since the day before Christmas Eve , so I suspect they are pretty far into the process
AFAIK, every FM firmware has started off in private beta before it's stable enough to move to public beta. Public beta exposes it to a much wider group, who usually catch things that were missed in the private beta.
correct I still think this will go public beta, its just too big of an update to go straight to final release IMO
I doubt it. If there's a FM9/FM3 private beta run through its paces, I would assume it's feature-locked and these new "amp updates" will simply have to catch the next elevator to make it onto the Fractal floorboards.

Like @Stone, I can't see a single feature - even before 24.04 - that an FM3/FM9 owner is dying without. Already the switching is pretty flexible and good with Scenes/Channels. If there's a short gap, your audience will live (not that the vast, vast, VAST majority of these whining for it are gigging regularly anyway) if they weren't used regularly for live professionals for years prior this update.

Otherwise, we're talking new variants of a JCM800, 5150 III and a JVM410 added - all of which are already in the box in fine fashion! Hell, swap some tonestacks and power tubes if you want to roll your own in the meantime.

I’m not buying one unless the gapless switching makes it in, and at least 50% of what I do with a modeler is gigging. I can’t be alone in that.

Could I make it work now? Sure. I can get through a gig on remarkably little if I really have to. But currently I think the Helix is the better live tool due to the way they handle snapshots. Gapless switching changes that. It’s been believed to be impossible, pretty impressive what Cliff did here however he accomplished it.

I’m not buying one unless the gapless switching makes it in, and at least 50% of what I do with a modeler is gigging. I can’t be alone in that.

Could I make it work now? Sure. I can get through a gig on remarkably little if I really have to. But currently I think the Helix is the better live tool due to the way they handle snapshots. Gapless switching changes that. It’s been believed to be impossible, pretty impressive what Cliff did here however he accomplished it.


Everyone has their deal breakers, I guess. I gig occasionally, but switching amp channels is maybe 2 percent of what I do live. If it's about switching multiple gain levels on an amp, Fractal has more efficient ways to do that than tapdancing the night away anyway (e.g. modifiers).
Everyone has their deal breakers, I guess. I gig occasionally, but switching amp channels is maybe 2 percent of what I do live. If it's about switching multiple gain levels on an amp, Fractal has more efficient ways to do that than tapdancing the night away anyway (e.g. modifiers).

I don’t want to tap dance live. That’s the whole point. With Helix snapshots I hit one switch when the song part changes and I’m done, and that change was incredibly easy to set up in advance. I can add a little extra gain or compression if I want beyond that. No audio gaps in a preset.

Fractal has scenes, which can sort of do a similar thing, but there are audio gaps to deal with depending on what you’re switching and the implementation is more complicated to set up.

I don’t want gaps and I don’t want to have to do a lot of planning to avoid gaps. With Helix I have that but I need some outboard gear. If FM9 gets gapless switching I should be able to ditch the outboard gear and not have gaps. More dsp power and it simplifies my rig.

Without gapless switching, it complicates my rig not simplifies it.

I don’t get you guys that are downplaying how big a deal gapless switching is. It’s one of the few game changers to come around in a long time.

I don’t want to tap dance live. That’s the whole point. With Helix snapshots I hit one switch when the song part changes and I’m done, and that change was incredibly easy to set up in advance. I can add a little extra gain or compression if I want beyond that. No audio gaps in a preset.

Fractal has scenes, which can sort of do a similar thing, but there are audio gaps to deal with depending on what you’re switching and the implementation is more complicated to set up.

I don’t want gaps and I don’t want to have to do a lot of planning to avoid gaps. With Helix I have that but I need some outboard gear. If FM9 gets gapless switching I should be able to ditch the outboard gear and not have gaps. More dsp power and it simplifies my rig.

Without gapless switching, it complicates my rig not simplifies it.

I don’t get you guys that are downplaying how big a deal gapless switching is. It’s one of the few game changers to come around in a long time.


Because the whopping 10 minutes of thought that goes into programming the shit ahead of time is meaningless in the grand scheme of all the money and headaches I spent trying to achieve the same thing with the physical gear. Christ, I used to have to wait months for a piece of gear to show up just to see if it'd work, heaven forbid I take 10 minutes to drag a mouse around and make something do what I want.
I don’t want to tap dance live. That’s the whole point. With Helix snapshots I hit one switch when the song part changes and I’m done, and that change was incredibly easy to set up in advance. I can add a little extra gain or compression if I want beyond that. No audio gaps in a preset.

Fractal has scenes, which can sort of do a similar thing, but there are audio gaps to deal with depending on what you’re switching and the implementation is more complicated to set up.

I don’t want gaps and I don’t want to have to do a lot of planning to avoid gaps. With Helix I have that but I need some outboard gear. If FM9 gets gapless switching I should be able to ditch the outboard gear and not have gaps. More dsp power and it simplifies my rig.

Without gapless switching, it complicates my rig not simplifies it.

I don’t get you guys that are downplaying how big a deal gapless switching is. It’s one of the few game changers to come around in a long time.


I'm simply saying there are lots of live use cases for "gapless" switching (e.g. volume knob riding, using the FM9 as a pedalboard with drive models loaded, modifiers mapped to a volume pedal, modifiers mapped to a switch, different scenes with boosts in the amp block switched on and off) that don't actually involve....gapless switching.