Fractal Talk

Waiting is not my favorite. :mad:
Same, man. My faulty FM9 is finally arriving back at Fractal tomorrow night. Even if they shipped a repair or replacement Friday, I won't have it back for another week.

I'll be honest: not the best intro to Fractal gear for me. I realize it's not their fault and these things happen -- just bad luck on my part. Still sucks though. Would suck less if I didn't like it so much before I had to send it back ;)
I spent my evening trying to match my Strymon Nightsky to the Fractal fw 23 plates and a few others. End results were good, but the Strymon definitely is thicker sounding and often "slower" if you try to work with the reverb mixes at 100% so you dial just the reverb. When it's turned back to normal mix settings they can sound reasonably close, but I'll give Fractal the edge nonetheless.
My FM9 is on its way home, boys. :banana Fractal even voluntarily offered to pay 50% of overnight shipping, which I gladly accepted. They also guaranteed if I saw any of the same issues again in 30 days, they'd cover a replacement for me.

Even though I was initially hoping for an exchange, I have to say, I'm kinda impressed that Fractal actually services their stuff instead of throwing it in the bin. My dad had a side-gig as an electronics repair tech for many years when I was growing up, and in most industries they are a dying breed. Just nice to see that they still exist, and that a company still finds it worthwhile to provide jobs like that while also supporting their product.
My FM9 is on its way home, boys. :banana Fractal even voluntarily offered to pay 50% of overnight shipping, which I gladly accepted. They also guaranteed if I saw any of the same issues again in 30 days, they'd cover a replacement for me.

Even though I was initially hoping for an exchange, I have to say, I'm kinda impressed that Fractal actually services their stuff instead of throwing it in the bin. My dad had a side-gig as an electronics repair tech for many years when I was growing up, and in most industries they are a dying breed. Just nice to see that they still exist, and that a company still finds it worthwhile to provide jobs like that while also supporting their product.
Noicee, on a note, by Fractal not exchanging it means it was a very minute issue

Noicee, on z note, by Fractal not exchanging it means it was a very minute issue

They replaced the ribbon cable to the display, and re-seated all of the other connectors. The tech said he saw the same issues with it pretty quickly once he had it on the bench, and they went away after doing that. Left it overnight and rebooted it multiple times the next morning--all seems good. I expressed my paranoia about intermittent electronics faults (after you've worked in this kinda stuff, you get wary... ;) ), and I think that's why they also guaranteed a swap within 30 days if it did it again.

The tech seemed confident in it and I trust his experience, so I think it'll be just fine. Really looking forward to having it back. As much as I love my Helix, I love that FM9 too!
They replaced the ribbon cable to the display, and re-seated all of the other connectors. The tech said he saw the same issues with it pretty quickly once he had it on the bench, and they went away after doing that. Left it overnight and rebooted it multiple times the next morning--all seems good. I expressed my paranoia about intermittent electronics faults (after you've worked in this kinda stuff, you get wary... ;) ), and I think that's why they also guaranteed a swap within 30 days if it did it again.

The tech seemed confident in it and I trust his experience, so I think it'll be just fine. Really looking forward to having it back. As much as I love my Helix, I love that FM9 too!
Yup like Van Halen the best of both worlds
