Fractal Audio Systems mystery product speculation

What is it not it is? Is it?

  • None of the above

  • Electric sex pants

  • Unsliced Bread

  • Prosthetic "tone fingers"

  • JiveTurkey's resolve to "innovate" with audio signal routing

  • Lab grown "safe & guilt-free" toe meat

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Fractal are an easy target because their UI sucks - relative to the competition - FULL STOP.

Maybe if there wasn't a cauldron of folks always making excuses for it, the company might feel a bit more
obliged towards updating it with 21st century technology.

time to get slammed by those same folks......
Nah, Boss is worse, and the Fender is so horrendously gimped that the Fisher Price UI isn't a selling point. It's like comparing a laptop to a flip-phone from the 90's.

Of course the UI can be improved. But the hatred for it is hyperbolic.
No, these:

“So horrendously gimped”
“Fisher Price UI”
“Like comparing a laptop to a flip-phone from the 90s”
Ah, no. It is horrendously gimped. No snapshots, no channels, UI has got so much wasted space due to it's adorable graphics. Effects are mediocre. Doesn't even have the level of adjustability of even the Helix from ten years ago. Doesn't even have the best Fender models. I've played one several times now, after firmware updates, and it's like it's competing with a 2016 Helix.

"But I'm happy with the tones I get out of it, man!" Well then super. But there's nothing "Pro" about it.
How about constant bitching and moaning over and over again then?

gui bad, gui bad, gui bad, gui bad......

Ah, no. It is horrendously gimped. No snapshots, no channels, UI has got so much wasted space due to it's adorable graphics. Effects are mediocre. Doesn't even have the level of adjustability of even the Helix from ten years ago. Doesn't even have the best Fender models. I've played one several times now, after firmware updates, and it's like it's competing with a 2016 Helix.

"But I'm happy with the tones I get out of it, man!" Well then super. But there's nothing "Pro" about it.

Whatever your thoughts about the TMP, the funny thing to me was the irony of a post filled with hyperbole about something you don’t like complaining about other people using hyperbole about something they don’t like :grin
I’d argue “less bad than it was, and just fine if you’re able to read a PDF”.

Back when I was full time with an AX8, Fractal having a bad GUI wasn't even a 'thing'.
Never once found myself flying around on it and thinking, "this could be so much better."

* disclaimer: none of what I typed applies to the shift key. That thing sucked donkey balls.
Whatever your thoughts about the TMP, the funny thing to me was the irony of a post filled with hyperbole about something you don’t like complaining about other people using hyperbole about something they don’t like :grin
Sure, it’s funny. Would you like me to remove the adverb and just call it “gimped”? Because it definitely is.
Sure, it’s funny. Would you like me to remove the adverb and just call it “gimped”? Because it definitely is.

I feel like you’re trying to goad me into some sort of a battle here since I’m using one right now, but honestly I couldn’t care less what you personally think about it. Fire away
I feel like you’re trying to goad me into some sort of a battle here since I’m using one right now, but honestly I couldn’t care less what you personally think about it. Fire away
Not at all, I forgot you had switched to it. Don’t really care if you like it or not. If so, great. I’m giving my honest opinion about it, that’s it. I think it’s a hilarious release for a 2024 modeler, given everything else that exists.
Oh sorry, was that ironic too? 🤣
In all seriousness, yes I have an Axe-Fx, and yes, I think it's all that, but also, I couldn't care less about what someone else plays through. The question I have is, if all the other modeling is "so close" to Fractal's like @Mongillo19 suggests, why the big crusade for a UI change?
I think it’s...

My 2 cents is they made it Fischer Price on purpose.
How many older dudes out there have played nothing but a simple Fender combo for decades,
consciously shunning all the rack shit from the 80s and the modeling fad from the 90s.

Here we are in the 2020's and maybe the old blokes wanna give that new fangled digital stuff a go.

TMP is their modeler.
Not at all, I forgot you had switched to it. Don’t really care if you like it or not. If so, great. I’m giving my honest opinion about it, that’s it. I think it’s a hilarious release for a 2024 modeler, given everything else that exists.
Oh sorry, was that ironic too? 🤣

Only in the sense that you keep telling me what you think about the TMP when I’m talking about irony
The question I have is, if all the other modeling is "so close" to Fractal's like @Mongillo19 suggests, why the big crusade for a UI change?
Nobody here is on a crusade. I don't think it's a bizarre idea that fractal needs to improve their UI.

It's mostly the strange pushback that one gets when suggesting it. Yeah in its current state it's obviously usable but it can definitely be improved on. Fractal users love change and firmware updates quoting cumulative improvements. Why can't this same mindset be applied to the UI, arguably one of the few shortcomings of the unit.

I'd venture you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a helix, fractal, and QC in a mix in a consistent manner.