“will this be compatible with Cablab4 ?“I don’t have a use case for this, therefore I don’t understand how anyone would”
Right!No looper?![]()
This is written without any specific knowledge about this unit other than what I've read so far .. but that has never stopped me before
=> it looks like this unit has a Variable Input Impedance [very excellent !!]
=> it looks like it cannot Receive -and- Send Midi CC (?) [not good]
Other than the L6 HXFX having a fixed 1M ohm Input, Line 6 HXFX seems to have and do way more (?) .... plus it has 9 Blocks, scribble scripts, more FSW's, full Midi spec, hosts full spec IR's, has the full suite of the full Helix efx ... etc....
I'm really struggling to see [given the current very limited info] why a potential buyer would pick the VP4 over the Line 6 HXFX (?)
Probably would be cool to use with the Nano. Put the Nano in the loop of it, have captures+Fractal effects. Not my cup of tea, but capture fans might dig it.I guess now the big thing will be will it be able to topple the mighty QC Nano
Nah, justI have a suspicion about this.....this is an alt.....of another......who may or may not.....have a certain weak spot near their heel.
Swhatimsayin.....but ....alrighty then.Nah, just
Thank you Nominal.Dammmnnn… I leave for a few hours and 15 pages already?
Here’s my summary:
1. Congrats @FractalAudio and team. This looks like a winner!
2. Steve Sterlacci sucks a sweaty taint. Fuck him and his bottom-feeding, clickbate YouTube channel. Hi Steve!
3. Never trust a word @nicolasrivera says. He’s lost his credibility… yet again.
3. @timbuck3 has gone full-troll. It’s not even funny anymore. Thus, not even worth responding to.
4. Glad to see you made it through the storm @DrewJD82!
Did I miss anything?
Thank you Nominal.
Captures are amazing!Probably would be cool to use with the Nano. Put the Nano in the loop of it, have captures+Fractal effects. Not my cup of tea, but capture fans might dig it.
I'm not completely sold on onboard editing of blocks yet, I'll have to see how it actually works as the manual kind of glosses over this part.
No looper?![]()
I can see where that could be a letdown to some. The FX-8 had a looper that you didn't even need to add to a preset (it was always available). I like that feature.No voice command either!! WTF man!!
No deal!