Fractal Audio Systems mystery product speculation

What is it not it is? Is it?

  • None of the above

  • Electric sex pants

  • Unsliced Bread

  • JiveTurkey's resolve to "innovate" with audio signal routing

  • Lab grown "safe & guilt-free" toe meat

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But none of us has any idea what this actually means. Based on the form factor and I/O alone, it almost has to be a potential replacement for some aspect of one of their current products, no?


AXEIII - flagship dual rack space 'full guitar rig in a box'.
FM3 - compact floor version of their 'full guitar rig in a box'.
FM9 - flagship floor version of their 'full guitar rig in a box'.

It AIN'T a 'full guitar rig in a box' is the safest bet. (y)
AXEIII - flagship dual rack space 'full guitar rig in a box'.
FM3 - compact floor version of their 'full guitar rig in a box'.
FM9 - flagship floor version of their 'full guitar rig in a box'.

It AIN'T a 'full guitar rig in a box' is the safest bet. (y)
Aaaahh, yes, it can't be a "full guitar rig in a box", because this isn't a replacement of any Fractal device and if we focus on the facts, obviously Fractal can only have one "full guitar rig in a box" :wat
AXEIII - flagship dual rack space 'full guitar rig in a box'.
FM3 - compact floor version of their 'full guitar rig in a box'.
FM9 - flagship floor version of their 'full guitar rig in a box'.

It AIN'T a 'full guitar rig in a box' is the safest bet. (y)
I hope you're right. And I wish FAS would make a :cuss announcement to this effect about nowish. I can only handle so many price cuts on my Reverb listing...
Aaaahh, yes, it can't be a "full guitar rig in a box", because this isn't a replacement of any Fractal device and if we focus on the facts, obviously Fractal can only have one "full guitar rig in a box" :wat
This. I can replace a waffle breakfast with a pancake breakfast, but IHOP isn't going to take either one off their menu.
Aaaahh, yes, it can't be a "full guitar rig in a box", because this isn't a replacement of any Fractal device and if we focus on the facts, obviously Fractal can only have one "full guitar rig in a box" :wat

The designations Flagship Rack, Compact Floor, and Flagship Floor are curiously missing from your retort.....
The designations Flagship Rack, Compact Floor, and Flagship Floor are curiously missing from your retort.....
The bottom line (particularly from where I'm standing), is that "not a replacement" doesn't really mean anything except, "We don't have immediate plans to discontinue anything from our current product line." But it's still entirely possible that the new product will better suit certain use cases than an older one had previously.

And I have no idea why I'm saying this shit out loud. Go buy my FM3. :D
All in one box? More frequent firmware updates? PC software editor?
Those things are good for sure, but not 100% required for me. They're nice to haves.

I think what the Fractal would give me is a wider range of delays and reverbs, which are the categories I care the most about. A shit ton of drives which actually sound really good, and a bunch of modulation effects that I seldom use, but appreciate.

Another thing that sprang to mind - just assume for argument sake that the thing will be able to send PC's or CC's using a scene midi block, and you can choose from 4 scenes on the thing. That would actually sit quite nicely next to a QC, with the QC in hybrid mode where the bottom four buttons are scenes, and the top for are stomps... the FX4 could then trigger the other 4 scenes on QC using midi CC 43, at the same time as changing the effects on the FX4.

Ha!! Look at me inventing functionality!! What a bellend.
I think it’s the rare bird that people LIKE to use in 4cm. The FM9 and Axe III both have dedicated “unity gain” outputs specifically optimized for 4CM.
that is interesting to know - I have to send the signal on my FM3 via spdif to a DAC for 4CM method with no noise.
I always thought it was an impedance type issue and may consider getting a reamp box to try to see if that works.
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