FM3 Mark II Turbo announced

will it perform any better as a USB device in terms of not having to apply a manual offset while recording?
I know what you mean. I just bought two FM3 units for way above normal retail. Had no idea the Turbo was coming.

I got on the wait list March 27th.

A potential disasterous home repair expense has come up that might end up costing me tens of thousands. I'm not sure what the situation is at this time but it's not looking good. It pisses me off I've been waiting so long and now this has come up to de-rail my plans. Fortunately I have the money to cover whatever that turns into but it made me 2nd guess spending the money on this foolishness. I felt a little cheated and thought I better get something while I still have the desire and ordered a HX Stomp XL yesterday. I told myself I better do it now before I feel like I shouldn't get anything. :facepalm

I saw the FM3 Turbo announcement late last night. What timing!
I called for the RA for the Stomp first thing this morning. That box will get the return label slapped on it without even being opened. :ROFLMAO:

Looking forward to Fractal's order invitation. Come on fellas, don't make me wait. I need this fix now. :banana