Hotone Ampero II

this might become interesting Hotone "catch" beta , which they confirmed to be coming to the stage and the stomp

First time I have actually heard it in use . seems promising

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Brett Kingman has a great demo as usual:

That sounds pretty nice!

I still wouldn't buy this one just because it has no physical knobs other than the big value knob, even though the touchscreen works pretty well.

I feel like Hotone is doing a lot of things right with these.
So I guess the difference to the Stage is the mic pre, expression pedal and capture capability? I wonder if the capture feature comes to the Stomp and Stage as well.
Stage has mic pre and capture. Stage has more of everything except expression pedal.
On the Ampero II Stage website, the firmware with the capture features is missing. Where do they keep the firmware with the capture capabilities?
This is pretty interesting, when in patch mode, the manual says we can assign a second function to each footswitch, like BOSS CURNUM:

Use PATCH FS FUNC to select additional functions for pressing footswitch

1-4 in the Patch Mode.

Patch: Press down the footswitch 1-4 to select between patch 1-4 in the

current bank. Press the footswitch corresponding to the current patch

again with no function.

Patch/FX Slot 1: Press the footswitch corresponding to the current patch

to switch the module on/off for this patch Effects Slot 1

Patch/Scene 2: Press the footswitch corresponding to the current patch to

switch to Scene 2 of this patch

Patch/Bypass: Press the footswitch corresponding to the current patch to

bypass the unit.
Why isn't anybody asking the burning question?

What's with that name ("HO-tone") and who thought it was a good idea? :columbo
Maybe this guy ?

Why isn't anybody asking the burning question?

What's with that name ("HO-tone") and who thought it was a good idea? :columbo

Actually they say the official way to pronounce it is "Hot Tone". They were emphatic that the first word is HOT.

Hoe Tone is just better tho, I love me some slutty tones.