Fender Tone Master Pro: Episode IV - A New Hope

At the risk of stating the obvious, that entire video was an ad for that Shure wireless system, which he “got from Sweetwater sound, who sponsored this video.”
So, what you're saying is @DrewJD82 helped launch this forum so he could get me over here then target ads to me specifically in order to pad the pocket of a Ronin Gunslinger under the guise of educating me on the number of metal amp options in the new Fender modeler?

I agree. Just because some/many of us don't intend on buying one in the near future, doesn't mean we can't be interested, and talk about it. I like 911 Turbos, but I drive a fucking Honda.

Also, it's interesting (and telling) that I can ask a legitimate question (what's a typical signal chain on the TMP that causes it to finally choke on DSP?) and yet receive no answer amongst enthusiasts. Maybe eventually that can be answered here instead.
That is a little difficult to answer as certain amp/effect options are greyed out before others so it isn’t just a particular number of blocks. It feels to me like a decent amount can added. The extra drippy spring IR’s seem to use a lot of the available power though.
LOL I was gonna say does anyone think that high gain guitar sound was actually top tier? Like its fine but I've gotten better from vst amp sims in 60 seconds. Good to see he's not trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes, its just the thing he used and made a rig out of, cant fault him for that. He's a gun player, he could use a pod and it would sound world class. It's dorks like us who need the most authentic amp sounds to cover up our abilities (only half joking on this one).... but yeah, the actual modelling in his video didn't sound great for whatever reason.
LOL I was gonna say does anyone think that high gain guitar sound was actually top tier? Like its fine but I've gotten better from vst amp sims in 60 seconds. Good to see he's not trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes, its just the thing he used and made a rig out of, cant fault him for that. He's a gun player, he could use a pod and it would sound world class. It's dorks like us who need the most authentic amp sounds to cover up our abilities (only half joking on this one).... but yeah, the actual modelling in his video didn't sound great for whatever reason.

He's been getting some Fender/Jacksons to demo on the channel and I'd assume the TMP came along with that. I actually don't think he's demo'd the TMP yet? The plug-in at the end of one of the vids wasn't the TMP, I think it was an STL. Kinda odd he's got two vids with the TMP in it and no sound from it yet.
I’m not sure if I care about variable SIC as long as some kind of impedance curve is used. Is that the issue, impedance curve only used with stock cab and not impulses?
I’m not sure if I care about variable SIC as long as some kind of impedance curve is used. Is that the issue, impedance curve only used with stock cab and not impulses?
3rd party IR’s have a generic impedance curve added to them when used in the TMP cab block. Included cabs have their own SIC shape that is different to the one IR’s get.

Not sure if the SIC curve changes based on the amp (from memory of Cliffs posts, they don’t change response when changing amps or settings).

The other thing to note is SIC is applied after the power amp in the TMP, so it doesn’t affect how the poweramp responds. There’s a discussion about this topic in my Rectifier thread, where the headroom of the poweramp is very much affected by the SIC
I wonder how TMP’s are selling overall. Does anyone know? Flying off the shelves or a hard sell? Following this forum and TGP I’m getting the impression there is quite a bit of resistance to this product but I’m not sure whether this reflects the reality of the situation on a wider scale.