Fender Tone Master Pro: Episode IV - A New Hope

Haha yeah Ed nailed it. When I hear arrays of clean amps and edge of breakup I think they all sound identical as well, it’s not my wheelhouse. With high gain I wouldn’t expect everyone to understand the differences if they’re not into it.

It’s the exact same thing. Our ears tune into nuances of the type of tones we use the most. I hear way more nuances and differences in edge of breakup and clean tones than I do in high gain. It’s just because I’ve spent more time with those sounds.

To me personally high gain starts to sound more similar, but that’s just because I don’t use it as much. I fully expect high gain guys to hear more nuance than I do in those tones.

Having said that, I just listened to your video twice and they all sound completely different to me
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I'll listen later on. I'm already sure I could bring them *way* closer to each other with just some match EQ.
I'm sure you could, but then we're basically just going on what your level of "sounds close" vs what Nathan was on about.

As I've mentioned already, its not JUST the frequency balance that is different. Match EQ will only account for some of that.
It’s the exact same thing. Our ears tune into nuances of the type of tones we use the most. I hear way more nuances and differences in edge of breakup and clean tones than I do in high gain. It’s just because I’ve spent more time with those sounds.

To me personally high gain starts to sound more similar, but that’s just because I don’t use it as much. I fully expect high gain guys to hear more nuance than I do in those tones.

Having said that, I just listened to your video twice and they all sound completely different to me

You and I are the outliers around here-the weirdos that like lower gain and spring reverb. But at least we're aware of it...
Haha, we are definitely in the minority around here

While I pretty much post metal/hard rock stuff all the time, 90% of the time I’m not recoding or writing I’m on this preset-

Kinda funny, I remember being younger and when I’d hear about metal guys “just jammin some blues licks when I’m home” I didn’t get it, but once I hit that 40-year mark it felt like it was baked into me. :ROFLMAO: