Fender Tone Master Pro: Episode IV - A New Hope

Dinner Reaction GIF by Pantaya
$200 off the Tone Master Pro!

Get it while it’s hot:

Fender.com dropped their direct pricing the same.

..and for the Canadian members, the following site's have dropped their prices $300CAD.
Steve's Music
Long and McQuade
Sweetwater Canada (you'll pay duty)
Music City
L.A. Music
Tom Lee Music
The Arts Newmarket

I spoke to Cosmo about it. Silly Cosmo music. They do have a good guitar tech there, Darrel Pendrith.
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No bass support after all this time. I would have grabbed one again if they would have even tried!

That is lame. The company that invented the bass amp doesn’t even include one on their digital modeler.

I guess technically there is a tweed Bassman.

It’s not that it has “no bass support”, it just doesn’t have any bass amp models and no bass specific effects
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Sweetwater & I'm past the 30 day return window... I doubt they woud do anything for me on this.
I'd give the sales rep a call anyway even if it's just outside the window.
I would consider it shady if they knew the sale was coming and didn't make you aware. Maybe they'll give you credit or something.
If you they give you grief, I'd send a message directly to this guy.

This can't be a real question, so I'm not even going to go there.

Huh? Why do you think that?

I’m genuinely curious what you think. I’m a bassist as well and I’d say the TMP is currently abysmal for bass, borderline unusable depending on your bass needs.

What in your mind would it take to make it a viable option for bass?