Fender Tone Master Pro: Episode IV - A New Hope

Not yet. It's a high priority, but didn't make the cut for this build.

@stilwel PLEASE post the IG videos you & (ricks57custom (Rick Heins) made for the NEW updates....if you haven't done so already.

I listened to them over at TGP and I thought they sounded DAMN GOOD !! The Ty Tabor tones were excellent !

BRAVO to the Fender team !! :clint

Happy Pumped Up GIF by Universal Pictures Home Entertainment
@stilwel PLEASE post the IG videos you & (ricks57custom (Rick Heins) made for the NEW updates....if you haven't done so already.

I listened to them over at TGP and I thought they sounded DAMN GOOD !! The Ty Tabor tones were excellent !

BRAVO to the Fender team !! :clint

Some of these clips from Rick aren't playing in the embedded IG post, you might have to actually click the link and listen in IG to hear all of them. His Justice and Gojira clips sound excellent, but they don't seem to be playing in this post.

Nice to see for all the folks that thought Fender would not Update the product and make it abandonware, this is def a good sign for TMP owners
yes i agree but its new so why wouldnt they right? Lets see a year from now shall we
Here we see Tim deviating from every post he made in this thread prior to the update—

how so? I bought into the cybertwin and it was dropped after promises of an editor etc..so i think fenders support is questionable and many others feel the same. so what? Just another reason to wait a while and see where it shakes out. WHat is wrong with that? If i would have jumped in and bought ever unit i was considering like some do i would have a bunch of clutter in my space and maybe just prefering one anyhow.
how so? I bought into the cybertwin and it was dropped after promises of an editor etc..so i think fenders support is questionable and many others feel the same. so what? Just another reason to wait a while and see where it shakes out. WHat is wrong with that? If i would have jumped in and bought ever unit i was considering like some do i would have a bunch of clutter in my space and maybe just prefering one anyhow.

I only went back to a couple of your posts in this thread-
By now i would have expected fender to have released way more updates to this thing then they have. I mean its fender right? HUGE COMPANY compared to say fractal . The only good thing about the tmp is that it lit a small fire under cliffs butt for improving the convolution rvb effects(or adding one) releasing evh amp models..gapless switching...that fender raved on..now is a moot point

Sad no killer update at NAMM..

They just did what you were believing should have been done on your own timeline, they released a sizable update hitting up the majority of their customer’s concerns/requests when I’d be willing to bet those were things not even on Fender’s own timeline. To dismiss that as if it has no merit and say “let’s see where it is in a year from now” is moving the goalposts.
I only went back to a couple of your posts in this thread-

They just did what you were believing should have been done on your own timeline, they released a sizable update hitting up the majority of their customer’s concerns/requests when I’d be willing to bet those were things not even on Fender’s own timeline. To dismiss that as if it has no merit and say “let’s see where it is in a year from now” is moving the goalposts.
i am happy they are focused on it and hope they continue updated down the road. Same with th qc. I hope it becomes what it was told it would be 2+ yrs ago
New update posted: https://support.fender.com/en-us/knowledgebase/article/KA-02068

Release Notes
Tone Master Pro Firmware Update
Desktop Pro Control App update

New Features:
  • Added “Switch Link” function to footswitch assignments. Assign up to eight footswitches to a switch link group (A, B, C or D). When footswitches are grouped together in a switch link, only one can be active at a time. Select any linked footswitch to turn its parameters ON and subsequently turn OFF any active switches in the group.
  • Added “Switchless Bypass” function to EXP assignments. Now able to turn on block(s) without Toe Switch by moving the expression pedal.
  • Added Preset MIDI to Preset Settings menu. Allows ability to send up to 5 custom MIDI Program Change (PC) and Continuous Controller (CC) messages when selecting any TM Pro preset
  • New Cab Model - 4x12 British Blackback (based on a vintage Marshall 1960A cab with Celestion-Rola G12H-30 “Blackback” speakers)

Product Enhancements:
  • Amp model update – EVH 5150 IIIS 6L6 Red
  • Amp model update – EVH 5150 IIIS 6L6 Blue
  • Amp model update – EVH 5150 IIIS 6L6 Green
  • Amp model update – British 800
  • British 800 half-stack now uses 4x12 British Blackback as default cab
  • Added User IR Level control to IR edit screen
  • Added DIM LED option for all footswitch assignments
  • Added support for default footswitch LED active/inactive color options in Global Settings>Footswitch
  • Looper position can now be toggled between Pre / Post in Instrument signal path using the top right footswitch labeled “HOLD: POSITION” when in Looper Mode
  • After assigning a preset to a footswitch in a song, the preset will load and its corresponding footswitch LED will light up
  • Added +/– buttons for fine adjustments on gradient sliders in Pro Control App
  • Added MIDI Thru and Merge options in I/O Settings>MIDI
  • Added MIDI CC support for Amp Control jacks, Master Volume and Looper commands

  • Fixed phase alignment of some internal Cab IRs
  • Fixed footswitch LED out of sync with single effect issue
  • Fixed “popping” issue when selecting preset with Maximus Drive with boost enabled
  • Fixed bug in EVH 5150 IIIS Red amp model where some unnecessarily modeled effects loop circuitry was affecting the tone
  • Fixed bug in British 800 model where Master Volume would cause “rubber-banding” at higher settings
  • Improved experience when reordering presets via long drag & drop on TMP and in Pro Control
  • Changed Cloud Reverb High Damp parameter to 100Hz increments instead of 1Hz
  • Fixed an issue where older community accounts were unable to backup/restore to Cloud
  • Footswitch LED now continues to illuminate after saving a preset in Songs Mode
  • Mythic Drive font now matches between hardware and Pro Control
  • 4x12 Mega V30 Cab model now uses same % of DSP resources as other cab models
  • Signal path selection is now highlighted in the list menu after selecting a new signal path type
  • Chromatic Pitch Shifter “Pitch” parameter is now adjusted in steps of 1 cent within the gradient adjustment control when using the +/– buttons
  • Assigning an FX Loop to a Toe Switch and then deleting the FX Loop from the signal path no longer leaves behind a blank, un-editable Toe Switch assignment
  • Fixed issue when navigation through the list is interrupted due to continuous dragging process
  • Fixed issue where double tap selection in "add preset to song" popup switches the mode
  • Fixed issue where selecting mic for cab returns screen to cab selection window instead of cab edit drawer
  • Fixed "Undefined" preset name in Song Footswitch Assignment
  • Outgoing USB signals now appear as USB 1-4 instead of Analogue 1-4 in DAW settings
  • Ribbon mic placement corrected in speaker cabinet microphone selection list
  • Improved preset list scrolling performance on TM Pro
  • 4x12 British Jubilee cab renamed 4x12 British Jubilee V30
Known Issues:
  • Cannot re-download cloud preset after deleting it from My Downloads
  • Closing Desktop App while Tuner is active on hardware unmutes Tuner
  • Wrong Cab edit name displayed if User IR is replaced with factory cab in a preset

Good on them. That’s a big update by any reasonable standard.
does this mean they sound like a real 5150 stealth and JCM800 now? anyone fancy doing A/B clips?

well given the extreme amounts of presence needed to get close to the real amps, and the flubby/muddy sound, it really screams that something goofy is going on with the power amp modelling. Not really hearing anything here that suggests the modelling is better than Headrush quality.

Was hoping for a big improvement in the high gain modelling but it’s not really any better than where it sounded before.
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Same as it ever was. Same as it EVER was. As I said from the very first time I played the Tone Master Pro, something was off with the amp modeling. It hasn't changed.
Same as it ever was. Same as it EVER was. As I said from the very first time I played the Tone Master Pro, something was off with the amp modeling. It hasn't changed.
I had a TMP in my cart at MF because of the 10% promotion. I figured, maybe things were finally in order, and I'd give it a shot? Fortunately, I saw Jon's video before doing anything more. The Fender reps can post all the clips they want, but the modeling is exactly what I thought the modeling was.