Exploring Fryette Amplification Headquarters!

Can confirm the Sound City Master Lead+Power Station is an epic combo

(Powerstation is sitting on top the amp just out of frame)

Deliverance is THE definate amp for tight rock/metal tones. Period :satan

Everyone and his dog talks about getting tight, punchy modern metal tones out of SLO/5150-ish circuits, eventually together with a tube screamer or the like. Then on top, all smeared up by Vintage 30s in the end. I just don't get it¯\_(ツ)_/¯
They all should get a Deliverance and be done, with nothing else needed.
It's a shame that we don't see the Fryette and/ or VHT logos on stages, especially here in Europe.

I mean, I understand the need for different amps, I also have an SLO clone, but it's NOT made for tight metal tones. Super Lead Overdrive. Made for fluid leads.
Rant over. Sorry :grin
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I'm definitely holding on to my Deliverance 120 and Sig:X.


Killer lineup there :love I really want to get my hands on a D60 one day

I had a Pittbul 50CL for many many years. Probably the longest I kept an amp around. I eventually traded it straight across for a Sig X. Which I also loved, but unfortunately sold along with everything else when I stupidly quit guitar for a little while :(
Talk to me like I'm 5 years old, and tell me all about Fane speakers. I don't think I've ever heard one.