Dafuq??? Bought a weird amp…

Were they the same tube type?

I also think that bigger amps sound "bigger" but it could be because they have more clean headroom and can make the speaker distort before the amp gets saturated.

Would like to experiment and find out why some day.
You have to really pummel speakers to make them distort. Higher output power with bigger transformers usually means the dynamic range is wider, it sounds brighter with bigger, tighter low end so the entire sound of a 100W seems "wider".
Finished and Inbound….

I’m guessing shipping is probably gonna take a couple weeks lol

Awesome! What was the date that you ordered it. I'm getting a Dragon and I ordered in mid-December, maybe around the 15th, I think.

Yep looks like I ordered on the 15th, I think a few of us all ordered within 24hrs of each other :LOL:

He said he's shipping out monday or tuesday. I'm guessing at least 2 weeks travel time before it makes it to me lol
Or alternatively, the clone will show that there's nothing that special about them. I'm not convinced the Wizard amps are anything more than a modded JCM800, and you could get those tones out of other boutique amps that cost several thousand less.

I've spent some time with the Wizard MC2.....amazing amp to be sure but the price tag is just silly. 100% not worth it to me
Trying to zero in on one between the Orion, Benzin and Brown Eye. I have a JJ Jr so I think I could wait on the Brown Eye.