Bought a Plumes to use with the Badlander


So instead of running it as a 2 channel amp (which I couldn't quite get a good balance of when I was using it live); I picked up a boost. Pretty much face melting in front of the BL. I settled on using it as a clean boost (mode 2) but will be going back and seeing what I can get out of mode 1. Like the BL; it is SUPER quiet. Very impressed. Look is cool as well \m/
I was curious how I would like the switch on the pedal. It has a weird kind of push to it. Like it's never engaging? But it is actually silent and works great.

The BL is pretty much a perfect "I'm into modeling but want a tube amp" amp. It's very sculpted and polished sounding; while still being a high gain amp. It's a RINO for sure.
I’ve been meaning to check out some demos of this pedal, I’m really interested in a lot of Earthquaker stuff. They’ve got a Plumes for pretty cheap at GC right now.

I haven’t heard a single negative thing about the Badlander so far. That’s surprising these days.
I’ve been meaning to check out some demos of this pedal, I’m really interested in a lot of Earthquaker stuff. They’ve got a Plumes for pretty cheap at GC right now.

I haven’t heard a single negative thing about the Badlander so far. That’s surprising these days.
Yeah there are a ton of cool looking eqd pedals. I actually might grab a speaker cranker from them. I've heard great things about it.
...and just read the Special Cranker (lol) is the same as mode 2 on the Plumes. I will keep looking. Of course; if the Turbo purchase doesn't get rejected; I might dig into the drives in the box once that's here.
A: I can’t believe you still have that amp Jive.

B: +1 on the Plumes, that thing is a badass at twice the cost, the fact that it’s under a bill is astounding to me. Only thing even close anymore is the Bion…
A: I can’t believe you still have that amp Jive.

B: +1 on the Plumes, that thing is a badass at twice the cost, the fact that it’s under a bill is astounding to me. Only thing even close anymore is the Bion…
I'm equally surprised :bag :rofl

BL is a perfect amp for a modeler guy, imo. Very polished, clean and controlled sound. While still being able to bring the :satan Very quiet too which is a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE plus compared to my usual experiences trying to go "back" to tubes. I did my first gig with it here a month or so ago and it just blended great with my other guitarist. I didn't feel like I was fighting anything to be on the same plane with him sonically. I know that's a bunch of gibberish most likely but it just worked.

I have been using the Klon in the FM in front of the BL's crunch channel and it's righteous af as well \m/
I used an EQD Tone Job EQ pedal as a clean boost or for better balancing the 2 silver jubilee channels.

Great pedal.
I wanted the Speaker Cranker reissue for about 10 minutes till I read it was a limited variation on what the Plumes does. Not sure how true that is.
I have the 50. The "everything must be racked" and "100 watts is always better, no matter how inappropriate for the situation " kinda wants the rack mount 100 watter. The 50 is just right for me though. PLENTY of volume, tone and features; doesn't weigh as much as 3 stacked cinder blocks :oops::rofl
I have the 50. The "everything must be racked" and "100 watts is always better, no matter how inappropriate for the situation " kinda wants the rack mount 100 watter. The 50 is just right for me though. PLENTY of volume, tone and features; doesn't weigh as much as 3 stacked cinder blocks :oops::rofl
Lol it. I still think about the tone and feel when I played it in the Gibson Garage.

Trying to remind myself I don’t need another amp.