Amped 1 initial thoughts as power amp only

Badonkey Kong

So i got to try out my Amped 1 this morning. Only at lower volumes though.

Here's my use case - I currently have a 5150 III 50W 6L6 through a Mesa 2x12 vertical. I use a Helix with it in 4CM. Just before Christmas I got a SYN1, SYN2 and BE/BE, IICP, and Deliverance modules, have those in the loops of my Helix. Everything sounds frigging glorious. At home I have to use an attenuator - THD Hot Plate set at -4 dB. Still sounds great.

So that is a lot to truck out to a rehearsal or gig... Not that I am having rehearsals or gigs right now, but that's another story... But the goal is the SYN 2 with a good sounding power amp and the Helix. and of course the cab (thank God for casters). Bad back and knees, I need to save them for trying to move around a bit and having fun while playing.

I have a SD Powerstage 200. It's not terrible, but compared to the 5153 power section it's, well, a bit flat...

Enter the Amped 1. Lots of cool features, different power amp modes and wattages, etc.

Well, first thing I noticed, it's a bit noisy. Kind of surprising, but maybe not too bad. Have to see when I can really turn it up.

So I try it on flat. Yep that's flat. LOL. Ok, I'm trying to replace my 6L6 power section in the 5153, so lets try the 6L6 mode. Yow! It is so much frigging brighter than the 5153. Very hyped highs, maybe slightly hyped lows. Kind of like when I turn the presence up to 8 on the 5153. Which i never do, lol... Way too bright with the way i have my modules dialed. So I tried the other modes. All kind of interesting, and in the ballpark of what you would expect. Ok so i dialed back some of the high end and eventually got where things sound decent.

Played for a good 90 minutes, tweaking things as I went. Definitely has more bounce/oomph than the Powerstage - part of that elusive feel thing. I seem to have some ear fatigue, which is bothersome, and unusual. One thing I thought of is that I have been playing through the Hot Plate here at home for a couple of years, and those are known for rounding off the highs and lows. I had everything dialed with that in the chain, but not using it with the Amped 1 of course. Maybe that's part of the difference.

Too early to tell, but I'm on the fence for now.
@Badonkey Kong Thanks for writing this. I've been interested in the Amped 1 used only as a power section, as an alternative to the PowerStage since it came out. I suppose I should not be surprised to hear that it's not some kind of magical solution after all.

Eager to hear more though, if you have more thoughts on the subject over the next few days.
Just went back to it for 5 minutes (time to start honey-do list and family time stuff) and it's at a much better place then when I started earlier. Still a bit bright, I turned down the treble on the amped 1 from noon to maybe 11:30 and was able to play without thinking about the sound, which is a good thing. So a bit more optomistic with fresh ears. I will keep working with it and posting updates over the next few days.

I'm also wanting to try using the direct out for recording. I hope there is a flat setting so I can use my own IRs in the DAW. But that's completely secondary to the main purpose.
Hmm. Not sure how I'd feel about the Amped1. Once again, as per usual with Blackstar I believe, reviews seem "mixed", at best.

That said, I'm still happy enough using my Katana Head as a power amp. Dunno why/how, but I think they nailed that one, considering the price tag.
I have a SD Powerstage 200. It's not terrible, but compared to the 5153 power section it's, well, a bit flat...
I'm trying to replace my 6L6 power section in the 5153

The Powerstage (EQ off) is no different than any other flat poweramp.
Use Parametric EQ in the Helix to simulate a tube poweramp response with Presence and Resonance at 5 and tweak from there.

Try it before you shoot this idea down.
Here's my measurement of my 6L6 amp with negative feedback set to 5150 value (39k) and Presence+Resonance at 5.
That's not an impedance curve, that's the actual response on the speaker output jack to a flat sine sweep into a transparent FX Return before the PI.

Tube EQ.png

Helix PEQ.png
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Ok, yesterday was day 2. Knew I wouldn't have as much time as i would have liked going in so just played (using the Amped 1 as the power amp) and didn't do any comparisons. Was fairly happy with it, but James' idea was nagging at me.

So today I did some head to head comparisons. Started with the 5153 as the power supply. It's just frigging perfect. Nothing more to say there.

Switched to the Amped 1 as power amp. 6L6 mode is definitely more hyped on the highs and lows than the 5153, but maybe no more than a different 6L6 power amp would be?

Switched to the PS 200, and added James' paramteric eq settings as the last block in the Helix. Not terrible, but not as close to my 5153 as the Amped 1 is. And there was a certain aspect of the sound that just wasn't so good, almost as if it detracted from the gain somehow? Hard to figure out how to describe it but it seemed 'fake' (or maybe just more solid statey) in comparison to the other 2.

Ok, so back to the 5153 again. So good.

Back to the Amped 1. Turned down the treble to almost 11 oclock, and the bass to almost 11 oclock. Hey! This sounds and feels pretty good. Still missing 'something' in comparison, but if I had to give a number at the moment I'd say 90% there...

Had to go do some stuff. Came back, just using the Amped 1. With the mentioned adjustments on the bass and treble, I like it. Much more life to the sound than the PS 200. If I don't compare it directly to the 5153, I don't really think about what I'm missing. I just play, which is the goal.

Conclusion - IMO, it's a no-brainer over the Powerstage. That's all so far.

I did find it interesting that James' parametric EQ trick didn't get very close. I'm not an audio engineer of any sort, but I'm wondering if the Amped 1 has some sort of magic built into the outputs related to their ohmage. It has a 16 and 8 ohm output on it. Compared to the Powerstage which just has a 1 size fits all, no ohmage specification...
That's interesting. I bought a Syn2 recently and I'm using it with my Friedman Runt power section. I thought about getting a dedicated power amp for it but I don't know if I'm going to find anything reasonably priced that I like more than the Friedman.

But the Amped seems interesting. Are you using the power section only and plugging into the Amped fx return? Or are you using the main input? I'm curious because you mentioned using the Amped EQ. Are they still active when you're using the power section only? Usually the tone controls are in the preamp section of the amp, but I have no experience with the Amped.
I'm going in the regular input, but using the flat amp setting (USA, UK, Flat).

You may not like it as much. I don't like it as much as my 5153, but it's pretty good so far.
So i got to try out my Amped 1 this morning. Only at lower volumes though.

Here's my use case - I currently have a 5150 III 50W 6L6 through a Mesa 2x12 vertical. I use a Helix with it in 4CM. Just before Christmas I got a SYN1, SYN2 and BE/BE, IICP, and Deliverance modules, have those in the loops of my Helix. Everything sounds frigging glorious. At home I have to use an attenuator - THD Hot Plate set at -4 dB. Still sounds great.

So that is a lot to truck out to a rehearsal or gig... Not that I am having rehearsals or gigs right now, but that's another story... But the goal is the SYN 2 with a good sounding power amp and the Helix. and of course the cab (thank God for casters). Bad back and knees, I need to save them for trying to move around a bit and having fun while playing.

I have a SD Powerstage 200. It's not terrible, but compared to the 5153 power section it's, well, a bit flat...

Enter the Amped 1. Lots of cool features, different power amp modes and wattages, etc.

Well, first thing I noticed, it's a bit noisy. Kind of surprising, but maybe not too bad. Have to see when I can really turn it up.

So I try it on flat. Yep that's flat. LOL. Ok, I'm trying to replace my 6L6 power section in the 5153, so lets try the 6L6 mode. Yow! It is so much frigging brighter than the 5153. Very hyped highs, maybe slightly hyped lows. Kind of like when I turn the presence up to 8 on the 5153. Which i never do, lol... Way too bright with the way i have my modules dialed. So I tried the other modes. All kind of interesting, and in the ballpark of what you would expect. Ok so i dialed back some of the high end and eventually got where things sound decent.

Played for a good 90 minutes, tweaking things as I went. Definitely has more bounce/oomph than the Powerstage - part of that elusive feel thing. I seem to have some ear fatigue, which is bothersome, and unusual. One thing I thought of is that I have been playing through the Hot Plate here at home for a couple of years, and those are known for rounding off the highs and lows. I had everything dialed with that in the chain, but not using it with the Amped 1 of course. Maybe that's part of the difference.

Too early to tell, but I'm on the fence for now.
My biggest takeaway from this is that I need to get your Santa Clause's phone number, because apparently mine has been slacking!
But the Amped seems interesting. Are you using the power section only and plugging into the Amped fx return? Or are you using the main input? I'm curious because you mentioned using the Amped EQ. Are they still active when you're using the power section only? Usually the tone controls are in the preamp section of the amp, but I have no experience with the Amped.
There's probably little benefit to running directly into the FX return of the Amped 1 as the "Flat" pre-amp setting is described as:

Flat - Neutral preamp for use with external preamps and amp modellers. Features a semi-parametric EQ, transparent with controls set to 12 o’clock

If you went directly into the FX return, it should be no different to using flat with the controls at noon, and you'd be losing the additional EQ to tailor your sound.
Switched to the PS 200, and added James' paramteric eq settings as the last block in the Helix.

The measured poweramp response of my amp has the same response of a 2204 in the Helix even though my amp uses 6L6GC tubes, I was going for that when modifying my amp.
A lot of Class AB tube amps have the same poweramp topology (Plexi, JCM800, Soldano, 5150, Revv, Rectifier) with minor value tweaks, the EQ values I posted are a good starting point.

You can run pink noise through the Amp and Preamp models and 'extract' the poweramp response of any amp you like.
As I already said, the poweramp response is not very different among most of the 'big iron' amps, I like Presence at around 7.


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There's probably little benefit to running directly into the FX return of the Amped 1 as the "Flat" pre-amp setting is described as:

If you went directly into the FX return, it should be no different to using flat with the controls at noon, and you'd be losing the additional EQ to tailor your sound.
Do you have any of the Blug amps? I wonder how it compares as a power amp? This Amped 1 actually looks great but you can't run it at 4ohms so that is a dealbreaker for me.
I've never tried any of the Blug amps, but I don't think they have a 4-ohm tap either?
I was wondering moreso as a comparison on feel since they are similar sized? I have the Boogie (which is a fantastic poweramp). I have a Camplifier which is 8ohms and probably my fave solid state amp. If only it was in an enclosure and had a 4ohm tap. I have a Behringer Crown clone which is supposed to be good but sounds like complete :poop: to my ears/
Do you have any of the Blug amps? I wonder how it compares as a power amp? This Amped 1 actually looks great but you can't run it at 4ohms so that is a dealbreaker for me.

Sorry to report that you can't run the Amp1 at 4 ohms either. Only 8 & 16.

Edit: Just realised that Foxmeister said the same thing. Well, I have one here anyway and that little detail has always irked me.
Sorry to report that you can't run the Amp1 at 4 ohms either. Only 8 & 16.
Yeah I have came back to it a time or 5 to re-remind myself. I am still circling a used St. James but I don't really feel like I am going to fully like the results of it as a power amp other than the size and weight aspect.
There's probably little benefit to running directly into the FX return of the Amped 1 as the "Flat" pre-amp setting is described as:

If you went directly into the FX return, it should be no different to using flat with the controls at noon, and you'd be losing the additional EQ to tailor your sound.
Yeah you're probably right but I'd think it's still worth comparing the 2. It's not like it's hard.

But no big deal either way. I bought a Palmer Macht 402 power amp to try with the Syn2. It should be here on Friday and I'll post a review of anyone is interested