5153 50w EL34 - Better/Worse than 6L6/Stealth?

I have done that with other amps and did E34L in the outer sockets of my Simulclass Mk IIC+, but it needed tubes anyway. I’m pretty sure the difference is so subtle that minor adjustments of the tone stack can get me where I want with either. I got as far as looking up the price on Eurotubes, but yesterday they were out of stock on the E34L tubes. If I just get the 12AU7 it will save me $50.
I just looked for you too because I could swear I had a matched pair of E34Ls, but it turns up I just had an extra quad of Tung Sol EL34B in my tube bin. Damn, I was trying to hook you up :rofl
I just looked for you too because I could swear I had a matched pair of E34Ls, but it turns up I just had an extra quad of Tung Sol EL34B in my tube bin. Damn, I was trying to hook you up :rofl
Thanks. The site said they expect more in early February, so I might call them tomorrow. I hate replacing tubes that are still good, but having a spare set wouldn’t be a bad thing.
I’ve been working on amps for 30+ years and I’ve owned and worked on every iteration of the 5153 except the Stealth. I’ve also talked with the designer about the circuit changes across the line. Every version of these amps has a different preamp circuit, in some cases wildly different: the 6L6 head vs 6L6 combo comes to mind.

Rather than explain the differences and contribute to someone getting electrocuted or destroying their amp trying to mod it, I’ll simply say that: if I were buying a 5153 today, I would buy the EL34 head and perform the C137 mod on it.

That will give, in my opinion, the best version of each of the channels: (Green EL34, Blue 6L6, Red 6L6) If you prefer the 6L6 head because of the power tubes, just know that the Green channel has more bass filtering (less bass) and is higher gain than the EL34 version. The Blue channel on the EL34 with the C137 mod done is identical to the 6L6. The Red channels are the same across both amps stock.

The 5153 combos have completely different preamp circuits and have very little in common with the heads. They are much closer to the Stealth, which, in my opinion, has too much gain in the Green and Blue channels.
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I concur with all that in general, but especially about the gain on the combo's green channel. That thing don't wanna stay clean AT ALL.

I had Howard mod my combo to have the concentric EQ knobs as well as the gain and volume. It was great. He asked me if I wanted the clean mod as well which would've dropped the gain down on the green channel but I declined because I had the stealth head at the time and it's green channel was cleaner. And also, the combo green channel with gain cranked was kinda fucking awesome.

I talked with Howard over coffee for about an hour and he told me much of the same stuff. 👍
And also, the combo green channel with gain cranked was kinda fucking awesome.

I talked with Howard over coffee for about an hour and he told me much of the same stuff. 👍
The combo green channel is pretty similar to a JCM800 2204. You’re right, there is no clean.

Edited to add: Howard is one of the most generous people I’ve met in the amp world.