80s MIJ squiers?


Rock Star
TGF Recording Artist
What's the word on these? There's on at my local shop for $550 that I dig the look of, and I have a big tele sized hole in my collection. That price for something MIJ in 2024 is pretty compelling

Any downsides to these I should be aware of? How are the pickups? The bridge looks interesting

It’s pretty much same as any made in Japan fender but with a cheaper bridge. The pickups are bland budget generic too unfortunately. Certainly no JV squire.
What's the word on these? There's on at my local shop for $550 that I dig the look of, and I have a big tele sized hole in my collection. That price for something MIJ in 2024 is pretty compelling

Any downsides to these I should be aware of? How are the pickups? The bridge looks interesting


Everyone seems to love the E series, I think you can tell just by the serial number starting with an E. I think they were all made in the Fugijen plant along with the other MIJ Fender stuff and all the MIJ Ibanez stuff. Nothing shitty comes out of that factory.
I love my MIJ Squier. '86. I think they're a good value if you can get one super cheap stock or something a bit more with upgrades already.
The stock pickups sounded quite good except very noisy and the cavities weren't shielded either. So I've settled on Dimarzio area '58s and a super distortion s. The bridge was corroded enough where I wanted to change it out -- plus I like the modified vintage trem with the modern string spacing. Stock tuners were fine but I like locking tuners so put in some Planet waves. She's ones of my favorites.

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