New Killswitch album came out today. I got a little more than halfway through it and am fairly bummed with it because I was really hoping these guys would stretch out a bit and not release the same album they’ve been releasing since Jesse got back in the band.
Great guitar tones, as usual. Some great riffs here and there, but it’s just paint by numbers KsE and it’s really worn off me at this point. There’s pitch correction on every clean vocal and while it’s not the obvious Autotune sound, it’s all very clearly corrected. One song popped up, a clean guitar break comes with Adam singing and I think “Ah, now Jesse is gonna scream the first line of the chorus, whole band pause and come back in together for the last chorus” and that’s exactly what happened.
There’s still a few songs left, maybe there’ll be something cool, but I know I won’t be listening to this one again.