Hi-Fi What Hi-Fi ?


Rock Star
Howdy all, happy Sunday to all hope you all attended your Metal Church today
So I'm thinking we all love our music gear, but for all of us here how important also is you Hi-Fi Gear?
For me its quite important seeing as when not practicing/playing welll I'm listening to music
are you 2 Channel or Surround? are you modern or Vintage ?
for me its Vintage 2 channel only.

So Stone wants to know what you all use and preferer maybe share some of your favorite Hi-Fi Gear

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It ain't Hi-Fi unless you have these knobs (keep in mind this was from 2005):

Good vibrations, Bad vibrations it’s all about vibrations!! RAM would like to introduce a new signature level knob developed for the mighty Silver Rock potentiometer. The standard bakelite knob is certainly the best sounding compromise... but now Audio Consulting has taken this aspect of the Silver Rock much further. The new knobs are custom made with beech wood and bronze where the bronze is used as the insert to mount to the stem of the volume pot. The beech wood is coated several times with C37 lacquer for best sound as pointed out by Dieter Ennemoser. How can this make a difference??? Well, hearing is believing as we always say. The sound becomes much more open and free flowing with a nice improvement in resolution. Dynamics are better and overall naturalness is improved. Here is a test for all you Silver Rock owners. Try removing the bakelite knobs and listen. You will be shocked by this! The signature knobs will have an even greater effect…really amazing! The point here is the micro vibrations created by the volume pots and knobs find their way into the delicate signal path and cause degradation (Bad vibrations equal bad sound). With the signature knobs micro vibrations from the C37 concept of wood, bronze and the lacquer itself compensate for the volume pots and provide (Good Vibrations) our ear/brain combination like to hear…way better sound!!

I still don't understand
Some things are better left a mystery.

Ben Affleck What GIF by Amazon Prime Video
Honestly? My Hi-Fi rig consists of either Air Pod Pros or Beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro headphones into a Rupert Neve headphone amp.
I do have my Rokit 8's hooked up to a Stanton turntable but it's been a while since I've cranked it up.
Vinyl may or may not be Hi-Fi.

A $3000 stylus/cartrdige is expensive to me (my NAD C558 was only about $1000), but I knew someone years ago who had hand-made $10,000+ cartridges for his stereo. Which was also hand made and I can't remember how much it cost.
The closest thing to hifi is my Genelec M040 studio monitors.

In my living room hooked up to the TV I have a pair of affordable Magnat Quantum 603 speakers and a Denon AVR1610 receiver. I also have an old BK XLS200 subwoofer that needs its caps replaced so it's not in use atm.

The speakers are alright, I even bought them after liking a pair of Magnat 503 speakers. I used to have a 5.1 system but now only use the 603s in stereo.

The Denon is from something like maybe 2009. Denon's user interface was so terrible that there is a "Denon to English" guide somewhere on the 'net. Thankfully that is only needed for initial configuration. The only reason I haven't replaced it is that HDMI 2.1 receivers had a lot of issues when I was looking to buy one, and now I just haven't bothered spending money since the old Denon still works well enough and has room correction features.

For headphones I normally use Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro 250 Ohm because they are supremely comfortable. But they have also horrible high end emphasis so EQ correction is absolutely a must. My other headset is the Sennheiser HD6XX, a variant of the HD650. These sound great out of the box but are not quite as comfy as the DT990s.
When I was younger I had a Carver component based system.

These days it's primarily the theater room. I don't play any of my old vinyl.

  • 2006 ish Marantz AVR 5.1
  • Martin Logan monitors/speakers
  • REL 12" sub (front left of room pointed to opposite corner)
  • REL 9i 10" sub with passive 10" bottom firing speaker (rear right, pointed to opposite front corner) setup to feed bass into monitors, since I don't have a x.2 AVR.
  • Some inexpensive Sony DVD, CD/Blu Ray player - The upconverters are insanely good for the price.
    • For me this was the most sane choice since Oppo left the upscaling DVD market. Their players had arguably the best upscaling and converters for a period of time until they decided to move on to other things. And the NOS market is priced silly for existing players.

I've thought about getting some 1/4" to RCA connector cables and hook my Helix up to it for grins, but haven't to date.
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I thought about getting a nice vinyl setup but my music room, while functional for playing music, wouldn't be a great listening room too, so I can’t justify the rabbit hole it would inevitably send me down. Studio monitors it is.