What are you GAS'ing for at the moment ?

Maybe one of these but I'm really in "thin the herd" mode


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And now I'm staying the fuhk off of Reverb. I'm actually 100% set and good to go and I mean it damnit! :clint

Wanted a Mayones for years and years and years and now there's nothing else. And that's a good thing!
Best of luck on the sales, Dave! :beer

Not sure about that other nonsense you posted about staying off of Reverb, though. :idk Let's
not lose our minds and go crazy now. We've come so far!! :LOL:
I want an old VHT/Fryette Pitbull. Why? :unsure:

This compulsion to need/look at big ass tube amps is brutal. I don't use the
ones I already own. :brick

Maybe I am foolishly grasping at my lost and forsaken youth 100 watts at a time. :facepalm

I couldn't fight it. Talked with the store, great conversation - got a deal AND a free t-shirt! How 'bout that?

Not shipping until Monday, no point in it sitting in a FedEx depot over the weekend. Prob get next Wednesday :pickle :grin :banana
Looks to be arriving tomorrow! Hopefully the "hump" stays just in the day and totally away from the box/case/guitar! Not saying I'm not going to hump it, but that's a totally different thing!

First ever BKP pickups, too. Good chance they'll be the only ones ever, but you never know!

Currently GASing hard for a Luke. Not really into the current L4s as much but Iove this L3 in Bodhi Blue.
Sadly, I've never played a Luke and there's none close to me right now to try. I've played a Cutlass pretty extensively, though - anyone played both and can compare the neck shapes? :unsure:

Currently GASing hard for a Luke. Not really into the current L4s as much but Iove this L3 in Bodhi Blue.
Sadly, I've never played a Luke and there's none close to me right now to try. I've played a Cutlass pretty extensively, though - anyone played both and can compare the neck shapes? :unsure:

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Haven't played a Luke 3 but have a 4 SSS model. Neck is pure delight on it and doubt it's any different on the 3. I believe they described it as a V which I have no f'in clue where they got that from! To me it's a thin C.

If I could lower the middle pickup just another 1/8" it would be perfect, may have to rip that sucker out one of these days. This guitar is the counterbalance to all my humbucker guitars!
My GAS has shifted slightly Went form a Nick Johnston SSS to a HSS
now leaning towards this Schechter MV6, If my Tech can fix and configure it the way i like (hes on Vacation now so have to wait till he comes back and see what he says)




Haven't played a Luke 3 but have a 4 SSS model. Neck is pure delight on it and doubt it's any different on the 3. I believe they described it as a V which I have no f'in clue where they got that from! To me it's a thin C.

If I could lower the middle pickup just another 1/8" it would be perfect, may have to rip that sucker out one of these days. This guitar is the counterbalance to all my humbucker guitars!
Thanks! As far as I can tell the neck shape has not changed much at all over the years, so they’re probably close.

I did read that the pickup height can’t be adjusted on these guitars unless you want to mess around with foam or something. Screw that! Pun intended. :grin
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