What are we watching now?

I binge-watched Adolescent over the weekend. I actually liked the first and fourth episodes best. In the first episode your completely in the dark, which is inherently compelling, and in the last episode, the dad's performance is just riveting. Episode 2 was a bit of a slog for me; I just find high schools and high school students painfully dull.

It was cool how each episode seems to be written/ filmed in real time, essentially. (E.g. family drives to store; audience watches the drive in its entirety.) Each episode a 45 minute (give or take) slice of life. They just happen to be very intense slices.

Also watched Heretic (strong start, once Hugh Grant is on screen; but ultimately beset by every horror movie's undoing: how do you conclude things without letting all the air out?), and a couple episodes of No Good Deed. I like Ray Romano, generally, but I don't feel like this one is going anywhere. And Denis Leary's "edgy guy from Bahston" bit is starting to feel a little long in the tooth.
I think the performances in episode 4 were GREAT. I just think it meandered too much around the actual situation they were trying to go through and focused only on the emotions. Albeit in a way that allowed for STELLAR performances. Honestly; the friend who it still seemed like may have actually done it because he provided the weapon and looked basically just like the kid from a grainy CCTV aspect didn't really get resolved to my mind. The main suspect/kid definitely had problems but that other kid was just as if not way more suspect to all they showed us.

Heretic is killer, warts and all. No Good Deeds was fine; just a bit too long. I used to like Leary way back but his actual funny to performances ratio has been out of whack for a long time imo.
I think the performances in episode 4 were GREAT. I just think it meandered too much around the actual situation they were trying to go through and focused only on the emotions. Albeit in a way that allowed for STELLAR performances. Honestly; the friend who it still seemed like may have actually done it because he provided the weapon and looked basically just like the kid from a grainy CCTV aspect didn't really get resolved to my mind. The main suspect/kid definitely had problems but that other kid was just as if not way more suspect to all they showed us.

Heretic is killer, warts and all. No Good Deeds was fine; just a bit too long. I used to like Leary way back but his actual funny to performances ratio has been out of whack for a long time imo.
I can see what you mean re: episode 4. I took the meandering to be kind of the entire point, though. Like, absolutely incomprehensible, terrible thing happens, but a guy still has to be able to turn on his van and drive down the road. (Just watching him do so was incredibly stressful.) Honestly, by the time E3 was over, I took it as a foregone conclusion that the accused was guilty.

Denis Leary... yeah it's just kind of boring now. You're 1000 years old, maybe lose the sunglasses. And stop running your leather jackets through the wash; there are plenty of wrinkles on your face.
Didn't he get outted for being a weirdo whacking his waldo in front of women?

Not only that, but they were up and coming comedians touring with him, so they were afraid of what he could do to their careers if they said anything, which adds to it in this insidious way. If he did it to a friend they might tell him to fuck off, but if this is your big chance in your own career, now you're in a conundrum.
Just curious: from whom? (Apart from himself. Over and over and over again...)

(P.S. I didn't actually wake up this morning feeling compelled to be mean to Denis Leary. :D)
I liked him in Judgement Night, The Ref and Rescue Me was great. I never heard the joke thief bits till way later. I think most comedians have a window where they are good, then that window closes and they sort of jump that particular shark. Chappelle avoided the shark by taking 10 years off. Dane Cook has always sucked, joke thief or no. I never really like Louis CK. Terrible behavior or no.
I powered through Cobra Kai. Done. I vacillated from giving it a fat 10 for the nostalgia, the cool fight scenes, and twisted humour.... and then a big fat ZERO for the unending teen drama and unrealistic fight scenes. :LOL:

It was a fun ride. I wouldn't want to do it again, though.

Should have just called it "The Redemption Of Johnny Lawrence.... Sort Of... "

I powered through Cobra Kai. Done. I vacillated from giving it a fat 10 for the nostalgia, the cool fight scenes, and twisted humour.... and then a big fat ZERO for the unending teen drama and unrealistic fight scenes. :LOL:

It was a fun ride. I wouldn't want to do it again, though.

Should have just called it "The Redemption Of Johnny Lawrence.... Sort Of... "

Agree completely. I liked it because the nostalgia for the original movie for me is through the roof. That film hit all the right notes when I saw it as a 12 year old kid. It still has that emotional impact, 41 years later. The series could have been trimmed down to a 3-4(?) season KILLER but I get why they milked it a bit. The show had a LOT of teen filler BS but the original premise as well as how it turned out for Lawrence's character was great.
Well said. :beer

I enjoyed the upside down nature of the writing, too. Flipping Johnny and Daniel on their heads was a neat twist.
Good guy is bad. Bad guy is good. Stuff like that. I can't do the polarizing, everything is black-and-white nonsense.

I also like 30-35 minute episodes. I can be a bit like a Hamster at times. :LOL:
I loved Louis CK, got to see him in Atlanta, and it was unbelievable. I loved his TV show, and I loved all his specials, especially Hilarious. It killed me to hear he was one of those guys pulling this kind of shit. What makes it worse is I feel like he's a comedic genius. I have to separate art from the artist for a lot of things, but there are things where I just can't stand by them anymore.
It was cool how each episode seems to be written/ filmed in real time, essentially. (E.g. family drives to store; audience watches the drive in its entirety.) Each episode a 45 minute (give or take) slice of life. They just happen to be very intense slices.

Just finished this tonight. Wow, incredible acting through out. I was reading more about the filming and each episode was indeed filmed in one take. They did 10+ takes of each episode and used the best version. What amazing camera work.
I powered through Cobra Kai. Done. I vacillated from giving it a fat 10 for the nostalgia, the cool fight scenes, and twisted humour.... and then a big fat ZERO for the unending teen drama and unrealistic fight scenes. :LOL:

It was a fun ride. I wouldn't want to do it again, though.

Should have just called it "The Redemption Of Johnny Lawrence.... Sort Of... "

I didn't want to spoil it for you before, but I recommended you keep watching just for sensei Silver. He's such a great villain in this.
Watched a great new show on Hulu. Deli Boys. Two brothers inherit their father's convenience store empire and it turns out he was doing some extra-curricular, not so legal activity as his main hustle. Fast watch and hilarious crime comedy. Their original movies usually suck but Hulu get's these oddball shows from time to time and they always seem to hit it out of the park.
Just finished this tonight. Wow, incredible acting through out. I was reading more about the filming and each episode was indeed filmed in one take. They did 10+ takes of each episode and used the best version. What amazing camera work.
Wow, that is impressive. I had the sense that the pacing was deliberately unusual, but I never would have guessed they filmed entire episodes in single takes. It might be worth going back to watch a second time, with this in mind.