I got a Teisco ET-200 from Montgomery Ward Catalog early 70's. I really wanted a Les Paul [of course]. Couldn't really get serious with guitar til 1982 after coming home from a 15 month deployment in the Military. Had been pulling duty which included being up for 3 days at a time.
I drank heavily & smoked pot to sleep but that only works some.
VA was no help. Ended up w/a 20 yr alcohol / drug addition. Getting clean in 2001.
Could devote more to guitar & gear. I work alot now my shift starts 02:30hrs. Go to bed @ 19:00 hrs.
Married 10 years now to a wonderful wife. Been in many bands. Most folks here don't know the material.
All bands aren't created equal !
Cant really gig Fri & Sat nights as i work Tuesday thru Saturday.
But music is yuge with me. I never would have survived the80's if it wern't for the music.
I was finally able to score the only guitar i ever wanted a Custom Shop LPC in Antique White. Only took 40years but who cares lol.
I can't retire til 67 so my wife & i do our best.