Tonex Pedal....It's REAL

This and my Helix ... yep. Thanks very much. I'll make captures of my real world amps, my favourite Axe FX III amps+cab combinations, and have it all on a pedalboard with Helix and a bunch of ToneX's. Pleaaaasssseeee IK... don't fuck up the patch-switching lag/latency/gap of silence stuff!!!
@dk_ace Same. I'm already covered with an excellent modeller and a modest tube amp; both of which I love.

I've never been interested in profiling, but with the attractive price of entry on the Tonex pedal, well... I am definitely intrigued and am currently thinking "why not, eh?". I hope the A/D D/A converters are of decent quality, though.
Yes, the IK captures are pretty much crap across the board.

All of mine are f*****g sick as f**k though brosef.

I haven't got the pedal yet obviously, but would you mind sending me your captures before you delete them all...

you know... just in case?

Awkward Red-Faced GIF by moodman
My take.

A lot / most of the "user created" Tonex Profiles I've listened to seem to be at best "ok" quality ... my guess is numerous Fractal / Line 6 / Kemper tones "re-tonex'ed" and lots of Amps profiled in bedrooms with Attenuators crushing the dynamics and feel ,,, and even then with sweet f$$k all mics and little to no expertise etc......

My point ?

The Kemper *exploded* when pro studios / pro-musicians with great mics, great pre's, great acoustic environments, great ears and great micing knowledge etc..... started releasing pro-level packs ..... and when touring musos got their own amps profiled professionally ...... think Tone Junkie, Top Jimi ... and of course the king, Michael Britt.

Pedal or not ..... it will live or die on the quality of the TONEX Captures ...... sh$t = sh$t out.

To this end ..... I took the liberty of emailing Michael Britt directly with a link to this thread ..... and alerting him to the massive business opportunity this presets with someone with his unparalleled credentials in the profiling world ... I hope he takes note / interest.

Just imagine if he released his existing KPA Packs .... re-done ground-up for the TONEX.

My guess is %90 of TONEX buyers would buy them .... this could be a game changing device / release but it will depend totally on the availability of pro-level content done by pro-level creators.

If I hear back from Michael I will report back :)


PS: Only issue with the pedal is the lack of an EFX Loop ... although *maybe* the TRS Expression Pedal *may* be a 2-in-1 Exp or EFX Loop :)

PPS: Posted in the "other place" ... let see how long it lasts ;)
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I dunno. A lot of potential buyers actually have their own stuff to profile. Lack of commercial caps has not hurt the QC in terms of sales as near as we can tell.
I dunno. A lot of potential buyers actually have their own stuff to profile. Lack of commercial caps has not hurt the QC in terms of sales as near as we can tell.
QC has a customer based that are willing to spend. I have no doubt once marketplace is up that it will be hot.
Ok, I decided to open ToneX and see how far it's registered on tf do you download a capture? I'm clicking on Drew's and it just brings up a description, comments and audio clip. And holy sh*t there's a lot of terrible sounding clips on here.

Are these clips supplied by the user, or is it some generic DI they run through each capture? I know these are most likely known things already, I haven't paid much attention.

Edit- I got it.
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It was like 15 years ago we all figured IK would have their own version of the Line 6 style multi fx pedalboards and we were dead wrong. They got the chance now though!

I don;t know if this is the right price point, but no doubt it would sell.

What's the likelihood of the full amplitube suite being on a helix sized pedalboard with this thing as the amp brains?
This and my Helix ... yep. Thanks very much. I'll make captures of my real world amps, my favourite Axe FX III amps+cab combinations, and have it all on a pedalboard with Helix and a bunch of ToneX's. Pleaaaasssseeee IK... don't f**k up the patch-switching lag/latency/gap of silence stuff!!!
This is how I would see myself with this thing, but does it have SPDIF? The page is 404 now.if we gotta go in and out analog we're paying the converter delay both ways
I dunno. A lot of potential buyers actually have their own stuff to profile. Lack of commercial caps has not hurt the QC in terms of sales as near as we can tell.

I think the difference is that NDSP supplied a pretty nice set of captures from the jump and featured them in well-made, multi-scene presets.

Tonex factory content on the other hand is pretty yuck. Not at all unlike STL Tones Tonehub "profile player". Factory profiles are garbage, but the expansion packs curated by musicians and producers are pretty awesome, depending on your tastes.
Hahaha so I've already decided I'm just going to capture my own Fractal sounds for this pedal and never search for tones again. Nope. Not for me. I don't mind missing out on the couple amps not already in a Fractal if I never have to do that again. :rofl
I took a lot of shit for it, but I used the profiling amps to capture my favorite Bias FX amps. I tried like hell to recreate them in Helix with no luck. This would definitely solve that for me!