My take.
A lot / most of the "user created" Tonex Profiles I've listened to seem to be at best "ok" quality ... my guess is numerous Fractal / Line 6 / Kemper tones "re-tonex'ed" and lots of Amps profiled in bedrooms with Attenuators crushing the dynamics and feel ,,, and even then with sweet f$$k all mics and little to no expertise etc......
My point ?
The Kemper
*exploded* when pro studios / pro-musicians with great mics, great pre's, great acoustic environments, great ears and great micing knowledge etc..... started releasing pro-level packs ..... and when touring musos got their own amps profiled professionally ...... think Tone Junkie, Top Jimi ... and of course the king, Michael Britt.
Pedal or not ..... it will live or die on the
quality of the TONEX Captures ...... sh$t = sh$t out.
To this end ..... I took the liberty of emailing Michael Britt directly with a link to this thread ..... and alerting him to the massive business opportunity this presets with someone with his unparalleled credentials in the profiling world ... I hope he takes note / interest.
Just imagine if he released his existing KPA Packs .... re-done ground-up for the TONEX.
My guess is %90 of TONEX buyers would buy them .... this could be a game changing device / release
but it will depend totally on the availability of pro-level content done by pro-level creators.
If I hear back from Michael I will report back :)
PS: Only issue with the pedal is the lack of an EFX Loop ... although *maybe* the TRS Expression Pedal *may* be a 2-in-1 Exp or EFX Loop :)
PPS: Posted in the "other place" ... let see how long it lasts