Tonex Pedal....It's REAL

So I am wanting to upload this capture to ToneNet. I can't add my own author tag to it. Nor can I upload it because when I connect to ToneNet; the capture disappears in the list. Does anyone who designs this goddamn software actually try to use any of it?
This fucking thing is like a goddamn soap opera for me :rofl

angry soap opera GIF by General Hospital
I spent about 15 minutes playing factory presets earlier via my monitors. Bonsai and Dispatch Master in front as needed, stereo out. There is a pretty badass SLO and Orange (Rockerverb?) preset early in the preset queue. Also a pretty nice 800. Only made it through about a third of the presets before, life, but not bad. Gonna hook it up and download all the pro caps I’ve favorited tomorrow and run it through the PS100/412. That’s when I’ll be able to see if this thing really slaps. For only using factory presets, and via monitors (eww) early results are promising.

JT Industries Presents: Badlander, is going on the download list. :satan
...annnnnnd it's up on ToneNet. Or at the link below. J_Turkey Badlander 50. No cab. So add your own IR or run it through an amp and cab. You can goose it up with more gain or hit it with pedals and it sound quite nice for a first go round. I think? :bag¯\_(ツ)_/¯

JT Badlander 50
Tried it in the "auditioner" with a YA Mesa IR. Nice! really good balanced tone with the IR. Turning up the gain actually sounds good too.

Been up since 4 so I'm fairly useless but I think you've got the process working. Looking forward to more.

Gave it a thumbs up :)
Tried it in the "auditioner" with a YA Mesa IR. Nice! really good balanced tone with the IR. Turning up the gain actually sounds good too.

Been up since 4 so I'm fairly useless but I think you've got the process working. Looking forward to more.

Gave it a thumbs up :)
I haven't got anything working on the audition side of things :bag Thanks for the feedback \m/ Get some sleep!
I spent about 15 minutes playing factory presets earlier via my monitors. Bonsai and Dispatch Master in front as needed, stereo out. There is a pretty badass SLO and Orange (Rockerverb?) preset early in the preset queue. Also a pretty nice 800. Only made it through about a third of the presets before, life, but not bad. Gonna hook it up and download all the pro caps I’ve favorited tomorrow and run it through the PS100/412. That’s when I’ll be able to see if this thing really slaps. For only using factory presets, and via monitors (eww) early results are promising.

JT Industries Presents: Badlander, is going on the download list. :satan

The 5150 stock preset is solid \m/
I spent about 15 minutes playing factory presets earlier via my monitors. Bonsai and Dispatch Master in front as needed, stereo out. There is a pretty badass SLO and Orange (Rockerverb?) preset early in the preset queue. Also a pretty nice 800. Only made it through about a third of the presets before, life, but not bad. Gonna hook it up and download all the pro caps I’ve favorited tomorrow and run it through the PS100/412. That’s when I’ll be able to see if this thing really slaps. For only using factory presets, and via monitors (eww) early results are promising.

JT Industries Presents: Badlander, is going on the download list. :satan
If you take the other place conversation at face value, it might be best if you find captures of DIs instead of attempting to remove the cab on captures with baked in cab captures.
I haven't got anything working on the audition side of things :bag Thanks for the feedback \m/ Get some sleep!
Can't wait for some gained up ones from you. Gonna have to get my pedal ordered soon, but will be longer than I'd like... Had a second floor toilet leak (Eww!) so had abatement crew out today, more work to follow (and money to literally flush down the crapper) over the next couple weeks.
I haven't touched Tonex since launch when I grabbed their capture box. I did a handful of captures that were not so hot but showed promise lol.

So I did order a pedal... it was so cheap how could I not? My question is, is there a preferred method for the most accurate captures? Trying to figure out if I were to dedicate a few hours this weekend, should I use a di box? A load box with IRs loaded? A load box straight? Or a di of the amp straight into a cab with no load box?

Also is anyone using a rtx 4090 for a gpu? I think im just going to bite the bullet and get a whole new system. @IK Multimedia I'm wondering if the 24gigs of ram on the 4090 make much difference for tonex or not. I know it does for ai art tools and video rendering just curious if tonex will fly with one.
I haven't touched Tonex since launch when I grabbed their capture box. I did a handful of captures that were not so hot but showed promise lol.

So I did order a pedal... it was so cheap how could I not? My question is, is there a preferred method for the most accurate captures? Trying to figure out if I were to dedicate a few hours this weekend, should I use a di box? A load box with IRs loaded? A load box straight? Or a di of the amp straight into a cab with no load box?

Also is anyone using a rtx 4090 for a gpu? I think im just going to bite the bullet and get a whole new system. @IK Multimedia I'm wondering if the 24gigs of ram on the 4090 make much difference for tonex or not. I know it does for ai art tools and video rendering just curious if tonex will fly with one.

I wouldn't order a whole new system for this. My rig is pretty old (2017 i7 8700K, 32GB DDR4, GTX 1070Ti) and my Advanced capture took just over 20 minutes. One thing I noticed is that my system didn't really break a sweat on this, the GPU was at 5% and the CPU was 10%.

I created it with the IR baked in, I'm going to try some more tonight with just the amp.

I have a pretty unique setup, using an AXE III for the drives in front of the amp and all post effects from the AXE III after the amp. I had to use a separate digital interface to the computer, running in and out of the AXE.

I'm running the pedal into the AXE III.

I can have the real amp/reactive load, Kemper, AXE models and the TONEX Pedal all running though the AXE and switch via MIDI between any of them to compare. It's pretty cool.

The biggest issue I'm facing is EMI from the graphics card and USB ground loops. I have grounded all my USB connectors and it's much better but I need to move the computer farther away from my guitar.
I wouldn't order a whole new system for this. My rig is pretty old (2017 i7 8700K, 32GB DDR4, GTX 1070Ti) and my Advanced capture took just over 20 minutes. One thing I noticed is that my system didn't really break a sweat on this, the GPU was at 5% and the CPU was 10%.

I created it with the IR baked in, I'm going to try some more tonight with just the amp.

I have a pretty unique setup, using an AXE III for the drives in front of the amp and all post effects from the AXE III after the amp. I had to use a separate digital interface to the computer, running in and out of the AXE.

I'm running the pedal into the AXE III.

I can have the real amp/reactive load, Kemper, AXE models and the TONEX Pedal all running though the AXE and switch via MIDI between any of them to compare. It's pretty cool.

The biggest issue I'm facing is EMI from the graphics card and USB ground loops. I have grounded all my USB connectors and it's much better but I need to move the computer farther away from my guitar.
The main GPU isn't used, rather it's the cuda cores. The memory bandwidth is a big factor. If you overclock the memory it reduces training time also.
I can tell you that I captured a 2018 BE-100 last night. The Kemper always struggled to get an accurate Profile of this amp, Tonex nailed it. Although the Tonex capture had more gain and I had to back gain down a bit on the capture but it sounds more like the amp than the Kemper Profile.

Tonex does not roll of as well as the amp. Interestingly enough the AXE model of this amp rolls of extremely close to the real amp and the Kemper roll off is totally different.

Comparing all three of these (Kemper, AXE, Tonex) back to back to back against the real amp is really interesting. The AXE III models are so well represented using the latest Firmware on the AXE. What a testament to Cliff Chase and FAS, the models are just outstanding at this point.

Software is the key to all of these products. Kemper never updates their core Profiling algorithm so the same Profile you made in 2012 sounds just like the one you make today, great, good or bleh. FAS updates their software constantly and while you don't have to update, if you don't you don't get the goodies. You also have to literally "redo" ALL of your amp blocks in ALL of your presets when there is a major update. FAS customers put up with this because the updates make the product better.

The Kemper Rig Manager BLOWS TONEX AWAY in my opinion. AXE Edit is the single best device editor and device manager I've ever used, very close 2nd to Line6 and HX Edit.

None of the aforementioned products have a License Manager... but I understand why IK needs/wants this, although not so much with the Pedal other than they are selling you the 1000 captures they have made in Tonex Max, however the Kemper also comes with 100's of Rigs so...

The $399 price tag of the Tonex pedal and included Tonex Max/Amplitube 5 make it an incredible value and easy to overlook some of the negatives but time will tell how well Tonex and the pedal hold up.
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I can tell you that I captured a 2018 BE-100 last night. The Kemper always struggled to get an accurate Profile of this amp, Tonex nailed it. Although the Tonex capture had more gain and I had to back gain down a bit on the capture but it sounds more like the amp than the Kemper Profile.

Tonex does not roll of as well as the amp. Interestingly enough the AXE model of this amp rolls of extremely close to the real amp and the Kemper roll off is totally different.

Comparing all three of these (Kemper, AXE, Tonex) back to back to back against the real amp is really interesting. The AXE III models are so well represented using the latest Firmware on the AXE. What a testament to Cliff Chase and FAS, the models are just outstanding at this point.

Software is the key to all of these products. Kemper never updates their core Profiling algorithm so the same Profile you made in 2012 sounds just like the one you make today, great, good or bleh. FAS updates their software constantly and while you don't have to update, if you don't you don't get the goodies. You also have to literally "redo" ALL of your amp blocks in ALL of your presets when there is a major update. FAS customers put up with this because the updates make the product better.

The Kemper Rig Manager BLOWS TONEX AWAY in my opinion. AXE Edit is the single best device editor and device manager I've ever used, very close 2nd to Line6 and HX Edit.

None of the aforementioned product have a License Manager... but I understand why IK needs/wants this, although not so much with the Pedal other than they are selling you the 1000 captures they have made in Tonex Max, however the Kemper also comes with 100's of Rigs so...

The $399 price tag of the Tonex pedal and included Tonex Max/Amplitube 5 make it an incredible value and easy to overlook some of the negatives but time will tell how well Tonex and the pedal hold up.

I believe it'll be interesting to see how it holds up capturing more obscure amps that Kemper has slight trouble "nailing" the gain structuring exactly, e.g. old Ampeg guitar amps, but also thinking of LAB Series, Sunn o)), Acoustic, Peavey Musician/Standard etc.