The MIDI Overdrives thread


If you don’t know me, understand i can nerd out like almost no other on the minute details of a guitar rig. I’m currently building out a pedalboard that is unbelievably functional for what I do, but I am hard pressed to find a MIDI overdrive that I like. I basically need two sounds, a SD1 type overdrive for heavy and lead sounds, and a Mesa Tone Burst or JFET boost for cleans. I want one pedal that can do both, including a noise gate as well, and has MIDI.

So far I’ve had the Strymon Sunset overdrive. This pedal ticks all the boxes, except I’m not happy about how any of it’s modes sound with a high gain sound. It does something to the bass end that isn’t right, and every time I switch to a SD1, TS, or other overdrive the issue is resolved. The Sunset does sound amazing in it’s JFET mode for clean tone however and really compliments a clean amp.

My next attempt is the Source Audio LA Lady Overdrive. It looks like a pedal, but it’s a full suite of overdrives with a gate and MIDI. I can’t believe it’s as cheap as it is considering the feature set, so I’m cautiously optimistic it fits the bil, but we’ll see.

I don’t know that the Boss OD200 would be my deal even though I love the SD1, mainly because I had an MS3 years ago and found the drives to be sub-par compared to the real thing, and I’m making an assumption the OD200 has the same algorithms.

Do any of you nerd out this hard on this type of thing or is it just me? :D What do you recommend?
Here I Am Mirror GIF by Jeopardy!
My next attempt is the Source Audio LA Lady Overdrive. It looks like a pedal, but it’s a full suite of overdrives with a gate and MIDI. I can’t believe it’s as cheap as it is considering the feature set, so I’m cautiously optimistic it fits the bil, but we’ll see.

I have one. It sounds pretty killer (y)
How does it sound as a TS-style boost for heavy sounds?
Honestly, I haven't used it in a while since getting my FM9. I don't remember such specifics. I am planning to use it for a synth pedalboard I'm soon putting together.

It's extremely tweakable with the Neuro app. Huge range of tones.
Try the Strymon Riverside. It has a ton of EQ control over its sound and scales from "does nothing" to "as much gain as you'd ever need" and everything in between really well. Most versatile overdrive pedal I've ever tried. It does have a learning curve on how to work the EQ to your liking tho. It also works great as a buffer and has a noise gate on it though that only works if the pedal is on.

As a dark horse option you could consider the Strymon Compadre. Unlike most Strymons, it's actually fully analog but digitally controlled. The boost side can be a clean boost + one of the EQ options (treble boost, mid boost or flat) or a Tube Screamer style overdrive with one of the above. You also get a very good compressor that does "transparent" things that just add a bit of sustain or the DynaComp "sweetened EQ" thing.
If you're really particular about your drive pedals, maybe just invest in a loop switcher solution, e.g. JHS Switchback? It does add some expense, but it's likely to add value (versatility) down the road.
If you're really particular about your drive pedals, maybe just invest in a loop switcher solution, e.g. JHS Switchback? It does add some expense, but it's likely to add value (versatility) down the road.
Been there and that’s a good idea, but I’m specifically looking to have the pedal change via MIDI instead of using a loop to bring it in and out. I’m putting it on a pedalboard with a Morningstar MC6 and I could add the Morningstar loop device, but I think I can find a pedal that does the trick. The sunset OD is halfway there - the JFET overdrive on it is so good for cleans, it brightens up, compresses, and adds sparkle to any clean sound. I’m just not excited about what the TS side of the pedal can do, as all of those choices sound good in the highs and mids, but do something unusual to the bass that just doesn’t sit right.

I have a LA Lady on order and I think it will do the trick, but we’ll see.
+1 on the Strymon Riverside. Even without MIDI it's one of my most useful pedals. I would think it would be perfect for this.
If you don’t know me, understand i can nerd out like almost no other on the minute details of a guitar rig. I’m currently building out a pedalboard that is unbelievably functional for what I do, but I am hard pressed to find a MIDI overdrive that I like. I basically need two sounds, a SD1 type overdrive for heavy and lead sounds, and a Mesa Tone Burst or JFET boost for cleans. I want one pedal that can do both, including a noise gate as well, and has MIDI.

So far I’ve had the Strymon Sunset overdrive. This pedal ticks all the boxes, except I’m not happy about how any of it’s modes sound with a high gain sound. It does something to the bass end that isn’t right, and every time I switch to a SD1, TS, or other overdrive the issue is resolved. The Sunset does sound amazing in it’s JFET mode for clean tone however and really compliments a clean amp.

My next attempt is the Source Audio LA Lady Overdrive. It looks like a pedal, but it’s a full suite of overdrives with a gate and MIDI. I can’t believe it’s as cheap as it is considering the feature set, so I’m cautiously optimistic it fits the bil, but we’ll see.

I don’t know that the Boss OD200 would be my deal even though I love the SD1, mainly because I had an MS3 years ago and found the drives to be sub-par compared to the real thing, and I’m making an assumption the OD200 has the same algorithms.

Do any of you nerd out this hard on this type of thing or is it just me? :D What do you recommend?
Boss OD-200?
I've owned a Kernom Ridge for the past 18 months. All analogue, every knob controllable using MIDI, 128 presets, clean boost, soft clip, hard clip. Takes an expression pedal directly or CC commands from your MIDI controller. It was the only drive on my "band" board. I think it does an awful lot and does it well. I recently tried a Brothers and liked it, but still preferred the Ridge, so sold it on.