Overdrive pedal recommendation

Defenitely a pedal that I could as well use twice on the same board as it's very flexible. The mid control is just great, seems to be located pre-drive so it actually alters your drive characteristic.
If I would have a wish, it'd however be for the pedal to go a tad lower in gain. Even at 0, in punch mode and with the mid control turned up, there's still quite some drive happening already. In general, especially in punch mode,
Do you have your pedals in some form of loopswitching thingy?
If you do…eq block in front in de GT that switches on/of with a scène/preset/stomp selection…gets you more out of one pedal. Or, adressing the above, a gain reduction at the send/input of the pedal.

I started the above in a hybrid rig with analog pedals, but still use the concept of using very few drive types, and alter them with an eq block triggered by scenes or a stomp, in the digital world.
Do you have your pedals in some form of loopswitching thingy?

Just in the loop of the GT-1000. There's some pedals and an HX Stomp for all dirt sound duties.

If you do…eq block in front in de GT that switches on/of with a scène/preset/stomp selection…gets you more out of one pedal. Or, adressing the above, a gain reduction at the send/input of the pedal.

I'm doing it exactly like that since ages, even with analog stuff (I started using loopswitchers around 20 years ago already). My standard to transform pretty much any rhythm sound into a lead tone is to add a light compressor or a kind of "hair" drive pre-dirt, usually also adding a bit of a volume boost (so there's a tad more drive) and an EQ post-dirt to balance the lead level (and usually add some mid bits). Works equally well for driven and clean sounds.
Two days of gigging with the Wampler Triumph and I can pretty much certainly say that this is a very, very good pedal. Seemed just a tad honky during soundcheck, dialed the mids back 1-2 "digits", done. Excellent dynamics, cutting through well.
Size is pretty much perfect, too, given that the I/O sockets are located at the top. Could place two of them directly next to each other and still operate the switches, that's what things should be like. Pots feel very worthy, very nice friction so you don't accidentally turn them, most excellent visibility.
Seriously considering to either get another one or a Phenom, which seems to basically start in the middle of the Triumph's "aggressivity range". These two (plus one of my usual "more dirt" RC Booster clones) would possibly cover pretty much any ground I'd ever really need to cover live.
Very happy with that purchase.
if you like the OD-3 and just need some additional control of the low-end, what about an ODR type drive? something like an ODR-C, with the low-cut option externally?

First suggestion, WELL over the OP's stated budget. Lol
I love Boss but I am happy with my SD-1 and Charlie Brown. Shamelessly borrowed 40$ from my dad to get Charlie Brown. Had kept 100$ aside.
I have lots of fun with the SD-1. Haven’t tried the Charlie Brown. I’ll have to look at that one.

If I didn’t want a shitload of pedals(which I have)I’d put money away whenever I could and even if it takes a year or 2 to reach the $400 mark(tax included).

Then I’d by a PXO by JRockett. I can’t not play mine. I still love my other pedals. They’re even sentimental to my years of trying new gear. They mean something special to me. Not the shit ones though. After all these years and pedal buys, I could live with just this one. Desert Island pedal.

Phil X got JRockett to craft a great one. Thanks Phil. Thanks JRockett.
