Overdrive pedal recommendation

No RAT on your list ?

I only like the flavor of distortion it has if the distortion knob is turned to about 30%

Beyond that it sounds, for the lack of a better word, "harsh".

My friend who repairs pedals for a hobby says it is so because some of us prefer pedals based on their clipping.

I don't remember it too well, but I think he had said tubescreamer and bluesbreaker (or was it blues driver?) pedals have different kind of clipping.

DS-1, Rat etc. have different kind of clipping if I remember what he had said.

I maybe wrong but I think my SD-1, the OD-3 and Nobels ODR-1 are a mixture of two different kinds of clipping types. I guess maybe that is why they sound different than a tubescreamer, but they are not too harsh like the RAT.
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